
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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Why Kallen is the bishop?

Luo Mo knew that the first step to achieving his goals was to build up his own resources. Then, he could use Schicksal's help to develop a game that would fulfill the system task. He would grow stronger, reach new heights, and complete a cycle of success. The system's rewards would enable him to accelerate this process endlessly, and soon he would be at the top of the world.

That was his plan a few days ago, anyway.

However, he also knew that things might not go as smoothly as he hoped. The day after he uploaded his manuscript, he woke up and wondered if he should clean up this 'home' that he had been staying in for a few days.

After all, there was no guarantee that his manuscript would be noticed by Schicksal and Otto. It was also possible that the bishop would just smile and ignore it.

So, he had to have a backup plan. If things didn't work out, he could always go back to his old ways of making money.yeah making sticky novel.He didn't feel bad about borrowing a bit of history for his work. He was new to this world and didn't have time to study up on it. Besides, he doubted the history books would even mention the exciting adventures of Otto and Kallen.As Luo Mo changed his clothes, he thought about what might happen to his manuscript. He stretched, decided to get out of bed, and go for a walk. Maybe he'd find some new ideas along the way.Lost in thought, he heard three knocks on the door."Who could that be?" he wondered. He figured it was probably the person who lived here. How would he explain himself? Maybe he could say he was just borrowing the place for a bit and would pay rent as soon as he could.

He was still thinking as he twisted the doorknob.

"Good day, sir. I'm from the Schicksal Group. Your work has really impressed our president, and she asked me to personally deliver this invitation to you."The girl who spoke had beautiful, gray-gold hair that covered her left eye. Her other eye was a striking wine-red. She wore a neat black maid outfit, and a tiny mole at the corner of her eye added to her charm.Her words were polite, even sweet, but they sent shivers down Luo Mo's spine.A gorgeous woman in a maid outfit stood at his door. This was no ordinary woman, though – this was an S-level Valkyrie! These powerful warriors weren't easily swayed. Even the smoothest talker would have trouble getting past one.Luo Mo felt a wave of panic. He had just finished writing a story, and now one of the characters was standing right in front of him! Even though he hadn't written anything inappropriate yet, seeing a person from his book in flesh and blood was unsettling.

But he had no reason to be scared, right?

Luo Mo realized he had made a mistake. Trying to create a game from scratch was a bad idea. It would take forever, and he might even get into legal trouble.Should he wait until the Honkai threat was over to release the game? Or until all the Valkyries were gone? That would be a sad irony.No, there was only one real option: to work with either Schicksal or Anti-Entropy.

or Luo Mo, this was a simple multiple-choice question. Although Anti-Entropy might be more righteous in the original story, all the Valkyries were affiliated with Schicksal.

For Luo Mo, this was an easy choice. Even though Anti-Entropy might seem like the "good guys," all the Valkyries were connected to Schicksal. Plus, he wanted to work with Schicksal anyway, and it seemed like regular people were safer there.

Most importantly, Anti-Entropy didn't seem to have a good grasp of how to make things happen. Judging by the arrival of the third Honkai and queen arrival, Anti-Entropy's bankruptcy seems imminent. When funds run out, they will undoubtedly cut off their game planning budget.

Without the Valkyries, they'd have trouble with voice acting and character design. And making a game that went against Schicksal? That was just asking for trouble.

In front of Otto, all you have to do is write something that compliments Kallen and show proper manners. Then express your admiration for Karen, who was known as the Saint Kallen of Schicksal 500 years ago.

Next, express your wish to develop a game about Kallen and devote a few more chapters to her. The funding will flow like water.

After that, I can secretly set up the gacha system with crystal and gacha. When the time is right, I can use the cheat from the system to betray Otto.Okay, maybe that plan is a little crazy. Or is it? No, it's not crazy.Well... maybe it is a bit crazy. I could change the part about betraying Otto.

but I don't regret taking this action at all. In many ways, my plan to connect with Schicksal has been quite successful, despite a few minor setbacks.

Every plan has some risks, though. How can you survive in the post-Honkai world without taking a few chances?To activate the system's special features, I have to create a game first. I need the system's help to move forward. If I tried to make the game on my own, it would take too long, and I'd have trouble with character art and voice acting.

All he did was write some clues about Honkai, natural and man-made disasters, the power of the abyss, and the typical maid lady.

Then he wrote about Otto and his wife Kallen traveling around the country together, having fun, performing heroic deeds, and saving lives. he stopped writing after depicting the first half of the Black Death and upload it.

I thought that maybe if I wrote another volume, B-level Valkyries would come to fetch me. I have already planned out the next volume. Kallen discovers the truth and they separate.

Otto continues to protect her secretly, despite his helplessness.

