
Cell's and Majin Buu's Abilities that i might use

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Flight – The ability to fly through the use of ki. In the case of Imperfect Cell, he also emits a sound while flying that resembles buzzing sounds similar to when insects fly.

Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.

Ki Sense – An ability that allows the user to sense ki and power levels.

Saiyan Power – A Saiyan genetic trait that allows their performance to continually increase against adversity, either by recovering from a near death experience, or by fighting a strong opponent. Inherited from the Saiyans.

Vocal Mimicry, Alteration and Amplification – Cell has the ability to speak, sing, whisper, yell, hum, etc. in any pitch or tone. He can speak in an extremely low pitch or a very high pitch. He displayed this ability by mimicking Android 17's voice and amplify his own so it could be heard for miles. In the anime, he is shown switching to the voice of his Imperfect form, in order to terrify the people of the Earth during his TV broadcast about the Cell Games as well as confirm his role in the massacre at Nicky Town. He seemingly used this, albeit involuntarily, when destroyed by the Father-Son Kamehameha by Gohan, as he exclaims in disbelief being perfection itself in a noticeably garbled voice.

Kamehameha – A powerful Ki blast fired with two hands after concentrating a large amount of Ki. Inherited from Goku.

Rush Down – The Kamehameha attack used by Cell in Hell against Goku, only for it to be reflected back at him. Named in the Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game.

Guided Kamehameha - A upgraded variation of the Kamehameha that can be directed to hit an opponent by manipulating the energy wave to bend. Inherited from Goku. Appears as one of Perfect Cell's attacks in Kakarot.

Super Kamehameha – An advanced and more powerful version of the Kamehameha.

Earth-Destroying Kamehameha – A more powerful version of the Super Kamehameha.

Solar Kamehameha – The strongest Kamehameha Cell mustered and said to have the power to destroy the entire solar system.

Evil Kamehameha - A variation of Kamehameha Mode used by Cell in his Imperfect, Perfect, and Super Perfect forms as a CAA Special Ability in World Mission.

Eye Laser - The user shoots laser-like beams from both eyes.

Big Bang Attack - Cell extends his arm, opens his palm and turns his hand up at a 90 degree angle. He then powers up and fires a powerful energy sphere at the opponent. This attack creates an enormous explosion upon contact and leaves a huge mushroom cloud. Inherited from Vegeta.

Big Bang Crash - A red variant of Vegeta's Big Bang Attack.

Super Big Bang Crash - A more powerful version of the Big Bang Crash.

Mouth Energy Wave - An energy wave fired from the mouth.

Ultimate Blitz – Cell releases a massive energy wave out of his palm and holds it toward his opponent, inflicting damage to the opponent. Named in Supersonic Warriors 2.

Telekinesis – Cell can lift objects of large proportionate sizes into the air with his mind and controlling the use of his hand(s). Inherited from Frieza.

Psycho Crash - A variation of Telekinesis used by Cell when constructing the Cell Games Arena. Using telekinesis on a large mountain of rock he sculpted it into building materials that he used to build the arena.

All Clear - An explosive arching-blade like attack used by Cell to completely destroy everything surrounding him.

Kiai - A technique where the user affects the air currents around him with ki to produce powerful shockwaves in order to strike the opponent at mid range.

Cell firing a Death Beam

Death Beam – A laser-like projectile which travels very quickly. Taken from Frieza.

Barrage Death Beam – A rapid-fire version of the Death Beam. Cell uses it against Gohan.

Perfect Death Beam – A full powered version of the Death Beam, with a much bigger radius. He uses this attack to kill Future Trunks.

SH7-CP5 Perfect Cell card featuring EX Spirit Bomb Smash from World Mission

Unforgivable! – Cell pumps himself up like a balloon and explodes after one minute. The resultant explosion is capable of destroying an entire planet. If Cell is attacked in any way before the countdown reaches zero, he will explode immediately. Once activated, according to Cell, he cannot reverse the technique.

