A denizen of the dark underbelly of society. Desiring, yearning for a peaceful life. And his target gives him an offer. But he does not want to be a servant, not anymore. But Kuki, Mikado is as unpredictable as a calamity and hilarity ensues.
Roaming the entertainment district of Kawakami, Ronin was actually pretty nervous for once.
The reason why? He was currently double booked by one Momoyo and Miyako.
"Senpai..." Miyako deadpanned at him and Momoyo squinted her eyes.
"Ronin..." Momoyo stared at him with a cold gaze and he couldn't help but sigh.
"You two invited me on a date at the same time, it can't be helped. I couldn't refuse one for the other." Ronin explained.
Momoyo and Miyako then looked at each other. 'Hmmm, she works fast.' The two thought about each other.
They sized each other up, but in the end. They were good friends. "Hah, fine. I will let you come with us Miyako." Momoyo sighed and Miyako was happy.
But then, she thought that she couldn't let Momoyo get that kind of power against her. She wasn't just some extra now.
"Momoyo-senpai, I'm Ronin-senpai's girlfriend. Besides, Akasuki and Miyo makes the calls here, not you." Miyako looked at her with her blank look.
"Ahhhh, Ronin! Miyako is getting rebellious. The Kazama family is starting to rebel against me! My loyal minions!" Momoyo hugged his arm and Miyako deadpanned at her.
Miyako then hugged his other arm as well. And whispers started to resound around them. "What a lucky bastard! I'm so jealous!" A guy shouted and single losers began jeering.
"Hah... Can you two please not make a ruckus." Ronin gave them high impact head pats and they went quiet for a bit.
"That's it, let's have a nice time today." Ronin rubbed his temples. But that was the path that he chose.
And he'll die on the hill that he created. Not that it isn't worth it, the samurai girls in his life were good people. Though they were quite eccentric.
Ronin then fought an uphill battle of having a date with two women. It would have been fine if they were normal, but they weren't.
"Senpai, can we go to that cafe and eat the couple's parfait?" Miyako tugged on his shirt with a cute expression, like a small animal.
"Ronin, that place is too cute. It's going to make me vomit sugar. Let's get some meat buns in Chinatown instead!" Momoyo hugged his arm.
Miyako and Momoyo then squinted their eyes against each other. The gears in Ronin's head started to spin.
He has been in countless dangerous situations. But he always prevailed and completed the mission.
'This is no different, the mission parameters is to both satisfy Momoyo and Miyako. I must be prudent and complete the assignment.' Ronin squinted his eyes.
"Wait a bit, both of you." Ronin jumped lightly on the ground. He then used his ki to enhance himself and disappeared on the spot.
Momoyo and Miyako were stunned as they thought that he ditched them. The two then looked at each other, feeling a bit bad. But he suddenly reappeared.
He had a paper bag on his hands and two cups of ice cream that looked pretty.
"Come on, let's go sit down on a bench and have some meat buns that are quite famous. Then, let's have some dessert." Ronin smiled at them.
The two then beamed at him. "Not bad, not bad indeed my good sir." Momoyo nodded at him and thought that was how a man should be.
"Ronin-senpai, you're really serious about this huh?" Miyako still felt bad that they were hassling him. After all, she was more biased for him.
They then went to a bench and he gave them some meat buns from Chinatown. Earlier, he went to a pretty famous shop, picked up some of the buns, and left a stack of cash on the register.
He was also keeping the ice cream cool by using his ki to manipulate the temperature around the cups. Showcasing his immense focus and control over his energy.
"Hmmm~ This is really good!" Momoyo ate heartily. As a young woman that was still developing, believe it or not. She needed a lot of food to function.
Not to mention that her godlike body is like a nuclear reactor that needs to be replenished. Momoyo will never be fat, she can burn through calories like a raging fire.
"Hmmm. Thank you for this senpai." Miyako just ate one. She then focused on the ice cream as she wanted something sweet.
And to get one, he went to a cafe that served it. Decorated one on his own so it will be prettier, and then leaving some cash as well.
He was abusing the hell out of his ki. And he thought that people who practice for decades just to unlock it would vomit blood due to the unfairness.
Ronin is using it for a date, martial artists would kill themselves if they learned that a master at ki was utilizing it like that.
After their little lunch though, they wanted to do something else. Miyako wanted to have a pretty calm date, she isn't a rambunctious person anyways.
Preferring to go on museums or sights that you can enjoy by just observing and appreciating their beauty.
While Momoyo was like the energizer bunny, she didn't want to stay still and do something 'boring' like watch paintings and crap.
