
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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The Golden Courtyard of St. Freya's Landscape

The Heroes had cornered Vill-V, who was trying to escape with her device. They demanded an explanation for her actions, and after some coaxing and threatening, Vill-V reluctantly confessed her mistake.

After she repeatedly declared that the device had absolutely no other additional functions, the crowd finally uncovered this piece.

"Vill-V, finally, trust you one more time!" Mebius huffed.

She didn't realize that after smoke, Vill-V had developed this kind of function...

She had been fooled by Vill-V's innocent act, and had agreed to test the device with the others. She had not expected that Vill-V would turn them into beams of light.

It really opened her eyes and she simply wanted to punch Vill-V again.

While Some of the Heroes were shocked and angry by Vill-V's trick, Griseo and Kosma had different reactions. Griseo stared at her transformed body with a blank expression, as if she was not bothered by the change. Kosma, on the other hand, kept quiet but secretly admired the coolness of his new appearance.

Even Eden, who was usually calm and composed, could not hide her dismay. She looked at herself with a mix of disbelief and annoyance.

"Shiny Eden is pretty too!?" Elysia, who was standing next to her, said in a feeble attempt to cheer her up.

"Ellie, don't try to sugarcoat it. If you find it amusing, just laugh it out. There's no need to pretend to comfort me."

Eden said with a sour expression on her face. She was used to seeing flashbacks of her past, but she had never imagined that she would become a flashback herself. It was a bizarre and unpleasant experience.

"Haha, of course not," Elysia said as she covered her mouth and giggled. She could not help but find the situation hilarious. Vill-V had really pulled a fast one on them!

"Everyone turning into light, isn't it dazzling!?"

Vill-V, who was still shining brightly, said with a smug smile. "See, there are still people who appreciate my invention!"

The other Heroes were not amused. They demanded that Vill-V turn them back to normal, and forbade her from using the device again. They decided to keep Vill-V in her light form for a while, as a punishment for her prank.

Mobius glared at Vill-V, who was still glowing like a star. She noticed that one of the Heroes was not affected by the device. It was Elysia, who had a normal appearance.

"That's because that woman didn't use that function." Mobius said in a harsh tone, pointing at Elysia. "Why don't you try it on her too?"

"Don't! Vill-V!" Elysia shouted, fearing that Vill-V would do something crazy.

"Ahem," Vill-V cleared her throat awkwardly, but her face was hidden by the light. "I can't do that, Elysia. She doesn't depend on the device to keep her physical form, you know!"

Mobius turned her head away and sighed. She felt frustrated and foolish.

She should have known better than to trust Vill-V's words.

Kallen watched the scene with a bemused expression. She wondered if she could rely on these people at all.

But she also realized that they were not ordinary people. They had extraordinary abilities and secrets. After all, who else could turn themselves into light with a snap of their fingers?

Kallen's eyes widened as she noticed a small green figure among the crowd of Heroes. She had not seen her before, and she wondered who she was.

The farce that Vill-V had caused was shocking, but it also made it easier to spot the tiny person. She was the only one who was not glowing like a light bulb.

"You… what do you want from me? I'm sleepy, let me rest…" The little figure said in a weak voice, as she leaned against the lap of a young girl with green snake-like eyes.

"Klein, hang in there, we're almost done!" Mobius said, as she tried to wake up the sleepy Klein.

"Sorry… I did my best, Doc…" Klein said, as she closed her eyes and rested her head on Mobius' lap. She fell asleep peacefully, exhausted by her efforts.

Mobius sighed and hugged her gently. She felt sorry for her, and wished she could do more for her.

"Alright, alright, let's find a place to stay first, shall we?" Elysia said, with a gentle smile on her face. She looked at the other Heroes, who nodded in agreement.

They were the strongest Heroes in the world, but they still needed a roof over their heads.

Kallen surprised everyone by not taking the lead. She turned to Luo Mo, who seemed to know the way.

Luo Mo nodded and said, "I have arranged a room for you, inside St. Freya Academy, in a golden courtyard."

"Golden? Courtyard?" Eden repeated, with a puzzled expression. She remembered living in a similar house in the past, but she wondered what it had to do with the academy.

"Mice, you're really well-prepared!" Mobius complimented, as she carried Klein in her arms. She sounded less hostile than before.

