A denizen of the dark underbelly of society. Desiring, yearning for a peaceful life. And his target gives him an offer. But he does not want to be a servant, not anymore. But Kuki, Mikado is as unpredictable as a calamity and hilarity ensues.
Ronin, Momoyo, and the twins were in highschool now.
They were starting to develop and their fans were like a horde now. (Pics)
Especially with their good looks. Aka and Miyo even hide their eyes because anyone they look at would be entranced.
It was like they have a seduction spell that is continuously on.
The trio were as inseparable as ever and they were currently cooking breakfast.
"Anigimi, give us sustenance." Ageha latched onto him like a koala.
"Hmm, it seems that you are having less time for your anigimi, imo." Ronin teased her and Ageha pouted.
"It's because you're too brilliant, anigimi. Your company is now an international giant like the Kuki conglomerate. And Pear has been growing like crazy too, rivalling even Microfluffy." Ageha complained.
She has been working extra hard to prepare herself in inherting the corporation. She was the eldest after all.
And Hideo is too rambunctious to take over the Kukis. Not that Ageha will be responsible for it in her lonesome.
Just until Hideo grows a bit mature. "Well, your anigimi has to perform as the eldest Kuki." Ronin smiled at her.
Ageha beamed and she nodded at him. "We know. We wish that the man we will marry can be a fraction of your brilliance." Ageha hoped.
"Ageha, your brother complex is showing." Aka raised a brow and Miyo squinted her eyes.
"Is it not right to love your brother?" Ageha rebutted and sparks were flying between their eyes.
Ronin sighed, he was much closer to the calm Ageha. And she started developing a bit of a complex.
At first, he thought that she just admired him greatly and wanted to be like him. But Ageha's admiration was deeper.
He didn't have a problem with it per se. But his relationship with Ageha will be complicated if she learns that he isn't related to them.
It was either of two things. She will resent him for not telling her. Or Ageha would be more handsy.
And both were equally troublesome. He was also sure that Mikado would be all for it. The troublesome prick.
It not only would give Ageha what she wanted. The Kukis and his companies would also merge. They were strictly separated right now as sister companies.
But that would be the outcome if Mikado weds them. And Ronin had a feeling that the bastard was influencing Ageha in the shadows for that exact same event.
After all, who would develop a brother complex on their own?
"Enough you three, or I won't feed you." Ronin was making the main dish and they glared at each other for a quick second.
"We will be leaving this conversation for later." Ageha harrumphed and the twins snorted.
"Don't dream too big, Ageha. Remember that Icarus' wings burned." Aka warned her.
They hissed at each other and Ronin sighed at their antics. The friction between them was worsening.
And Ageha was headstrong, she won't back down as well. She had the blood of a samurai.
'Hmph, anigimi is my brother. He's the most amazing brother ever.' Ageha started eating her fried rice.
'He just appeared one day and he became an inspiration for us.' Ageha smiled.
But then, it dawned on her. Mikado and Tsubone just introduced him one day without any warning.
As a Kuki, evidence is imperative to make decisions. And they didn't give any evidence that he was Mikado's illegitimate son.
Due to Ronin bringing her with their outings with the Kazama family. Ageha has picked up a rather unexpected hobby.
Shoujo manga. Moro and Gakuto brought manga from time to time. And Ageha got enraptured by the stories.
So her imagination was running wild. She was a teenager after all. And unlike the assassins who can become as emotionless as a statue, she was pretty normal.
An amazing and overachieving girl, but pretty normal still.
'I need a sample of anigimi's DNA.' Ageha cooked up a plan.
After eating, Ronin and the twins cleaned up and they started washing the dishes with amazing coordination.
Ageha then found his chance and she clung to him again.
"Hmm? What's the matter Ageha?" Ronin raised a brow and the eldest Kuki took the opportunity.
"You just have something in your hair." Ageha pretended to clean his hair and she used her nails to clip a hair.
