
Chapter 5: A Billion Dollar Idea

It was the year 1997. And the internet was just starting to take off.

As assassins, Ronin and the twins knew what information meant for the mission.

But they thought, what if the people can get what they wanted to know in a blink of an eye?

So they quickly rented a building through the Kuki name.

And with their funds, they started developing a program. A revolutionary information network that the world wouldn't be able to ignore.

A multinational company that deals with artificial intelligence, online advertising, search engine technology, and e-commerce.

Monetizing advertisements. It would start slow, but as more people use their search engine. More revenue would flow.

An automated pay-per-click that would revolutionize online advertising. The time was now. Billboards and newspapers will be left behind the dust.

There were a couple on the rise. But they would blow it out of the water.

The mass of information in the world wide web was chaotic, uncontrolled, unregulated.

So they will tame it by creating an automated system that will organize it, tame it, harness the information of the lawless internet.

And people love organized things. Humans love convenience after all.

So the trio used their meagre knowledge about programming and information technology.

Knowledge was power, so the trio used their free time after school to learn everything about what they could use to turn their budding company into a tech giant.

__Kuki estate__

"Hmmm? Using the internet? Won't your company's growth be slow with this? After all, the internet is new and chaotic." Mikado thought that it would be revolutionary.

But it will need a lot of time to ramp up. "You are truly a businessman, Mikado. You will see, innovators don't look at just profits." Ronin started elaborating.

"We have something that is useful to make this successful." Ronin had a smidgeon of a smirk on his face.

"We are assassins, Mikado. We observe people far more than you think." Kimiyo snorted.

"Humans are easy, we know how they tick, what they want, their behaviors. They are predictable like a book, Mikado. And we will cater to their wants and needs." Aka stated.

Mikado started sweating a bit. He forgot that they were good at their jobs. Not just good, fucking good even.

They have hundreds of missions under their belt. And they are all successful, 100% success rate.

The child assassins can just look at people and do a psycho analysis on them. Figure out their mental status, behaviors, etc.

There are no people in the world that can figure out humans more than assassins. It was mandatory for the task at hand. Or their deaths will be the result of a single miscalculation.

"Alright, show me then." Mikado smirked and he was off for another business trip.

The trio nodded at him and they will dominate the world wide web. It was untapped potential. And they love exploiting weaknesses.

After taking a shower, they made some lunch. They refused to be served food that they didn't make. It was just a habit.

"Anigimi, you are cooking? Why though?" Ageha was looking for them to ask for pointers about how to be more effective in fighting.

After all, she heard that Aka beat Momoyo in a single kick. And Kawakami Momoyo was famous for even beating adults.

"It is relaxing, Ageha. Would you like some as well?" Ronin offered to be polite. And he likes her enough for not being difficult, like in soap operas and cheesy dramas.

"Really? We would love to taste it." Ageha has never experienced someone cooking for her, bar the servants.

And it would be a novel experience in her mind.

Aka and Miyo raised a brow at him though. Thinking that he was getting a bit too chummy with Ageha.

"You like her?" Aka squinted her eyes and Miyo was also staring at him.

"Yes, she's easy to talk to. And Ageha isn't a little brat." Ronin gave his reasoning and they were satisfied with that.

Cooking a simple pasta dish, Ronin served it to Ageha and she was surprised that it looked like it came from a famous restaurant.

"Anigimi, do you want to be a chef?" Ageha observed his plating and it looked really appetizing.

But it was just a result of being a perfectionist. Missions must be perfect all the time.

"It's just a hobby Ageha, go on." Ronin urged her to eat and the twins prepared something as well.

Aka made some focaccia bread and Miyo made gelato.

And after thinking it over, they also liked Ageha. She is polite, smart, and humble. Respecting Ronin as an older brother without question.

"Hmm~ can we eat more of your creations? Anigimi, Aka, Miyo?" Ageha's taste buds were delighted.

Obsessed with details, their cooking was also made to be perfect. Correct amount of calories and nutrients to sustain themselves.

Without sacrificing the taste. "Sure." The twins didn't expect her to like it so much, but they were pleased nonetheless.

"Just ask, Ageha. We will be creating our food on our own every time. As a Kuki, it is a simple task." Ronin shrugged and Ageha smiled at him.

'Anigimi is amazing, he could also cook. How many more surprises does he have?' Ageha was curious.

They comfortably got into a routine. Spending their days by training in the Kawakami temple with Tesshin.

Going to school, developing their company. But there are certain hiccups along the way.

"Oi! I've been working hard! And I have my minions with me!" Momoyo dragged them to a field and she had a couple of kids alongside her.

Four boys who obviously didn't want to be there.

"Gakuto, Yamato, Moro! Be my meat shields while I go in for the kill!" Momoyo revealed their plans immediately and the trio deadpanned at her.

"Is this girl an idiot or something?" Miyo stepped up and she was calm and collected.

She gestured for them to come and the larger boy; Gakuto charged at her.

"Boss Momo will beat me up if I don't hit you!" Gakuto released a warcry and Miyo parried his fist.

She then grabbed his arm and sweeped his leg. Using his momentum to throw him back to their group.

Judo was a pretty good way to not hit someone with their strength. As it relied on grabs, grapples, and throws.

