
Chapter 36: Another Highschooler

As Margit charged at them, Yamato who was trying to stop her with words saw her move.

"Oh... I'm screwed aren't I?" Yamato was hit on the gut with her tonfa and he was sent down to the ground.

"Wait! Wait! It's an accident!" Moro shouted out as well.

"Explain that to the judge!" Margit whacked him with her tonfa.

"I'll stop her." Gakuto stood in front of Lala and Momo to try and be cool.

"Come! Guheh!" Gakuto was kicked in the nuts and he froze like a statue.

"Kyah! A ghost! A real ghost in the middle of the day!" Momoyo was still rampaging as she shot her ki haphazardly.

"We've got to stop her nee-sama!" Momo was holding a blue flower that calms people with its pollen.

But she couldn't get close to Momoyo at all, the girl would smack them away with full force.

"Criminal scum! Nobody breaks the law on my watch!" Margit took off her eyepatch and her aura changed.

"Hasen jagd!" She roared and swung her tonfa at Momoyo who was the main culprit for the chaos.

But when she hit her straight on the noggin, her tonfa that was made with the strongest ironwood snapped in two.

"Hieee! Something touched my head!" Momoyo backhanded Margit with breakneck speeds.

"Guah! S-such power..." Margit crashed onto a lamp post and it got bent over.

"We have to stop Momoyo." Aka looked at Miyo.

They were reflecting the ki blasts of Momoyo to the sky in order to protect the city.

And Momoyo sure was trigger happy. "Enough! I'll annihilate your kind! Kawakami secret technique! STAR DEST-"

She was about to blow a part of the city to kingdom come, but someone fell from the sky.

"Momoyo! Calm down!" Ronin bear hugged her from behind and he used his ki to cancel her forming attack.

"Everyone alright?" Ronin looked around and he saw some people on the ground.

Capt was hiding behind a vending machine. Moro and Yamato were knocked out.

And Gakuto was groaning on the ground. "All good, senpai." Miyako gave him a thumbs up.

"Let go of me Ronin! I'll send these ghosts to Jesus!" Momoyo was still struggling and he was straining.

His bones creaked as Momoyo was still much stronger than him physically.

"I've got this!" Lala took out something from her d-dial.

"Nee-sama! I'll handle it!" Momo tried to stop her sister, but she already sprayed something on them.

And Momoyo who was struggling violently was able to dodge. Making Ronin the recipient of her weird inventions.

"Oraaa!" Capt took hold of one of Margit's tonfas and he whacked the robot of Lala.

After that, the ghostly images that looked real disappeared and Momoyo started to calm down.

"Are they gone?" She asked with a shaky voice and she was sweating bullets.

"Ronin-san, are you okay?" Momo gulped as Ronin who was trying to restrain Momoyo suddenly went still.

"Hmmm? Ahh, this is Berserker DX spray type-kun." Lala showed the spray she had on her hand.

And it had an image of a smiley face on it with a wicked grin filled with sharp teeth.

"Get back!" Momo sweated heavily as she tried to send the pollen of her flower to Ronin's nose.

"I don't have a good feeling about this..." Miyo could feel it in her gut, something bad was about to happen.

"Ronin froze, maybe he's fighting the effects of it?" Aka then looked at Lala.

"Hehe~ it's supposed to make people really energetic." Lala explained the effects.

Ronin sighed and he suddenly stood up straight.

"Is he alright?" Miyako wondered and Ronin suddenly looked up and they saw his face.

"I feel really nice right now." He licked his lips and his eyes scanned the area in a split second.

"Uh-oh..." Momo could only say that and Ronin disappeared with incredible speed.

"Kyah! Ronin!? Not in public!" Momoyo who was closest to him got hugged from behind and he started groping her.

"Momoyo, you perverted girl. I'm going to have a lot of fun with you later." Ronin licked her neck and he tweaked her chest.

"Ahn~" Momoyo lost strength and her knees buckled.

"Ahh, senpai's going to violate us." Koyuki looked excited.

"Senpai~" Miyako jogged up to him with her arms wide open.

But he ignored her. She was too easy of a target. And he went towards the threat; Momo.

"Ahh! Ronin-san! Not my tail!" Momo couldn't move as he caught her tail and he started rubbing it.

She started fidgeting and Ronin sucked on the tip of her tail. "Ahn! So rough!" Momo's face flushed as she bit her lip.

"Ronin! Stop right there!" Lala felt that the situation was getting out of hand.

"Windy windy rope-kun!" She sent her rope to him, wanting to tie him up.

But he grabbed it lightning quick and he threw it back at Lala like a bola.

"Kyah! No way!" Lala couldn't control it once she unleashed it and she was tied up by her rope.

"N-nee-sama~ h-help~" Momo drooled as Ronin neutralized her.

"Ahn!" Momo cried out as she fell down on the floor, completely out of it with a dopey grin on her face.

"I should thank you, Lala. I feel, really different. My eyes have been opened." Ronin walked up to her.

"Ronin! Snap out of it!" Lala shouted, but it fell on deaf ears as he began to reach out to her.

"Hmmm? Do you really want to do this?" Ronin was grabbed by Aka and Miyo and they dug their heels in the concrete.

"Quick! Run! We can't hold him for long!" Aka shouted as they strained against him.

"Thank you for the offer, but I refuse." Koyuki put her hand up and shook her head slowly.

Miyako nodded sagely and she wholeheartedly agreed with Koyuki.

"Shit! Miyo!" Aka bear hugged Ronin and she tackled him to the ground.

