
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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Himeko gazed at you with tenderness, no words left to say

But ultimately, she just smiled gently,

"Kiana… don't dwell on it too much."

"Think of this as a dream. When you wake up, everyone will move forward."

"Don't be afraid to say goodbye."

"Letting go of the past is to move towards the future."

"..." Kiana's tears finally welled up, a bit of sadness building in her eyes.

Two lines of clear tears flowed down her cheeks. She had always been like this, always.

She had taken care of everyone, not forgetting a single soul, giving them her deepest concern, comforting them... yet she had completely ignored her own situation.

The past... she only missed the past she had with her. The future? What about Himeko's future?

"I understand... Himeko... I understand everything..."

She clenched her fists, trying to suppress her surging emotions, trying to make their parting a little more beautiful,

"... I know... I know I should smile and say goodbye to you... I should walk out that door with strength..."

"... I know this is just a memory fragment, and reality is where I should go back..."

Kiana's voice already had a sob in it,

"... But I still can't help but think..."

"... If I don't walk out of that door... would time just stand still... would this moment never change..."

[So healing, hahahahaha, so healing!]

[Himeko, ah, ah… Sensei, I miss you too (tears welling up)]

[A dream... but how I wish this dream could continue, because in this dream... you are here]

[The ordinary routines that we despise are treasures that they desperately want to hold onto]



A low, choked sob echoed through the villa. Kiana's voice acting reached its peak, everyone infected by her sadness.

Even Kiana herself, who was initially ready to mock them, fell silent. She couldn't help but be drawn into the scene again.

With Himeko right beside her, the scene was even more heart-wrenching. Kiana couldn't help but lower her head.

"Himeko Sensei..."

Mei whimpered, already shedding tears. Seeing the scene on screen and remembering her daily life with Himeko, her heart ached even more.

"Himeko Sensei… she really… really… can't be saved?"

Seele spoke in a broken voice, countless little pearls sliding down her cheeks. She clutched Bronya's sleeve and asked,

Her small face was tear-stained. Thankfully, she didn't need makeup, otherwise she would be in a lot of trouble now.

"Kiana… your acting… is really good. Even I have the urge to cry~."

Himeko patted Kiana's head and smiled helplessly,

"You… You too? I… I really… really want to cry… I don't want to lose you!"

Kiana hugged Himeko, unable to hold back her tears anymore. They flowed out drop by drop.

She… she didn't want to cry.

She had already cried countless times during the voice-over recording, but seeing this scene again, how could she bear it? Too… too cunning.

"Okay, okay, I'm right here~ Though I really want to cry, I can't help but think of facing my students with red-rimmed eyes back in class, and it makes me a little headachy… that jerk, Luo Mo…"

Himeko patted Kiana's head and smiled gently,

She was a teacher, naturally she had to hold back her tears,

"Hehe, I wonder if Theresa cried? Sigh, if she was here, she would probably be crying too. She always pretends to be so strong…"

"..." Sentience didn't speak, just turned away.


In the pure white light on the screen, only Kiana and Himeko were clear as day, perhaps including the door not too far away.

Tears welled up in Kiana's blue eyes. She could no longer hold back her sorrow.

The dam of tears broke in an instant. They were about to say goodbye once more.

She didn't want to, she wouldn't. She yearned to abandon everything else in the world, to stay a little longer, even for a minute…

But she carried the hopes and futures of many others on her shoulders, not just her own.

She could only whimper softly, almost unable to speak.

Her tears carried her words, every syllable clear through her sobs,

——This hero, who had repeatedly triumphed in the Honkai and never given up hope, revealed her vulnerability before her teacher.

"... I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye…"

"I still have so much to tell you… the promises I made… I haven't achieved any of them…"

I haven't been able to show you my best self yet.

"This is a dream… dreams will always end… I know…"

But I'll never have another chance to let you see it.

"... I'll go back… I'll defeat the Puppet Herrscher… I'll bring Mei home…"

"... The Eleventh Herrscher, the Twelfth Herrscher… even the Herrscher of the End, I'll conquer them all…"

I'll make up for all these regrets, one by one.

"... I'll turn this imperfect story… into what we hope for…"

"... I just… wanted you to see all of this…"

But what about you? I wanted you to see all of this…

Himeko looked at the girl weeping before her, gently lifting her hand to caress her hair, comforting her.