"Ahhhh!" Gakuto cried out as he sailed through the air. Momoyo kicked him out of the way though.

She was definitely a delinquent. "Uhh... Momoyo-senpai, they beat Gakuto easily..." Moro fidgeted around while Yamato sweated.

'They're definitely in the same realm as Momo-senpai...' Yamato was thinking on how to beat them.

"Shouichi, Moro and I will cling to her and you tackle her. Momo-senpai should be able to use her strength that way." Yamato whispered to the brunette with a bandana.

"Yosh, good plan Yamato!" Shouichi was all fired up and Moro was terrified.

Miyo just looked at them with her blank stare that was as cold as permafrost.

"Here goes nothing!" Yamato ran at her and he took out a pebble from his pocket. He then threw it at her torso for a distraction so he could cling to her.

Miyo looked at the flying pebble like it was in slow motion and she just flicked it back to Yamato who got nailed on the forehead.

Moro froze and Shouichi who moved to tackle her got kicked away.

Momoyo wasn't just lounging around though. Running at Miyo who she thought was distracted by Shouichi long enough.

"Useless." Miyo sidestepped Momoyo's flying kick and she grabbed her leg.

Miyo then yanked her and she headbutted Momoyo in the face.

Momoyo dropped on the ground in a daze and Miyo was about to kick her away, but Ronin stopped her.

"It's not worth it." Ronin uttered and they left. Making Momoyo hear it.

Her pride wounded and soundly beaten even with support. She gritted her teeth in frustration.

"I have to get stronger, they won't keep getting away with it!" Her ego was hit hard and the others looked at her in worry.

"Come on, my loyal minions! You will be training alongside me!" Momoyo was unstoppable right now and they paled.

So the four boys accepted their fate and Momoyo dragged them to train.

Due to their time being valuable, Claudio started picking them up as they worked on their company on their laptops while riding the car.

"How was school?" Claudio, being the grandfatherly man, asked them.

"It was uneventful." Aka answered and Miyo nodded while typing away on their laptop with amazing speed.

"There was something though, Kawakami Momoyo seemed to be obsessed in dominating us." Ronin shrugged.

"I see, so you've made your first friend?" Claudio chuckled and the twins snorted.

Ronin who only considers Aka and Miyo as his friends thought about it.

"Is that how friends are? Annoying and disruptive?" Ronin thought that friends were unnecessary then.

"Goodness no, you aren't friends... Yet. But she'll grow on you, just watch and wait." Claudio had a knowing smile on his face.

"I don't think so. It will get old real fast." Ronin shrugged and Claudio chuckled. "Ahh, youth. I remember when I was young once. I should've courted that plump girl." Claudio reminisced.

The trio looked at him weirdly. They didn't expect Claudio to like the more, fuller ones.

And their daily lives continued peacefully. Until one day, they saw an ugly sight.

"Shiina virus! Don't let Miyako touch you! You'll get the virus!" Gakuto was bullying a girl with purple hair.

The children were ruthless, the girl was shy and she didn't seem to have any friends alongside her.

"You'll just be like your mom! A prostitute!" The kids jeered at her and the girl was just taking it.

"Leave her be, if we help her. She would never be able to live in this harsh world." Miyo commented.

"You received help from me. Sometimes, all it takes is a helping hand to survive, Miyo." Ronin gave her a side eye and she got flustered.

"Sorry, you are correct." Miyo remembered the children that they were unable to absorb into their group.

Ronin was only given the privilege to make a team with Aka and Miyo.

Aka sighed and she shook her head at Ronin's bleeding heart.

"Hey, you. Why are you picking on this girl?" Ronin's cold voice resounded and Gakuto saw him.

"Geh, guys... I think we should get the hell out of here." Gakuto remembered that Miyo and Aka were following him.

And being a kid, he thought that he was their boss. Just like with Momoyo and their group.

"Hah? Are you scared Gakuto? You'll just get infected by the Shiina virus." One of the bullies warned him.

"A virus? Scram before I send you to the infirmary." Ronin squinted his eyes and Miyako looked at him with surprised eyes.

And being children that can't notice how dangerous he is, they charged at him for insulting them.

Ronin snorted and he quickly knocked them out by socking them on the jaw. Which thankfully didn't come off.

Tesshin's teachings were coming in handy. And he also wanted to test his control.

Gakuto was shaking like a leaf as Ronin walked up to him.

"You're a child, so I will let this go once. But do it again, and you will regret it." Ronin promised a world of hurt.

Gakuto immediately ran away and Miyako just stared at Ronin.

"W-why? Why did you help me?" Miyako was perplexed and confused.

"Do I need a reason to? You are not infected with some kind of virus. Keep your chin up and fight back." Ronin raised her chin and Miyako's eyes shone.

"O-okay." She looked at them leave and Ronin just made a problem for himself.

As evidenced by Miyako starting to stalk him every single time.

Rumors started popping up as well, but Ronin's exotic looks and handsomeness made the other kids shut up quickly.

Kids were shallow after all. If someone cool like him shows favor to Miyako, then they won't try to dissuade him.

"Ronin, that girl is watching us like a hawk. Look at what you did." Aka sighed and Ronin snorted.

"Let her observe, it will pass." Ronin didn't mind Miyako's tendencies to stalk him.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.