Spirit Bomb - Users of the Spirit Bomb gather huge amounts of energy from all chosen surrounding life forms and inanimate objects to conduct that energy into a massive sphere of astounding destructive power. Inherited from Goku. Cell never uses it in the manga or anime series, though he states that he can use it if he wished.

EX Spirit Bomb Smash - A variation of the EX Spirit Bomb used by Perfect Cell as the CAA Special Ability for his SH7-CP5 card in World Mission.

Absorption - Cell has two methods of absorption.

Biological Extract absorption - Cell powers up by absorbing Biological Extract from ordinary targets,[1] which ceases to be beneficial when Cell gets enough of each type of it.

Special Lifeform absorption - Cell can Form Change by absorbing Special Lifeforms (meaning Androids 17 and 18).[1] In Dragon Ball GT Cell is also able to temporarily utilize this on Goku, though is ultimately unsuccessful.

Regeneration - The ability to regrow certain parts of his destroyed anatomy. Inherited from Piccolo. In the manga and most anime version, Cell can regenerate only if the core inside his head is not damaged, though the Funimation dub re-defines this so that he can regenerate provided even a single cell remains, making up for the original contradiction of Cell having his head blown off by Goku's Instant Kamehameha. In Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, after being revived Cell reveals to Goku that he was lying about his core being located in his head and that he would not divulge its true location. Also, unlike Piccolo, Cell requires very little energy to regenerate, as even the extreme regeneration of simply his core does not visibly tire him, potentially allowed him to regenerate as much as he wishes with no hindrance in stamina for battle.

Solar Flare – The user places their hands close to the center of their face with the fingers spread toward their eyes. The user then calls out the name of the technique, which provokes a white light to fire out and blind everything watching except the user, since they are projecting the light. Inherited from Tien.

Power Stance – A special fighting stance. Named in the Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game.

Android Barrier - The Red Ribbon Androids' version of the Energy Shield. This technique is used by Cell in all his forms in the Budokai series.

Cell utilizing Telekinesis as part of his Psycho Crash variation

Perfect Barrier - Cell curls his arms and legs together as he charges a purple aura around his body. He then brings them apart and expels a giant barrier around his body, capable of blocking certain attacks. Named in the Budokai Tenkaichi series, where it is the ultimate move of his Perfect form.

Tail Attack - Cell can attack his opponents using his powerful tail.

Backslap – The slap used to defeat Mr. Satan. Named in the Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game.

Battering Ram – The flying headbutt he used against Goku. Named in the Butōden series.

Choke Hold – A hold used against Android 16. Named in the Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game.

Bear Hug - A grappling clinch hold and stand-up grappling position.

See Ya! - Cell charges at the opponent and punches them away onto the ground, breaking their neck. Then, he walks toward the opponent and picks them up with his left hand as he places his right hand over their chest. Finally, he fires a large yellow energy wave through the opponent's chest, inflicting a massive amount of damage.

Bio Impact - Cell crouches down and charges a yellow aura around his body. Then, he charges at the opponent using the yellow aura as a shield, inflicting a great deal of damage.

Fear Me! - As he shouts "Show me your full power!", Perfect Cell double axe-handle punches the opponent. Then, he side kicks the opponent away and flies after them to punch them in their stomach. Finally, Perfect Cell puts his hand forward and knocks the opponent away with a Kiai, inflicting a huge amount of damage.

Perfect Combination – Cell delivers a barrage of punches and kicks to the opponent before slapping them away and elbowing them into the ground.

Time to Die – Cell slaps his opponent away, leaving them unconscious on the ground, completely helpless. He then fires an incredibly powerful Finger Beam at them, dealing massive damage.

Instant Transmission – The ability to instantly teleport virtually anywhere (by homing in on a ki signature). Inherited from Goku after Cell's self-destruction.

Power Up – A technique used to amplify one's ki.

Prelude to Perfect Form - A Power Up used by Imperfect Cell.

Explosive Wave – A technique where the user bursts out ki from all over their body in order to repel the opponents around them.