"I can see it, of course."

She spoke softly, already understanding what was in Kiana's heart, soothing her with gentle words.

"Kiana, as long as you want me to, I can see it."

"Because I'm in your heart."

"..." Kiana continued to cry, tears brimming in her eyes.

Himeko told her about when she was a child and her father comforted her at her mother's funeral. Her father was clumsy, just like this, but she was willing to believe,

"Kiana, as long as you believe… I'll turn into a star and watch over you in the night sky."

"Even if the torch is extinguished and the moon loses its light; this unchanging glimmer will guide you on your journey forward."

"So, don't be afraid."

"I haven't left you. Becoming the driving force for students to move forward is the most romantic destination for a teacher."

Himeko looked at Kiana and said softly,

What she didn't know was that she had already become an irreplaceable force in Kiana's journey, and she would remain so forever.

"I know…" Kiana lowered her head and pursed her lips,

She knew, she had always known, but the one she wouldn't forgive was herself all along.

"Everything will pass, everything will change. Even if that change takes away your entire world."

"But it doesn't matter. It's the strongest force in all of Heaven and Earth, a force powerful enough to open up hope and pathways for anyone."

"Mm…" Kiana responded softly,

"When you're lost, look up at the stars."

"I'll be there, illuminating the entire night for you."

Himeko rubbed Kiana's head and smiled, her eyes filled with pride and sorrow, as if she were sending off her best student.

"... Thank you, Himeko Sensei."

[Becoming the driving force for students to move forward is the most romantic destination for a teacher!]

[She can defeat all the Herrschers, but she can no longer find her teacher, even to speak a single word to her]

[From now on, flames are her color, the stars her hope… she will no longer fear the night, because only the night can reveal her teacher to her]

[…Stop it, stop it, I'm really going to cry… why, Himeko Sensei, Kiana… waaa]


White light shone from the edge of the world. This space was about to fulfill its purpose.

Yes, purpose… Isn't that what she was about to do next, too? Responsibility… or a mission?

"... I… I have to go…"

"Mm, go."

"Take a step forward, Kiana, just keep going boldly."

"I'll always bless you, watch over you, because—"

"You're my proudest student!"

"... Hehe, Himeko Sensei,"

Kiana chuckled softly,

A laugh mixed with sobs, unique and poignant.

"I'm so glad to be your student! Meeting you is my honor!"

"Heh, it's my honor too. Go, Kiana."

"Goodbye, Himeko Sensei."

Kiana gave her final farewell, staring at the door in the distance. She moved slowly forward,

But she couldn't help but look back, to see if the person she cared about was still there,

Every time she saw that red battle suit, the flames burning quietly, she felt a sense of comfort, but she couldn't resist confirming it again, turning back repeatedly.

"Go, Kiana."

"What's wrong? Kiana?"

"You have to go, Kiana."

… Until the end, she didn't urge Kiana. She knew what kind of choice she would make, and she knew how complex her emotions were.

So, she simply watched Kiana with tenderness, saying nothing more.

Kiana was just one step away from the door when she turned her head sharply, looking back. The moment she stepped out the door,

"Kiana, you are my pride."

With a final blessing and encouragement, Himeko's words reached her ears, light and airy, yet full of weight.

Just like she had said, she would be watching quietly from the night sky.

And she had to return to reality, to fulfill her promise. The Herrscher of Dominance, the Eleventh, the Twelfth… she would defeat them all and show her.

They had a deal!

[My nose is stuffy… got sand in my eyes… but I'm at home, where would the sand come from? Uwu]

[From now on, no one will call Himeko Auntie anymore… she won't call her that anymore]

[She's her pride, but she just wants to get her teacher back!]

[I want to push Himeko through too… I thought it was a loophole, but in the end she still refused to leave… In the end, she just watched with tenderness…]

[I hope next time… I can still be your student. It's an honor, it's romantic… I miss you]



Within the Golden Villa,

Only Elysia's soft sobs could be heard, her shoulders shaking. Tissues had already piled up into a small mountain on the nearby table.

Everyone else remained silent, their eyes filled with complex emotions as they watched the scene unfold.

