

Lumi almost forgot to blink. Her eyes widened, her little mouth following suit. She stared at Mr. Rockern in a silly, cute daze, stammering like a nervous mouse. 

"G-grandpa? W-why are you here?" 

It was Mr. Rockern's turn to be taken aback. I saw his eyes flinch and his ears fold backwards. He glanced away, the faint red blush forming on his cheeks unmissable. I forced the chuckle down my throat. Though it was my first time seeing him in an embarrassed shy state, I did not want to disturb their reunion. 

"Little Lumi. It's nice to see you again," he mumbled, his words slurred, more reminiscent of a man his old. 

"Yeah! I'm so glad to see you again! Thank you being there that day with the officers! I was so scared; I don't think I would've made it! Thank you for being here today, listening to me!" 

Lumi's words of gratitude and beaming smile did more than just stun Mr. Rockern. His stern eyebrows and thick, heavy wrinkles softened all over, making him look years younger. He held a fist to his chest, gave a light cough to recollect myself, before he bowed towards her. The smile he returned was as bright as the one Lumi had sent. 

"Did your Dad tell you to say all that? Did he tell you to call me Grandpa?" he asked. 

Lumi chuckled. She gave a light shake of her head. "No, no! It's all me!" Her half-grin, half-smirk asked for praise. "Dad was secretive about talking to you after that day. He never mentioned you again," she added, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 

"Hey," I protested, walking over. "I had my reasons." 

Mr. Rockern was righteous and ignored me. "Oh, did he? Are you feeling much better?" 

Lumi nodded, all giggles. "Better than ever! I hope I won't ever see those officers again." 

"Yes, I do too. You tell me if your Dad is being bad again." 

I glared at him, but Lumi remained unfazed. She shot a look around the park and all the students roaming around. 

"Dad's been very good to me! He helped set this opportunity for me to sing all week long!" 

Mr. Rockern looked relieved. "Yes, you're singing is unbelievable, little Lumi."

"Yes! Yes, thank you! Did I make you cry, hmm~?" 

No one could resist the teasing look on her face. It was too adorable. I picked her up and stuffed her into my arms again, while Mr. Rockern gave cough after cough as Lumi's cuteness attacked his heart.

Daniella, who was sensible and had slipped into the car to give us space, was not immune either. Through the window, I saw her eyes shut in pain, her hand placed after her chest, spurting a mouthful of blood. Though the windows were shut, the soundproofing was inadequate. It was obvious she could hear most of the conversation. 

Mr. Rockern held a conflicted expression on his face, his eyes darting sideways. He did not know how to answer to Lumi's big, bright eyes shining with expectation.

"N-no. Grandpa here is a little old now and he's never encountered the worst from love," he explained. "B-but don't worry! I could hear all the emotion you poured into your singing. I didn't cry, but it made my heart twist up and down and sideways!" 

I was quick to console her. "We'll practice singing a song suitable for Grandpa next time, okay dumpling? There will be lots and lots of opportunities in the future." 

"Well then, you must come to my performance!" Lumi declared, after a series of begrudging grumbles. "You can't reject me!" 

"Of course! How could I bear to reject you, little Lumi! I wish I could have a granddaughter like you now, so cute, so adorable..." 

Mr. Rockern's eyes turned zombified into a must-pet Lumi trance, the one Daniella had fallen into before. I raised an eyebrow and acted with decisiveness, wrapping my arms around tighter, turning away and shielding her. 

"Isn't your son around my age now? He hasn't married yet?" 

That woke up Mr. Rockern. He sighed. "He's followed my footsteps too closely, nothing other than military duty on his mind."

"Your daughter? She's of age, too." 

"Err—she's gone and joined the military this year, too. As soon as she could." 

I dropped my protective stance and puffed up my chest instead, hearing so. I proudly held and snuggled against Lumi in front of him, the smug grin that formed on my face only growing smugger by the minute. 


"Wipe that smug smirk off, it's irritating. She's been giving me nothing but headaches," Mr. Rockern said, rubbing his forehead with the back of his palm. 

Then his tone and expression softened. 

"But then again, I think I should learn from the two of you and let her do what she wants. That would make her happier and help me bond with her more, right...?"

Lumi and I looked at each other, grinning. We giggled in unison and spoke in unison. "Definitely! Share her dreams, as well!"

I had transmitted to Lumi's mind to say that, knowing it would get a reaction out of Mr. Rockern. I was not expecting tears to begin dropping down his face. 


Mr. Rockern wiped the tears away with his sleeve. "Sorry, it's just, seeing you two so in-sync, so understanding of one another. I don't have to worry about you both anymore." 

Then Lumi did something unexpected. She shared a telepathic message with me before she began to wriggle out of arms. 

Don't resist, Dad. 

I complied. I would comply to her every need and every demand if possible. I watched her run up to Mr. Rockern and clasp his hand with her own. 

"I will speak for myself and Dad! You don't have to worry anymore. We both have grown up and matured. We found our joys, passions, and dreams. We are able to move past the past and forwards in life. It's been your dream to help people like us, so let us tell you that you have fulfilled it. We will treasure it!" 

Mr. Rockern's stammered in response. But his voice only grew firmer as he continued speaking.

"T-then I will treasure and share your dream as well. Y-you want to be a singer, right? Then be the g-gr-greatest singer this world has ever seen! Grandpa will cheer you on through everything!"