Special Beam Cannon - A very powerful laser beam fired from two fingers. Inherited from Piccolo.

Galick Gun - A powerful, huge, fuchsia-colored energy wave. Inherited from Vegeta, but never used in the manga.

Negative Power Rain - Cell punches and kicks his opponent into the air, then fires nine energy blasts down at them.

Multi-Form – Cell splits himself into four identical copies, with all the same power. Inherited from Tien, but never used in the manga.

Afterimage Strike – The ability to move extremely fast over short distances, leaving an image behind. Inherited from Goku, but never used in the manga.

Destructo Disc - A razor-sharp disc of Ki that can slice through almost any substance. Inherited from Krillin, but never used in the manga.

Death Saucer – A chasing energy disk attack that is capable of slicing through anything. Inherited from Frieza, but never used in the manga.

Ultimate Wave – Cell shoots a large Ki Blast at his opponent which slams them into the ground, and creates a shock wave that also damages the enemy.

Rapid Fire – The user fires rapid energy waves that home in on the opponent


Ki Blast

The most basic form of energy wave.


The ability to fly with the use of ki.


Majin Buu fully engulfs and takes an opponent into his body to cause an increase in physical and mental prowess. Majin Buu usually has a severed body part liquefy, or he has a piece of skin fall off of his body. The goo will then sneak up behind the person, and stretch itself to be large enough to accommodate the target. The goo will then leap onto the person. The goo will try to smother as much of the target as it can on the first strike to make the capture easier. If Majin Buu is lucky, the goo will completely cover the target on the first leap. Once the goo is on the person, it will quickly cover up any part of the person that wasn't covered during when it first leaped. Once the target is completely covered, the goo will squeeze and solidify, trapping the person. It is seemingly impossible to escape the goo, no matter what the circumstances (such as Piccolo, who the goo took a long time to cover due to his armor). Majin Buu will then raise his finger up, and the goo will then launch up into the air with the person inside of it💀. The goo will then fly straight into Majin Buu and cover him. During the transformation, Majin Buu will become liquid himself, meaning that he is basically taking over the goo and has surrounded the person with his own liquefied body. He then begins to meld back into solid form, making sure the person is in the center of the goo. The person is shrunken and is put inside Majin Buu's body in a pod. Majin Buu's Fat Buu form is assumed as a result of absorbing the obese Grand Supreme Kai.

Body Manipulation and Regeneration

Majin Buu has full control over every aspect of his physical make-up, able to stretch, shape-shift, liquefy, and otherwise manipulate his malleable body; useful as both an attack and defense and as a tool in absorption. Buu also seems to possess the ability to gasify himself. When first hatched from his cocoon on Earth, he leaks out in the form of a pink gas that spills into the atmosphere, which later solidifies into his physical form. He can also regenerate his body at a sub-molecular level, allowing him to survive virtually anything; however, he was unable to regenerate from Goku's Spirit Bomb since it destroyed every atom of Buu. Vegeta commented that the creature's rubbery-like body might be the reason it could take so much damage easily (since even as a Super Saiyan 2, Vegeta's damaging blows were being brushed off easily). However, it's most likely due to Buu's regenerative abilities at work here. His unrivaled regeneration plus his endless resilience and stamina granted him near-immortality; he is shown at one point to survive the explosion that destroys the Earth. However, it is shown during the fight between Vegito and Super Buu that even his regeneration has its limits; after repeatedly being blown to bits and pounded into oblivion, Buu had to exert more and more effort to restore himself, at one point failing completely for a moment and leaving a gaping hole in his stomach.


Majin Buu can completely heal another being if he so chooses, even if they are blind or near death. So long as the recipient is still alive, Majin Buu can bring them back to health. It is unknown if this ability was possessed by Kid Buu or inherited from the absorbed Grand Supreme Kai. He is unable to revive the dead.

Vanishing Beam

A technique used many times by all forms of Majin Buu and is his signature technique. It is usually an average-sized, pink or purple beam fired from the palm. Fat Buu uses his move against Super Saiyan 3 Goku while being punched in the chest.