Pardofelis was already clutching her can of food, tears occasionally falling onto her soft fur. Hua let out a heavy sigh, thinking about the experiences of 'herself'.

Vill-V lowered the brim of her hat, her face hidden from view. Su opened her eyes and watched the final farewell in silence.

Kevin sighed and looked up at the patterns on the ceiling. Eden raised her glass, as if bidding farewell to an old friend.

Sadness permeated the atmosphere, though it was mostly tinged with a sense of moving forward.

"Damn it, that… that guy… said there wouldn't be any knives… but why am I still crying?"

Elysia pursed her lips, her expression one of annoyance, but she couldn't stop the tears from flowing, one after another.

Witnessing the romance of humanity, she decided to give a certain human a taste of their own medicine.


"This ending… I guess it makes sense. Himeko, she stayed there…"

Kallen held Theresa in her arms, the little girl already crying uncontrollably, her small body trembling.

"Alright, Theresa, Himeko is doing just fine~."

"B-but… I… I… why… Himeko is so touching… I don't want her to leave…"

Theresa stuttered, her eyes already red-rimmed.

"Durandal, you don't need to be sad either." Rita said softly, a hint of disappointment in her own voice.

"... Oh, me? When?"

Durandal realized, touching her cheek, feeling a trace of wetness.

So she had cried too, moved by the story?

"It's a very good story… It's a touching segment about how the human flame is passed down, their virtues never extinguished… I… I couldn't help but get lost in it."

"Yes… me too. Did Otto, Otto ever say things like that to the Valkyries? That's… that's the Otto I know, isn't it?"

Kallen sighed softly.

"So, what do you say, we slow things down?"

Luo Mo asked tentatively, looking at their faces, which seemed a bit gloomy.

"... Captain, you don't need to say it. Just pause for now."

Irene looked at Luo Mo, understanding that he was about to rub salt in the wound.

But for his safety, she intervened.

"..." Luo Mo looked at Irene who had moved behind him, and silently swallowed the words he was about to say.

Playing it safe wouldn't hurt.


"Himeko Sensei… am I your most proud student?"

Kiana asked, her eyes filled with tears, her blurry vision barely able to make out Himeko's face.

"Yes, yes, yes. If you could be as amazing as you are in the game, you'd definitely be Himeko Murata best student~"

"W-why are you adding restrictions at a time like this? ... But of course, I'll make sure to be even more amazing!"

"I'll definitely be Himeko Sensei's best student!"

"Should I sacrifice myself to encourage you a bit?" Himeko poked Kiana's cheek and said helplessly.

"Heh, n-no need, of course!"

Kiana giggled and said, then wiped away a tear. Glancing back, she feigned surprise, "Hey, you guys… are you crying?"

"Yeah, Kiana-nee, it's a very touching story." Seele wiped her tears and said,

"Bronya didn't cry!"

"Kiana, d-don't look at me like that…" Mei turned her head away, shyly.

"But Bronya, your eyes are red-rimmed— whoa, Sentience, why are you turning away?"

"N-not allowed? I… I just saw old Antique and got annoyed! Y-yeah, that's it."

"... But I'm not over there."

Himeko sighed, looking at the laughter and joy in the living room. The only thing they all had in common was that their eyes were red.

What… how am I going to teach class later? She couldn't help but feel a headache coming on.


(Captainverse Events? Side story 6)

The ninja sat silently at the table, her presence unnoticed even after Kallen left.

"Speaking of which, I still don't understand why you have to avoid her. Shouldn't you want to see her?"

"... She is not someone in my memory, and I am not someone in her memory. Why should we meet?"

A pair of long ears twitched, whether they were donkey ears or rabbit ears, he wouldn't say for now. Although a certain blonde bishop insisted they were fox ears…

Kasumi gazed silently at the steam rising from her teacup, speaking softly.

In her eyes, the longing they both had for each other was nothing more than a stain.

No need — that was her answer.

"... What about Sakura then? That Flame-Chaser?"

"She is very strong. What then?"

Kasumi looked at him through the steam, her impassive gaze causing Luo Mo to back down.

"Speaking of which… that… incident…"

"I didn't deliberately hide Luna that time…" Kasumi said reflexively, her ears twitching.

(TL: Alas my deadline....)

(Edit: AI still has a lot of errors, when just now i believed it had no errors now I got it here and there)