
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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355 Chs

Two Tuna Fighting, One Must Fall

The puppet waved a familiar object in the air. "Recognize this? Remember who used to hold it?" Its voice was sharp, mocking.

"Yes, yes, tell me your answer! Murata Himeko is dead!"

The puppet's voice continued to chatter incessantly, a constant annoyance.

But Kiana didn't react in the way the puppet expected. She didn't fall into despair, scream in agony, or appear completely broken.

She merely lowered her gaze, her eyes filled with sadness and longing. The countless fragments of their shared past threatened to shatter her, but she knew there were still things she needed to do.

There were promises she had made.

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. When she opened them again, she was a warrior once more. Her gaze was steady and calm, like a lake after a storm.

The puppet was furious. "Hey! Are you deaf?! Or do you just not understand? Murata Himeko is dead! Dead, dead, dead! Do you hear me?!" it shrieked.

It was as if the puppet was the one who had lost someone important, not Kiana. It continued its cruel taunts, relentless in its attack.

"Did you think I'd fall to my knees, crying and screaming that it's not true?" Kiana's voice was steady, but even she couldn't hide the pain she felt.

The puppet continued its taunts. "You know, we found this gem all alone in the Imaginary Space," it said in a fake sweet voice. "That's so strange. Shouldn't it be part of the Vermilion Knight Armor? Shouldn't she be wearing it? Where did she go?"

The puppet's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Who knows? Haha! You've always known, haven't you? That day, she died! You killed her!"

"She's just a mortal, she couldn't possibly escape the Imaginary Space. She couldn't even sustain her own existence!"

Kiana was done with the puppet's games. She was surrounded by a small group of puppets, but she easily defeated them with her pistols.

From one of the fallen puppets, she grabbed the Haste Gem and held it tightly in her hand.

"I don't know what kind of reaction you want from me," Kiana said, her voice filled with determination.

"But I know what Himeko-sensei would want me to do!"

[She'll never die! She smiles through the flames, she's reborn from the fire!]

[I can't take this anymore. You're the one who's dead, dead, dead! Why do you keep saying that?! (Angry]

[Darn puppet, I was almost on your side... Guess I have to fight you now!]


"I can't stand it!" she yelled. "This puppet is so annoying! All it does is talk nonsense!"

Tesla slammed the object in her hand onto the ground with a forceful gesture, letting out a sharp clang.

Einstein watched Tesla, her head tilted slightly. "You mean," she said slowly, "that the puppet is similar to Dr. Tesla?"

Tesla stopped, her mouth hanging open in shock. Had Einstein really just compared her to an annoying puppet?

Einstein continued, thinking out loud. "After all, sometimes Dr. Tesla says things that don't make sense. And sometimes, she does experiments that seem to have no purpose."

Tesla couldn't believe her ears. She was so surprised that she couldn't even think of a retort right away. Finally, she sputtered, "Mophead… are you saying that I'm just like that puppet? That my mind is full of garbage?"

Einstein smiled mischievously. "Well," she said, "I haven't actually done a comparison. But I certainly could! It would be a fascinating experiment."

Tesla was outraged. "You can obviously see we're nothing alike!" she shouted. "Why would you even need an experiment? Are you just bored or something? *&%¥" She ended her tirade with a string of words that would make even the most seasoned sailor blush.

In the Golden Courtyard,

"The Herrscher of Dominance... such a nuisance. Though I rarely say I dislike anything, that mouth... really, in comparison, Dr. Mobius's mouth is much sweeter~"

Elysia furrowed her brow, recalling the memory as she tapped her cheek.

Vill-V, who had been listening with amusement, suddenly froze. Her eyes darted between Elysia and Mobius, widening in realization. "Oh~" she breathed, a knowing smile spreading across her face. "I see."

Mobius, however, was utterly confused. "What are you talking about?" she snapped, her cheeks flushing pink. "Elysia, stop talking nonsense! And don't compare me to those puppets!"

What on earth was Elysia implying? It was ridiculous. She had never... well, she certainly wouldn't do anything like that! Mobius shot a nervous glance around the courtyard.

