
Make Some Noise

Izuku Midoriya was diagnosed quirkless at age 4, stopped talking at age 5, found out he actually had a quirk at age 6, started to like high places at age 7 and at age 8 his dreams changed.

Insomniaddict · Komik
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14 Chs

// Short Story 1 \\

[ This is just some small chats that Izuku, Aizawa and Naochi have shared - Insomniaddict👑 ]

// Nightly Reminder \\

SleeperAgent: CaseFileRage.fld

SleeperAgent: CaseFileSapling.fld

Naochi: Nightly Reminder: This is illegal

Naochi: I will file those away.

Deadman: Do you ever just take a break?

SleeperAgent: Ofc I do, I need to eat something. Plus school

SleeperAgent: I am seeing fucking stars send help

Deadman: That would make sense, it is night time.

SleeperAgent: :0 Last time I checked it was 5:00 pm

Naochi: Sleep.

SleeperAgent: Hecc off

Deadman: You should tell us your name

SleeperAgent: Sure it's, Fuck and last name off.

Deadman: I hate life.

SleeperAgent: Me too.

Naochi: Same.

SleeperAgent: Mutual hatred of the thing called life.

SleeperAgent: Okay but do your alarm clocks ever just grow arms and legs.

Naochi: Are you on drugs?

SleeperAgent: Yeah, it's called Sleep Deprivation

Deadman: Same.

Naochi: Same.

-SleeperAgent is Offline-

-Deadman is Offline-

-Naochi is Offline-