Majin Buu uses this to move an entire city of people in the air so he can turn them into whatever he chooses.

Chocolate Beam

This is one of Majin Buu's signature attacks. It is a unique ability to change objects and living beings around him into inanimate objects such as sweets and milk. Though he usually turns them into foods, Majin Buu has transformed a small population into clay for his house on one occasion during the Majin Buu Saga, and Super Buu once transformed a rock into a toilet. Vegito is the only entity that is shown to able to retain his will or move after being hit by the attack, fighting Super Buu as "the world's strongest coffee candy". Majin Buu used this technique against Dabura with success and having the Demon King transformed into a cookie. When Majin Buu expelled his evil and became the pure-hearted Good Buu, he tried utilizing it to finish Evil Buu, but it failed and backfired causing Good Buu's downfall and the result of Super Buu.


Fat Buu defeats Gohan with his devastating attack. The first technique used by Majin Buu in the anime. Majin Buu puts his arms forward and fires an immense bluish green beam that becomes a ball (instead of the other way around as with most attacks) The attack is so powerful it would have sent Gohan into space if it wasn't for Supreme Kai neutralizing the ball.

Super Breath

Buu inhales deeply and then exhales creating a huge gust of wind similar to a hurricane that can level a city.

Belly Attack

This move is only performed by fat Majin Buu. Majin Buu can perform this attack if the person kicks him in the stomach. The person will be unable to take their foot out, and will slowly start to be sucked inward. Majin Buu will expand his belly so the person can fit inside, and then will continue to suck them inside of his belly. The person is being violently squeezed as this happens, violently enough that loud rubbery noises are heard. The person is sucked in very slowly, until they are completely engulfed. Even then, Majin Buu will continue to engulf the person, completely closing off the opening in his stomach. This was used in his battle against Super Saiyan 3 Goku.

Human Extinction Attack

Super Buu fires a massive amount of energy waves from his left palm that disperses to seek out and kill all human beings. Super Buu used this attack to kill every single human being on Earth. Only Tien and Chiaotzu were fast enough to dodge the blasts and escaped from death and Hercule and Bee were spared due to the friendly Majin Buu's influence.

Dimension Scream

Super Buu lets out all of his energy in high pitched scream, ripping dimensions. It is said to possess enough power to destroy the whole universe and has a barrier to protect himself. First used to escape the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and later used as a last resort against Vegito.

533px-Buuvegeto punch.jpg


Super Buu uses this technique to conjure a drink and magazine while waiting for Gotenks to get his Kamikaze ghosts in order.

Planet Burst

A massive ki sphere created by Kid Buu by collecting energy in his right palm, enough to destroy a planet the size of Earth in a single shot. It was used to not only destroy Earth, but many other planets as Kid Buu sought out the place where Goku and Vegeta were hiding.

Instant Learning

This ability doesn't actually have a name. It allows Buu to instantly and perfectly perform any skill or ability seen. This explains how he knew Instantaneous Movement because he saw Supreme Kai perform it. This ability is shared by all versions of Buu. The limit of this ability is unknown but he has learned such abilities like the Kamehameha, Instantaneous Movement and a skill used by Vegeta (Learned by Fat Buu). He also learnt one of Gotenks ultimate attacks and Vegeta's Galick Gun. It is also possible that he knows Vegeta's Big Bang Attack because he saw Vegeta use it. He may even be able to use the Spirit Bomb. But because he is pure evil, he may not be able to perform it. This ability also teaches him how to fight seeing as Vegeta stated that Uub was learning to fight Goku as he was fighting, which was the same as Buu's ability, considering that Uub is a re-incarnation of Buu made by Goku's wish.

Instantaneous Movement

A technique that allows its user to instantly teleport to another planet, place or person. Unlike Instant Transmission, first introduced by Goku, the user does not actually need to focus on a specific energy signature to use as a target. This means that the user can transport anywhere within the Universe.