Everyone was staring at them with strange expressions - Vill-V with amusement, Eden with knowing grace, even Aponia seemed to be suppressing a smirk. Klein, bless her heart, just looked confused.

Mobius buried her face in Klein's hair, trying desperately to make sense of the situation.

Could Elysia be referring to something that happened while she was asleep? She wracked her brain, trying to recall any missing memories.

"Be clear!" Mobius demanded, finally looking up. "Don't be so vague."

Elysia simply chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh my, did I give you the wrong idea?" she asked innocently. "I simply meant that while our dear Doctor can be a bit harsh, she would never tear open someone's wounds like those puppets do."

She shifted her position slightly, the movement causing her already ample chest to bounce suggestively.

"What? Where did the Doctor's mind go? Hmm~ You wouldn't be thinking of anything strange, would you?"

Mobius felt a wave of relief wash over her. Vill-V, too, seemed to deflate slightly, her previous amusement replaced by a touch of disappointment.

"Of course I wasn't thinking anything strange!" Mobius retorted, refusing to meet Elysia's teasing gaze. "You're the one who's overthinking things!"


Kiana reached out and took the Haste Gem, but a sense of unease washing over her.

The puppet reacted instantly, its face contorting with righteous anger. "Thief!" it shrieked, its voice dripping with accusation.

But as quickly as the anger appeared, it vanished.

The puppet plastered on a wide, unsettlingly cheerful smile, its giggling echoing around them. "Oh, but of course," it chirped, its voice now sickeningly sweet.

"What..." Kiana felt a wave of dizziness sweep over her. A familiar, throbbing headache began to build behind her eyes.

"You can try to hide it," the puppet taunted, its voice like nails on a chalkboard. "You can pretend you don't want it. But you can't fool yourself."

It danced and twirled, a grotesque parody of joy. "The moment that gem appeared," it sang, "your heart, your very soul, cried out for it!"

The puppet's movements shifted, becoming sharp and pointed. It mimed handing the gem to Kiana, mimicking the very gesture Otto had used all those years ago.

"The Herrscher of the Void?" Kiana breathed, the words escaping her lips like a gasp.

She had been trying so hard to keep it contained, to keep the darkness at bay. But the puppet's words chipped away at her resolve, forcing her to confront the truth.


Golden eyes, glittering like jewels, appeared in everyone's view. What Kiana had been avoiding since the Nagazora City finally stood before her.

Her azure eyes transformed into shimmering gold, a sign of the Herrscher of the Void's arrival.

'Kiana's' lips gradually curled into a triumphant smile. Her consciousness went black, and she found herself in the same consciousness space as Sirin.

This time, she would face her directly.


Sirin bounced on the balls of her feet, practically vibrating with excitement. "Here we go, here we go!" she wept, rubbing her hands together. "Time for me to wreak some havoc!"

She was finally making her grand return in the main storyline. Look at that look, that confident speech, that proud aura.

Even if the outcome was ultimately defeat, it was much better than watching those so-called Spring Sprites in the events.

Two words - embarrassing!

"But didn't you lose?" Cecilia asked, confused.

"No, she didn't! The Queen will never lose!" Bella retorted angrily, her small hand on her hip, facing Cecilia without fear.

"Lose? Even if a villain loses, can't they still beat up the protagonist?"

Sirin said nonchalantly. As a pure villain, hadn't she beat up the entire protagonist team?

This time, she was sure she could overwhelm Kiana in the early stages. She was confident!

Cecilia sighed, shaking her head at the two sisters. "Honestly, you two are like oil and water," she muttered. "Always arguing." She had more important things to worry about - like spending time with her precious daughters.

After her health recovered, she had more things to think about.

The thought of taking over as principal from Theresa, something she'd idly considered before, now seemed utterly ridiculous.

Theresa was doing a fantastic job, the school was thriving, and frankly, Cecilia had zero interest in paperwork or administrative duties. (Luo Mo: she's lazy! I do everything)

She'd much rather focus on being a mother, showering her three daughters with love and affection.

