
Male Inferiority and Female Supremacy in the World of Immortal Cultivation

Fang Zhou transmigrated into the immortal cultivation world, and the first thing he did was personally cancel his engagement. As a straightforward and macho man, he decided to cancel the engagement to a beautiful girl with a great figure. In this world where men were inferior and women were esteemed, the righteous were women, the villains were women, the cultivators were women, and even the gods who created the heavens and earth were women. Female warriors robbed the rich to help the poor and explored the world with their swords. Men, on the other hand, had to be cautious when going out so that they could protect themselves, lest they be robbed of their wealth and dignity, leaving them with nothing. Transmigrating into such a world, Fang Zhou, a handsome man who was desired wherever he went, felt immense pressure. Girls wanted to play with him and even tried to capture him and take him home. For the sake of his own life, Fang Zhou had no choice but to fight against women to the end. "Get lost, you annoying woman! Don't disturb my cultivation!"

Pigeon Slayer · Fantasi Timur
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40 Chs

As A Person Of Principle, How Could I Just Stand By And Watch?

Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Inside the main hall, several disciples of the Xuan Ji Sect gathered, casting envious glances towards the side hall.

They too desired Fang Zhou, but with Li Ruyu already setting her sights on him, they didn't dare to intervene.

One disciple rubbed her hands together with a sly smirk. "Even if we can't have a first taste, perhaps we can... enjoy him after Senior Sister Li is done?"

The comment elicited laughter from the group.

However, another disciple frowned, "Something's off. Why can we only hear Senior Sister Li's voice and not Junior Brother?"

Hearing this, the rest also tuned in. Indeed, only Li Ruyu's voice echoed with laughter from the side hall. Fang Zhou had made a brief noise initially, but then all was silent.

A growing sense of unease settled among them, prompting the disciples to approach the side hall. What they saw left them in shock.

Inside, Li Ruyu was undressed, her body concealed by a mosaic effect, her face rosy with a triumphant yet distant smile. There was no sign of Fang Zhou.

Fang Zhou, who suppose to be in the side hall, was nowhere to be found.

"Senior sister, what are you doing?"

Several disciples rushed in, pulling Li Ruyu to her feet.

Regaining her senses, Li Ruyu looked around, a mix of surprise and irritation evident on her face. "What's happening? Why did you all barge in?"

The situation was discussed hastily. Some noticed traces on the wall of the side hall, suggesting recent movement.

It became clear that Fang Zhou had escaped.


A piercing whistle resonated from outside the temple, signaling the alarm system Li Ruyu had installed.

"He's getting away! Catch him and bring him back!"

Li Ruyu quickly put on the clothes her junior sister handed her, her delicate face twisted in anger.

She never expected that she would be tricked by a man who she could crush easily, it was humiliating.

She must capture Fang Zhou and let him know the consequences of infuriating her


"Huff! Huff!"

Fang Zhou ran wildly through the forest, stumbling numerous times.

As Li Ruyu entered the side hall, Fang Zhou promptly cast an illusion spell on her and fled.

Even though he had abandoned the idea of escaping earlier, the threat to his life compelled him to run. Staying would mean certain death, wouldn't it?

He wasn't certain how long his illusion spell would deter Li Ruyu. Given that she was at the Foundation Building stage, her mental resilience surpassed that of an average person. Regardless of how many times he stumbled, Fang Zhou couldn't afford to stop.

[Successfully resisted the harassment]

[Reward: Masculinity x4, Blue Card x1]

The moment Fang Zhou escaped from the temple, a mission success notification appeared. Whether he could escape tonight or not, it was all up to his luck now.

Fang Zhou invested all four points of his masculinity into speed. In an instant, he felt as though he might soar.

A blue card was slowly rotating in his mind.

[Blue Card: Provides a chance to receive a high-quality item or skill. A premium item or skill has a lower probability.]

Fang Zhou chose to draw. The blue card spun quickly and then shattered into light points. The light points reformed into a semi-transparent left hand.

[Random Left Hand: Summons an unseen left hand, proficiency will affect control accuracy]

Another skill card, but its utility seemed questionable.

After deploying this skill, a ghostly left hand emerged behind his shoulder, greatly surpassing the length of his actual hand.

As soon as the Random Left Hand appeared, it started waving around wildly, breaking tree branches, pulling up weeds, and slapping Fang Zhou in the face.

"Pft, what the heck is this?"

Fang Zhou's heart sank, at this moment what he needed most was an item or skill that could help him escape. Instead, he drew a hand that he couldn't control.

However, he soon realized the hand wasn't entirely uncontrollable. He could direct it when concentrating, but any distraction led to its random antics.