She was sure that he would get suspicious if she plucked one of his hair. He was a paranoid bastard.
"Oh, thanks. Rest Ageha, you have a long day ahead of you." Ronin shooed her away.
"Okay, anigimi." Ageha quickly exited the premises and she held onto the piece of his hair tightly.
Aka and Miyo were suspicious, but they just let it be.
"Kojurou, bring this to a dna testing lab. Test these two pieces of hair." Ageha called for her personal servant.
A boy with dirty blonde hair. Ranked 999th in the servant rankings. He was pretty much a normal guy that was kept around due to Ageha's rare blood type, Rh null.
Though Ageha still treats him like a close friend she could confide in.
Kojurou took the ziplock bag with Ronin and Ageha's samples and she awaited impatiently.
"Kojurou! Make it quick, it has to be done within the day... No! An hour!" Ageha demanded.
"Yes, Ageha-sama!" Kojurou quickly went towards the best lab in Japan in order to test it.
Ageha was twiddling her thumbs and she couldn't wait. "Ey! What's taking Kojurou so long!" Only thirty minutes elapsed and Ageha was being unreasonable.
Another nerve wracking thirty minutes passed and she received a notification in her laptop.
"Finally!" Ageha looked at it, but it was just spam email for hot milfs in the area.
"Damn it! What is this garbage? And why does she kind of look like Miyako?" Ageha didn't know and she doesn't want to find out.
She was about to throw her laptop in a fit of rage, but her laptop received another notif.
Ageha quickly opened up the mail and she cursed the slow internet.
"Why can't anigimi make a company that provides faster internet?" Ageha scowled.
The results then showed up and Ageha looked at it.
"A-as expected... We thought that anigimi's arrival was suspicious. But to think that he isn't chichi-ue's real son." Ageha blinked in shock.
"But why? Why didn't he at least tell us by now? Does he think so low of us? That he thinks we will react poorly to anigimi?" Ageha squinted her eyes.
And her fury was directed at Mikado. Because she was sure that he was the one who set this up in the first place.
And she would be right. But they were all in it, even Tsubone.
Ageha quickly rose from her bed and she stomped towards Mikado's room.
He just arrived from a business trip too, which was perfect.
"Chichi-ue, what is the meaning of this!?" Ageha pointed at her laptop.
"Ahhh! Get off me! Mikado!" Tsubone screamed as their little girl caught them in the act.
Mikado is always away in business trips after all.
But Ageha was undeterred, she had a will of steel. She gave a flying fuck if they were rutting like animals.
"Uhhh, Ageha. Sweetie, shouldn't you knock first?" Mikado had a wry smile on his face.
"Explain." Ageha tossed her laptop to him and Mikado caught it.
The man just blinked in surprise and Tsubone got suspicious. Thinking if he really did cheat on her or something.
"I guess this secret was bound to be unearthed." Mikado sighed and he ruffled his hair.
"Is anigimi really not my brother?" Ageha raised a brow and Tsubone was speechless.
"Yeah, first of all. His hair isn't like a Kuki's. It's bone white, he is also head strong and indomitable. But he isn't similar to us at all." Mikado started explaining.
"He's like a cold blade that is ready to be drawn all the time. While we are like proud lions that have nothing to hide. I didn't expect you to find this quickly." Mikado sighed again.
"Do you think so low of us? Anigimi is our brother. He is outstanding, we would've accepted him all the same." Ageha was in an outrage.
"Then why are you still complaining? It doesn't matter, right?" Mikado gave her a lackasaidal answer and Ageha was stumped.
He was right, it doesn't even matter. If she would treat him all the same.
"Ageha, dear. We should talk about this in the morning." Tsubone tried to calm her down.
Ageha left without a word and she was chanting something inside of her mind.
'Why am I upset in the first place?' Ageha didn't know, but what she knew is that she was mad as hell.