Normally, she would have made a sarcastic remark.

But now, she was more concerned about Klein's condition. She said softly, "Let's go, quickly. Klein needs to rest."

The group followed Luo Mo to the academy, which was quiet and empty. It was class time, so there were no students or teachers around.


"Wow! This villa, it's quite beautiful! There's also a passing school building, a small garden with a fountain, it must be very happy to live here, right?"

Elysia gazed at the villa with wonder and admiration. It was a beautiful building, surrounded by a school, a garden, and a fountain. She felt a surge of curiosity about this era.

"It's a remarkable piece of art, too!" Eden agreed, as she walked beside her. She was a superstar, and she had seen many places in her life.

But this place was different. It was not just about the beauty or the originality of the design. It was about the intention and the emotion behind it.

She could sense that the designer had prioritized the practical over the ornamental. She noticed some subtle details that revealed the designer's care and foresight. For example, there were railings in places where they were not expected, but they could prevent accidents. There was a helicopter pad at the back, which could be useful in emergencies. Some walls were higher than others, which could provide more privacy and security.

These were not obvious at first glance, but they showed that the designer had thought of everything. They made the building more functional and safe.

Eden appreciated that. She liked the villa more than she expected.

Vill-V, who was still shining like a star, scoffed at the villa. She did not appreciate its beauty or design.

"A work of art? It completely lacks that kind of flavor!" She said, with a disdainful tone.

"But don't worry… With me here, you'll soon witness a real masterpiece!" She said, with a mischievous grin.

"An explosion is art?" Luo Mo asked, as he noticed her suspicious expression. He was familiar with her explosive tendencies.

"Wow! You're very smart! We should have a chat about it later."

Vill-V said, as she approached Luo Mo with interest. She seemed to forget that she was still in her light form.

"Vill-V…! Don't you dare destroy our villa." Mobius spoke softly, mindful of Klein resting in her arms, not wanting to disturb her. She also felt a surge of anger towards Vill-V for pulling such a prank.

"I'm fine with you making some changes to the villa, as long as you agree with the others. But please, leave the academy alone." Luo Mo said, firmly. He cared about Theresa's academy, and he did not want Vill-V to ruin it.

What a joke, in case the protagonist blows up himself how can he defeat Honkai?

"Hey, don't look at me like I'm some kind of terrorist ah ah ah ah!"

Vill-V protested, feeling offended by their distrust.

"Heh, you'd be better off if you were a normal terrorist." Mobius said, sarcastically. She ignored Vill-V's attempts to justify herself, and walked towards the villa.

"Come on, let's go inside. I need to put Klein to bed. She's so tired, poor thing."

She said, softly, as she looked at Klein with concern.

"I want to see how the lovely girl's room looks like!?"

Elysia said, excitedly. She followed Mobius into the villa, and entered one of the rooms. She looked around, and frowned.

"Hmm… It's a bit plain!"

She said, disappointedly. She had expected something more fancy and colorful.

"Ahem, it was Luo Mo's idea to let you guys customize your own rooms. So we didn't add much decoration." Kallen explained.

Vill-V, who was still in her light form, smiled and put her hand on Luo Mo's shoulder. She was glad that he agreed with her idea of decorating the villa.

"Exactly, leave the decoration to this genius, I can make this place look amazing in no time!" She said, proudly.

"I'll take care of the designing," Eden offered, "I want to help make this place more comfortable for everyone."

"Great! I trust you, Eden!"

Elysia said, happily. She knew that Eden had a good sense of style and taste.


Eden said, hesitantly. She was not sure if she could handle Vill-V's interference.

"And you, Vill-V, don't add any superfluous features!"

Elysia said, sternly, as she looked at Vill-V with a warning.

She did not want to see any of Vill-V's crazy inventions in her room. She did not want to deal with talking appliances, or exploding walls, or anything like that.

Even the kind Pink Elf-sama would lose her patience if that happened, right?

"Come on, Ellie! Trust me now! Look at my sparkling eyes, don't they show you how trustworthy I am?"

Vill-V said, as she tried to persuade Elysia. She did not realize what she had done to herself. The light that covered her body faded away, leaving only two beams of light coming out of her eyes.

Elysia: "…" .

She was speechless. She did not know how to react to Vill-V's bizarre appearance.