Even if Durandal was always away on missions, Cecilia cherished the time she had with Kiana and Sirin. They were her world, each with their own unique personalities and quirks.

And their hair! Cecilia smiled to herself, imagining running her fingers through their soft, colorful strands.

Back in the familiar comfort of their dorm room, Kiana was practically vibrating with excitement. "Alright, move over, move over!" she exclaimed, shoving her way toward the game. "Looks like it's time to take down dear Second sister! Leave this one to me!"

It was painfully obvious that her enthusiasm stemmed not from any familial protectiveness, but from the sheer thrill of getting to battle her (digital) sibling.

"Kiana, maybe you should calm down a little?" Raiden Mei suggested gently, tugging on her arm in a futile attempt to restrain her. "She is your sister, after all..."

Kiana, however, was having none of it. She was determined to handle this personally. "Difficulty setting!" she announced, ignoring Mei completely. "Should we go for broke and crank it up to the max?"

The Herrscher of Sentience, for once, had the good sense to simply step aside. Kiana had clearly caught a severe case of battle fever.

"On second thought..." Kiana's bravado seemed to falter slightly, replaced by a sheepish smile. "Maybe we should, you know, consider everyone's feelings?"

She rubbed the back of her neck, offering a tentative suggestion. "Normal difficulty? How does that sound?"

Clearly, she was afraid of repeating the lesson from the last time she failed to clear the game, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

The humiliation of failing to clear the level still stung, especially since they later discovered that the programmers had secretly increased the difficulty after hearing complaints that the game was too easy. The worst part?

They had been caught red-handed, thanks to the security footage clearly showing their late-night tinkering.

Kiana, however, was blissfully unaware of the near miss with the game developers. She vaguely remembered overhearing something about it from her classmates during lunch in the cafeteria, but the details were fuzzy.

All she knew was that the programmers had apparently changed their minds about the difficulty level after seeing... well, something. Kiana couldn't quite recall what, but it must have been impressive.

"Tsk, I'm doing this for your own good~"

The Herrscher of Sentience gave her a disdainful look, shaking her head and saying, "Making it harder allows you to learn some usable techniques from the videos. If nothing else, it broadens your horizons. What's wrong with that?"

"Alright, Little Senti, stop messing around. The moves in the game are just for aesthetics."

Fu Hua sighed helplessly. She could tell that the Herrscher of Sentience wanted to see Kiana struggle, or perhaps, she genuinely felt it was more challenging that way.

"Like that dance you did last time? The one where you won first place in the idol competition?"

The Herrscher of Sentience teased her with malicious intent.

Fu Hua's face darkened, refusing her request for conversation, turning her head away.


In this space of consciousness, Kiana once again faced the nightmare she had been running from all along.

It was the beginning of all her nightmares, the emergence of the Queen of the Honkai, severing the beautiful, mundane life she once hoped for, forcing her to move forward step by step.

"The Herrscher of the Void..."

"What? Don't you recognize me? Long time no see, my vessel☆"

The Queen, lofty and arrogant, floated in the air. She propped her chin with one hand, scrutinizing Kiana, her eyes filled with disdain.

Her pure white hair flowed down to her waist, a long skirt concealing her slender legs.

Noble, elegant, like the arrogance of a Queen.

She sighed, helplessly, yet also mockingly,

"Kiana, you run and run, but where can you escape to? In the end, you succumbed to your pain, you fell before the cracks in your heart - before me."

"But I'm not who I was back then, I won't submit to you anymore!"

She had faced countless dangers, endured unimaginable pain, and emerged from the crucible stronger, more determined than ever before. She would not surrender to Sirin, not this time.

Sirin merely chuckled, her eyes gleaming with cruel amusement. "Oh, my dear, deluded vessel," she purred. "If you hadn't faltered, if you hadn't given in to despair, do you really think I'd be standing here?"

She shook her head, a triumphant smirk twisting her lips. "Deep down, you're still terrified of me. Terrified of what I represent, of the darkness you carry within you." Her voice dropped to a chilling whisper.

