
Make Some Noise

Izuku Midoriya was diagnosed quirkless at age 4, stopped talking at age 5, found out he actually had a quirk at age 6, started to like high places at age 7 and at age 8 his dreams changed.

Insomniaddict · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Bruh. | Ch.7

[ Yall ready for some filler!? I'm not! - Insomniaddict 👑 ]

Izuku woke up in Recovery Girl's office feeling a little bit nauseous still, but alright overall. She gave him some gummies and sent him on his way.

His uncle was proud he won, but mad he overworked himself. Feron was also worried because of how he felt about All Might. Izuku basically just slept until it was dinner then slept again till it was podcast time.

Today his podcast was a Q&A.

Izuku: "Q&A day boys, girls and my other Insomnia buddies." He greets his audience.

Izuku: RockyRoads asks 'Do you like chocolate or vanilla ice cream?' I like vanilla better actually." He answers happily.

Izuku: "SickBoy asks 'What do you think about retro game consoles?' I actually enjoy them. I have a Game Boy in my room and a PS2 in my living room." He replies.

Izuku: "MisterPhilosophy asks 'Do you think there is an afterlife?' I don't know actually. I hope there is, then at least everyone will be happy after they die, except the criminals." He answers thoughtfully.

Izuku: "NeutralParty asks 'What do you think of the labels hero and villain?' I honestly think it depends on your morals. A villain named Black Aster a few years back thought himself as a hero. Hero and villain are labels people use when someone either agrees or don't agree with their morals" Izuku answers thoughtfully.

Izuku: "FuckedInTheHead asks 'What do you think about the quirk brainwashing?' I think it is a hella cool quirk. I would looove to analyze a quirk like that."

After the podcast Izuku decided to send in the criminal cases he finished to his two besties.

// Nightly Reminders \\

SleeperAgent: CaseFileBlueBlood.fld

SleeperAgent: CaseFileAstrix.fld

SleeperAgent: CaseFileBlackAsterCopyCat.fld

Naochi: Nightly reminder this is illegal

Naochi: How did you even finish all of those so goddamn fast?

Deadman: Did you sleep at all?

SleeperAgent: I compiled some during school lunch period in the janitors closet and the rest was whenever I could.

Naochi: The Black Aster copy cat just popped up last week how do you have so much info already?

SleeperAgent: This Black Aster wasn't as good as the first. This one was sloppy and the crime scene had so much evidence. You'd of solved this case by weeks end even if I didn't send the file.

Deadman: What school do you go to?

SleeperAgent: Nice try but I won't say.

Naochi: Is it a hero school?

SleeperAgent: I will tell you that it is a hero school but good luck finding me among all of the different schools and classes.

Naochi: You give me headaches.

SleeperAgent: Then I am doing my job right!

Deadman: Blue blood has been apprehended

Deadman: Sleep you stupid problem teen. You have school tomorrow

SleeperAgent: I will sleep when the villains I turned in finally get out of jail and track me down

Naochi: Morbid example

Deadman: You need a mental hospital

SleeperAgent: You need a relationship you crusty old man.

Deadman: I will hurt you.

SleeperAgent: >:P gotta find me first

-SleeperAgent is Offline-

Naochi: I hate you all.

-Naochi is Offline-

-Deadman is Offline-