Its function remained unclear. Even with this added appendage, he couldn't best Li Ruyu.

"Junior Brother, stop running!"

Li Ruyu's voice resonated from behind, enveloping the entire forest.

Startled, Fang Zhou abandoned his musings on the hand and redoubled his efforts.

The path at the base of the mountain was obstructed by a temple, forcing him to head uphill. When he reached the top, a vast and seemingly bottomless cliff stretched before him.

"Darn, why do these chases always end up at a cliff!! If I jump down, will I discover some hidden ancient script?!"

Fang Zhou muttered angrily, but the rapidly closing sound of Li Ruyu left him no time to change his course.

After a quick scan of the surroundings, Fang Zhou made up his mind. He took off one of his shoes and leaped off the cliff.

Within moments, Li Ruyu and her junior sisters arrived at the edge of the cliff.

One of them picked up the shoe on the ground and peered over the dark cliff. Her expression shifted, "Did Junior Brother Fang jump down? What do we do now?"

All eyes turned to Li Ruyu, waiting for her decision.

Li Ruyu's face was grim. She wasn't scared of Fang Zhou taking risks, but she was afraid of him actually dying, as she would be at a loss for words when explaining to the elders back in the Sect.

"We must confirm his state, dead or alive. Search below."

Her voice was cold as she turned and walked away, her junior sisters trailing behind her.

Hanging a few meters below the cliff, Fang Zhou sighed in relief.

His hands tightly gripped a vine, his body clinging to the inward-curving cliff face, hidden from view above.

Fang Zhou felt lucky for the small extra strength he increased. Without it, he would not have been able to hang on.

He planned to climb back up once everyone had left, and then leave the Yun Mountain region. He no longer had any intention of heading to the Xuan Ji Sect.

As he was thinking this, a force suddenly surged up the vine, propelling him upwards. He was thrown up over the cliff, arcing through the air, before landing heavily on the ground.

Despite his pain, he scrambled up, only to find Li Ruyu and the others, who were supposed to have left, still there. In Li Ruyu's hand was the vine he had been hanging from.

Looking at Fang Zhou, Li Ruyu sneered, "You thought such a childish trick could fool me?"

She spoke as if she had not been tricked a moment ago.

A cold sweat ran down Fang Zhou's forehead.

They were five, and he could only cast four illusion spells. He could neither outfight nor outrun the remaining one.

He was cornered.

Li Ruyu moved closer to Fang Zhou, "Junior Brother, stop this foolishness. We can act as if nothing happened."

Yeah right, Fang Zhou thought to himself, as if he could trust her, this cunning woman.

Fang Zhou retreated step by step, his mind racing to find a way out.

A large tree obstructed his retreat, yet he was still at a loss for a plan.

Suddenly, Fang Zhou wore an expression of surprise, pointing behind Li Ruyu and the others, "There's someone behind you."

Caught off guard, Li Ruyu paused, then laughed bitterly, "Junior Brother, stop with these cheap tricks."

Drawing her sword, she hurled it toward Fang Zhou.

The sword whizzed past, narrowly missing his head, only to embed itself in the tree trunk.

Li Ruyu smirked, "Next time, it won't be the tree, but your body. Now, behave and apologize."

After considering for a moment, Fang Zhou extracted the sword lodged in the tree, lightly swinging it, "Thanks for the weapon."

Li Ruyu's eyes widened in surprise, her face contorting with anger. She strode towards Fang Zhou.

She had intended to force him into submission with an apology, but he seemed to persist in his defiance. It was time to apply a heavier hand.


Suddenly, a branch flew out of nowhere, landing in front of Li Ruyu, obstructing her path.

Li Ruyu stared at the branch on the ground and quickly spun around.

Her junior sisters followed suit, their gazes landing on a woman in white reclining atop a large nearby tree.

It was the same woman they had encountered earlier that day.

Li Ruyu was taken aback, her feelings a mix of surprise, anger, and a tinge of caution. She addressed the woman in white, "Why are you following us?"

The woman in white stood, her long ponytail and white dress dancing in the night wind. Under the moonlight, she resembled a celestial being.

"I couldn't sleep and decided to take a stroll, only to find you ladies bullying a young man. As a person of principle, how could I just stand by and watch?" she replied, grinning.

Fang Zhou felt a surge of gratitude. He hadn't expected help in this desperate moment. This stranger had added a glimmer of warmth to his grim, hopeless situation.

Hiding her annoyance, Li Ruyu inquired, "Your intentions?"

The woman thoughtfully replied, "Let's share the loot. Include me."

Li Ruyu: ("▔□▔)

Fang Zhou: (#゚Д゚)

Damn, I almost forgot she's a flirty woman too!