"And now, all those carefully constructed walls you've built around your heart are crumbling. You're going to lose, Kiana. All your struggles, all your sacrifices... all for ☆nothing☆."

Kiana refused to back down. "Why?" she demanded, her voice trembling with barely suppressed rage. "Why are you helping the Herrscher of Dominance?" This was the question that gnawed at her, a puzzle piece that refused to fit.

Sirin's eyes widened momentarily, a flicker of something akin to outrage crossing her features. "Helping them?" she spat, her voice laced with malice.

"Don't you dare compare me to those pathetic insects! They're weak, foolish creatures, spouting their nonsensical plans, their every action reeking of desperation."

"But they came to me, saying they'd bring you before me. And you actually ended up here - to be honest, I'm only disappointed."

"You're not even as good as them, my other half."

Sirin coldly glanced at Kiana, her expression somewhat strange.

Without warning, Sirin attacked. Her Void Lance materialized in her hand, crackling with dark energy as she lunged at Kiana.

Reacting instinctively, Kiana drew her twin pistols, the shots deflecting the worst of the blow but sending shockwaves through her body.

"This is your inevitable fate!"

As if warning her of something, Sirin issued her final ultimatum.

The two launched into a brutal fight, a battle for the control of their body, a fight for survival.

[Here it comes, the final showdown! Kiana versus Sirin - round two!]

[This is a stage for you and me alone, a stage for the victor. Kiana will finally face Sirin... It's a bit sad, does one of them have to die?]

[Dead, but not completely dead. The Queen finally welcomed her moment of revival. But, it's got to be the Tuna that wins. She's come so far!]


"Tsk, so the final battle with my sister is about to begin?"

Back in the real world, Kiana was glued to the game, her eyes practically glued to the screen. Her fingers danced across the controller in a blur of motion, unleashing a combo attack on Sirin.

"What happens to the loser?"

"Of course, they become ashes of war. What? Is it that the loser becomes ashes and the winner is reborn with me, but not here?"

The Herrscher of Sentience pouted. It seemed she had that line firmly imprinted in her memory.

She had wanted to appeal more than once about her strong objections, but it was difficult to change already released videos.

So she could only hope that there wouldn't be double standards in the future.

"But you're fine, but their fight... is a matter of life and death."

Fu Hua pursed her lips, feeling less worried because it was a game.

But she couldn't imagine how Kiana could possibly win. Her fighting abilities were derived from the other side, and within this space of consciousness, even the strongest heart could only get back up again and again.

Unlike in the real world where she could suppress the other side and prevent it from coming out.

If this wasn't a game, she truly believed that Kiana would only end in failure.

"Take that, sis!" Kiana shouted, her eyes glued to the screen as she unleashed a particularly powerful attack. "Light Wings, deploy!"

She was completely absorbed in the fight, relishing the chance to go head-to-head with her digital counterpart. If only the game allowed for multiple players, she would have loved to team up with Raiden Mei and take Sirin down together.

Or better yet, she could have swapped out her in-game avatar for Mei's – her combat skills were far superior.

Sigh, this version of her is still too weak.

"Kiana..." Raiden Mei sighed, gently pressing the back of her hand to Kiana's forehead. "You can't win a fight just by yelling at the screen."

"Stupid Kiana, how do you take all those attacks head-on?"

Bronya couldn't bear to watch, in her opinion, taking even one attack was disrespectful to skill.

"Don't worry, it's all good! I'm keeping an eye on the health bar." Kiana said without looking up.

She barely registered the villainous monologue spewing from her on-screen sister. It was the same old Sirin, full of dramatic pronouncements and over-the-top insults.

What loser, vessel, other half, ant... So over-the-top! It fit perfectly with her understanding of her second sister.


I'm still trying, is the translation good? I'm still trying to tune the translate model, please comment on this.

By the way, I rewrote the first few chapters which made some paragraph comments disappear or Get nuked altogether (sad).

I also deleted some of the Otto side stories first because they were introduced too quickly, I will spread them over several chapters.