"Hah, Tsubone. This is going to be messy. And I can't even implicate the guy as well. I took all the blame!" Mikado thought that it was injustice at work.
"You know that this would be a possibility, Mikado." Tsubone rolled her eyes. It was all his damned idea in the first place.
"Yeah, anyways. Should we continue?" Mikado wiggled his eyebrows and Tsubone deadpanned at him.
"I'm having a headache, so I'll just lie down and you do all the work." Tsubone huffed at him.
"Awww, you know I'm tired." Mikado complained and Tsubone turned her back on him.
"Fine then." Mikado just slept for now and they left their problems to their future selves.
It was tense on the dining table, Hideo was still his energetic self. But Ageha was glancing at Ronin and her parents from time to time.
"Chichi-ue, haha-ue, anigimi, ane-ue. We will be going first kuhahaha!" Hideo left like a storm after eating.
"Spill, Ageha. What's bothering you?" Ronin raised a brow and the twins were also worried that there was something wrong with her.
She was unnaturally silent. Ageha would report to Tsubone about her company. Especially when Mikado was right there with them which was rare.
"Are we really not related?" Ageha dropped a bomb on them and the trio were surprised for a quick second.
But worthy of being top assassins, they quickly recovered and Ronin coughed.
"Yes." He said succinctly and Ageha had a complicated expression. She was happy for a second, then she suddenly frowned.
Her expressions kept changing and the twins understood it all. Hissing, they glared at her.
'She's aiming at him.' They then gasped, remembering her suspicious actions last night. And Ronin also pieced the puzzle.
'I have been careless.' Ronin sighed and the twins gasped.
'Well played, Ageha...' They nodded begrudingly at her.
"Well, you see. Dad found him one day and he was extremely talented. That's why I adopted him." Mikado explained.
"Then why keep it a secret from us?" Ageha raised a brow.
She was calmer now, but she still held a grudge against Mikado.
"Well, I just thought it would be interesting?" Mikado scratched his head sheepishly.
"Fine, we will accept your reasoning. You are flippant after all, chichi-ue." Ageha huffed.
"So, do we tell Hideo?" Aka raised and they just shook their heads.
"Nah, Hideo's brain would explode. He won't have a bad reaction really. But he doesn't need the distraction." Mikado waved it off.
"We agree, Hideo is quite... Simple minded." Ageha called him an idiot politely.
"I guess." Miyo shrugged and Ronin chortled a bit.
"So, nothing changes, Ageha?" Ronin looked at her and she nodded slowly.
She was lying to herself. She didn't get sleep last night, thinking about all sorts of things.
"Good, then we continue as usual. Go, you'll be late to school. Your school is farther than ours." Ronin gestured for her to go.
"Alright, see you later anigimi." Ageha nodded at him and the trio sighed.
"Sorry, this is my mistake. Good thing everything went well." Ronin rubbed his temples.
"It's fine, though you're a lucky bastard. She got all huffy with me! Just me alone! And Tsubone had to act cold towards me years ago for this." Mikado whined about useless things.
"Shush, this is your bright idea Mikado." Tsubone rolled her eyes.
"And one more thing, Mikado. You're not filling Ageha's head with useless things, right?" Ronin stared at him and Mikado raised a brow.
"What are you talking about?" His heartbeat didn't rise and he was completely calm.
"Nothing, we will be off." Ronin stood up and Mikado held his breath until they were gone.
"What did you do?" Tsubone looked at him suspiciously and Mikado started sweating.
"Ahh... You see, I've been asking Ageha if she loves her respected brother. And it's really good that she admires him so much." Mikado gave a nervous smile.
"Y-you... You're trying to wed Ageha to him? Mikado..." Tsubone looked at him sternly.
"What? His company is growing so quickly that it's rivaling the Kuki corp. It would result in world domination I say!" Mikado said grandly.
"Idiot husband... What am I to do with you?" Tsubone didn't know what to say and she just massaged her head.
Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.