There are two ways the story could go from there. If Kallen dies, Otto becomes like a Immortal and lives for another 500 years. But if Kallen lives, she and Otto go on a journey together. Their different ideas lead to interesting discussions, and their friendship brings them joy.Until I can meet the Valkyries at their headquarters, I have to deal with Otto and show that I'm loyal to Schicksal. The most important thing is to subtly show how much I admire the Saint Lady and say that I wrote this book to honor her."Sir, are you ready to go? The car is waiting for you."Rita saw that Luo Mo wasn't moving, so she stepped closer and pressed something sharp against his waist. He didn't want to know what it was, and he didn't need to."Yes, yes! Let's go," Luo Mo said, trying to sound calm.

He followed Rita down the stairs. Amid the gossip of the neighbors and the astonished eyes of the two aunts, he went downstairs and got into the luxury car that belonged to Schicksal.

Neighbors naturally saw Schicksal's unique luxury car, wondering which family was so lucky to work in Schicksal.

Luo Mo was happy and wanted to leave quickly. He really hoped he could meet the Bishop soon. His legs felt a little stiff, though. Maybe he was just too excited.Rita filled out her task report. Today's job was easy, she thought.She hadn't been assigned to pick up Luo Mo. She had been working in the city when she got a message from the Bishop. She had worked with China before and happened to be fighting the Honkai in this city.The Bishop asked her to pick up Luo Mo, and then she had to go back to Schicksal headquarters for a meeting. She had volunteered for this quick job.She was curious about what made an ordinary person interesting enough to catch the Bishop's attention.

But she was even more excited to get back to headquarters. She wanted to see Miss Durandal and then visit Lady Cecilia with her. So she wanted to speed up the task process in her own maid-like way.

On the plane to Schicksal headquarters, Luo Mo wanted to ask Rita some questions. This was a rare chance to talk to someone important from the story.He had searched for Nagazora City online, and it confirmed that he was in the Honkai world. But some things still felt off, like how an S-level Valkyrie had come to get him so quickly.

It seemed that he had missed some details. Luo Mo frowned and thought hard, wondering where he had gone wrong.

The whole thing with Nagazora City seemed strange. How could a small factory explosion wipe out an entire city? There should have been news online, unless Schicksal was hiding it.

And it was very unlikely that someone would come looking for him on the second day.

Another thing: he couldn't find Otto's name anywhere online. He only knew of one villain named Otto Apocalypse, but there was nothing about him online. Was it because Schicksal didn't allow people to use the Bishop's name?Luo Mo carefully considered these inconsistencies. Something didn't add up.

The system was really unhelpful. It did not respond when he asked about reality-related questions. When he asked about other functions, they were all in an unlocked state. He could not get any useful information.

"Rit-, lovely maid lady, who are we going to meet? I never expected my work to receive such attention!" Luo Mo opened his mouth and realized his mistake. He wasn't supposed to know Rita's name yet. He quickly changed his words, putting on a look of excitement.

Rita looked confused for a second, then thought for a moment. She opened her device, tapped a few things, and nodded as if she understood something."You'll be meeting with our bishop at Schicksal headquarters," she said. "She was very impressed by your novel, and you can talk to your editor there."

Luo Mo nodded, pretending to be excited, Even though he couldn't tell the difference between a bishop and an editor, he wanted to keep up the act.

Luo Mo felt frustrated. How could writing a story earn him the Bishop of Schicksal's attention? It seemed impossible. He wasn't getting any useful information out of Rita, either. But he knew that even though there was a president of the company, the real power was with the Archbishop of Schicksal.He wasn't prepared for the shock he would get when he saw who the Archbishop and President were.When he left the airport, he was surrounded by signs with the Schicksal logo. He had heard on the plane that this city was named Schicksal City, in the heart of Europe. It was definitely the most important city on the continent.The city was modern and prosperous. Tall skyscrapers with glass walls reflected the busy streets below. People rushed by, clutching papers in their hands. The bright lights painted a picture of a city that never slept.Luo Mo couldn't enjoy the city's sights. He felt uneasy. Did a city named Schicksal really exist? What about the floating island that was supposed to be their headquarters? No, wait, she said the headquarters of the Schicksal Group. Maybe they had a company as a front, but he still felt like something wasn't right.

And as Rita entered the inner city, he saw that there was another Space within Schicksal City, and entry required strict checks. They entered a splendid building, where the glass reflected slightly, and at the door were not burly men, but two young girls.

Rita led him to a hidden elevator, swiped a card, and stood beside him. The elevator shot up quickly, and he didn't have time to think. He straightened his clothes as they went up, then followed Rita to a room that looked like a place for prayer.

A prayer room? Did Otto still pray? Luo Mo felt a surge of panic. This was not how things were supposed to be.

However, he had no time to indulge in his fears. He was about to face one of the most dangerous men in this world in a conversation. If he played his cards right, he could complete his system task and become incredibly successful. But if he said the wrong thing and made Otto suspicious, he could lose everything.

This sudden change of plans had caught him off guard. He was struggling to understand what was happening."Bishop, I've brought the person you asked for," Rita said softly. "Should I come in with him?" She knocked gently on the door.-----

edited, thank you for reading this 

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