"I never knew that I'll use this on him first. And it's because he'll be molesting everyone." Miyo sighed.

Red energy gathered around her and crimson lightning crackled.

A shockwave exploded as her ki was released.

"Aka! I can't keep this up for long!" Miyo gritted her teeth as her body started to strain.

"Hmph, I'll have my way with all of you." Ronin's hands glowed blue.

"Hand of Typhon." He moved his arm downwards and a massive hand made of ki shot down towards Miyo.

Lubeck experienced an earthquake as Ronin's attack shook the earth.

"Hngh! You can't beat me that easily!" Miyo grabbed his ki construct and she lifted it up with a roar.

She then started exchanging blows with Ronin at blistering speeds.

Their every punch and kick creating tempests of wind that blew even cars away.

A storm of ki forming around them as the epicenter. Crimson and royal blue clashing violently.

"W-what? Is Kuki Ronin that strong?" Margit watched on with awe.

"He's holding back actually." Momoyo commented as she knew that he could keep up with her godlike body.

"Quick, let us evacuate." Aka gathered the unconscious guys and Koyuki was hauling Lala.

"Wait, I have a plan. Can you stun him long enough?" Momoyo asked Aka.

"Well, I have an attack that can do that." Aka winced.

"Let's wait for him in an ambush then, rest in peace Miyo. Your body will not be forgotten." Momoyo prayed for her.

They then waited in a nearby alley, waiting for the storm to pass.

And it seemed that Miyo was doing really good, but the tides of battle suddenly changed.

Ronin clapped and Miyo was squished in between two giant spectral hands.

She blocked them with her own, but her arms shook like a leaf in a storm.

Her body couldn't take the strain anymore and her ki was extinguished by the royal blue energy from Ronin.

"Sometimes, your best is not enough Miyo." Ronin lifted her up and he put her in his lap.

He then smacked her butt and rubbed it. Mixing both pain and pleasure.

"Hah, hah, I'm so jealous!" Miyako panted as she watched from the side.

"You're not even trying to hide it anymore." Momoyo clicked her tongue at her.

"Well, Miyako is honest with her feelings at least." Capt shrugged.

When he was done playing with Miyo who was a panting mess on the ground, he stood up slowly.

He then craned his neck towards the group and Momoyo shuddered when he grinned at them.

"A man's gotta do his part!" Capt charged at Ronin with Margit's tonfa and he gave a thumbs up at the gang before going.

With a valiant battlecry, Capt jumped up and tried an overhead swing with his weapon.

Ronin's hand snaked around the air lightning quick as he grabbed Capt's neck.

"Useless, I will have my prize." Ronin snickered at Capt.

"Heh... That's what you think." Capt smiled and Ronin was hugged from behind by Aka.

She then kicked away Shouichi back to the gang. "I'll leave the rest to you, Momoyo."

Aka suddenly glowed with white light and her ki exploded as she used herself as a bomb.

Momoyo contained the area with her ki as the explosion spread outwards.

A crater formed on the ground and Aka looked like a certain martial artist while Ronin was smoking.

"You're within my range of divination!" Momoyo's fingers glowed golden and she stabbed them towards his ki pathways.

Ronin's ki was locked by hers and Ronin slumped downwards.

"Damn... I never thought that Ronin rampaging around will be this troublesome." Momoyo sighed heavily.

Lala who wasn't entangled now grabbed Momo's calming flower and shook it in front of his nose.

Ronin then shook his head and he blinked. "That was... Weird."

"Ahhh, woe is me... He didn't even lay a hand on me." Koyuki did an orz.

"It should've been me! Not them!" Miyako was sent reeling as his rampage ended and she also did an orz.

"Uhhh, Margit. Sorry about this mess, we'll send in a team to take care of everything." Ronin massaged his temples.

"Is that it? You cause chaos here in Lubeck and you say that you'll just fix everything? Like nothing happened?" Margit glared at him.

"Of course, it's nothing like that. We'll apologize publicly. And consider the deal with Frank void." Ronin squinted his eyes at Lala.

"Sorry..." She looked down on the ground like a child that just got scolded.

"You better be, you won't be getting any food from me for a month. Reflect on your actions." Ronin huffed at her.

"Noo! Anything but that! Your meals give me life!" Lala clung to him immediately as she begged.

"No can do, every action has an equal reaction." Ronin glared at her.

"Uwaaah! Momo! What am I gonna do? Ronin is mad at me!" Lala cried.

"You reap what you sow, nee-sama..." Momo deadpanned at her.

"Damned rich people... You think you can solve everything with money!" Margit gritted her teeth.

"Anigimi! Is everything alright?" Ageha arrived and she saw that Margit was injured.

And she was pissed at Ronin. "Ageha, everything is under control now. A freak accident by Lala again."

"Margit, what would you like us to do then? Not repair Lubeck? I'm not saying it wasn't our fault.

This is our fault a 100%. But instead of arguing here and questioning my methods. Wouldn't it be better if I fix things first?" Ronin sighed at her.

"T-that..." Margit couldn't argue with his logic.

"You're still dangerous, so I will need to monitor you at all times." Margit glared at him still.

__Kawakami Academy__

"We are having a new transfer student." A middle aged teacher made the class quiet down.

"Silence! Guten tag, my name is Margit Eberbach. It is nice to meet you." Margit greeted stiffly.

"Isn't she like in her 20's? Why is there another adult in high school here?" Ronin rubbed the bridge if its nose.

He remembered Azumi who was in her late 20's. Acting all cute for Hideo. Even though she's really brash.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.