Miyako is a patient archer, even being dubbed as a heavenly archer. While Momoyo is a martial artist that wants to get into the thick of things.
So Ronin, had to do a big brain move once again to satisfy them both. He looked around in a split second.
His eyes darted around like he had certain pinwheel eyes. Everything was in slow motion and he noticed something that will make them both happy.
Not even a second passed and he pointed at a structure. "Let's go to that Ferris wheel." Ronin smiled at them and they both nodded.
They were pleased with his pick and Ronin had another problem, there was a huge line for the Ferris wheel.
'Should I use my Kuki name and just buy this whole amusement park?' Ronin thought, but he would just be wasting money and the twins would definitely scold him.
He also didn't want to smack people around with wads of cash, that would be blatant bribing and corruption.
'I will need to distract them then.' Ronin looked at his girlfriends and he hugged their waists.
"S-senpai?" Miyako got embarrassed, she is quite reserved and very wary against strangers, so she got embarrassed when he hugged her.
"Shhh, you're my girl right? Let me show the world that you are mine." Ronin whispered to her as she stared at his electric blue eyes.
"U-un..." Miyako melted. 'One down, one more to go.' Ronin looked to his other side and Momoyo was pouting at him.
"So she's yours eh?" Momoyo was a bit jealous and Ronin rubbed her butt for a split second.
Only Momoyo and him could notice what he did as it was too fast for normal people. Even Miyako who has good dynamic vision didn't see it.
Momoyo then blushed and he gave her a small peck on the lips. "You are too, Momoyo." Ronin kept flirting with her.
"Hehehe~ That's right." Momoyo giggled and Ronin kept a tight balance between the two. With Momoyo, he needed to be a bit more aggressive.
While with Miyako, he needed to distract her and make her happy with words that she wanted to hear from him that she surely imagines all the time.
'Tango down, mission is going smoothly... Time to finish and go to the extraction point.' Ronin helped them board the Ferris wheel and they watched the scenery of Kawakami.
Miyako put her head on his shoulder as she watched. The gloomy girl was all smiles and she was satisfied.
Meanwhile, Momoyo's passion was curbed by sneaky petting by Ronin. She was smirking at him and she definitely loved his touch.
She's a battle junkie, but instead of desiring a battle right now. She desired his affection, her love language was also through physical intimacy.
Momoyo wasn't one for flowery words, she wants action. So he kept her on her toes every chance he got.
"You know... Even though this was quite difficult, it was fun." Ronin commented and they nodded.
They had no doubt that behind his smoothness, a lot of thoughts ran through his mind. And they appreciated him for it. Even though it's his job as their boyfriend.
"You've really outdone yourself today Ronin. Miyako and I are like polar opposites, but you maintained a fragile balance that can lead to disaster in a blink of an eye." Momoyo chortled.
"Balanced, as all things should be." Miyako nodded at her and they were really satisfied with their date.
"Hmmm, how can I not? When you two are already sacrificing a lot for me?" Ronin kissed their foreheads and the samurai girls looked up at him with a feverish gaze.
"We know what we signed up for, senpai. Aka and Miyo-senpai are inseparable from you. In all accounts, we shouldn't even be with you." Miyako rubbed her cheek on his shoulder like a cat.
"Hmmm, you're amazing. Don't sell yourself short Ronin." Momoyo commented and he chuckled.
"I guess I lucked out huh? You girls are being really cute right now." Ronin hugged them tighter and the duo blushed.
"W-well, you accepted my love. I will never squander this opportunity." Miyako looked determined, like she just caught the goose that lays golden eggs.
"Hmph, there will never be a man in my life like you again. I'd rather be with you than a wimp." Momoyo snorted.
"So... Who's your next target? Is it Koyuki as expected? She's going to notice that I got together with you. And she won't take this lying down." Miyako asked him.
"What? My next target? You're making it look like I'm actively trying to get as many girls as possible." Ronin snorted and Momoyo pinched his sides.
"Well, you're a gigolo. Don't play coy Ronin. I've seen how Ageha-san looks at you." Momoyo raised a brow at him.
"Ahhh..." He had to snuff out that misunderstanding immediately. They were definitely thinking that the Kukis might be practicing incest.
"I'm actually not a real Kuki, I'm adopted. Ageha knows that, so don't think that I'm trying to make an inbred kid." Ronin laughed.
"What!?" The two of them blinked and they didn't really expect that Ronin wasn't a Kuki.
They then went quiet for a bit. It didn't really matter to them if he was adopted or something. What matters is him.
But they did have a question. "So... You do know that Ageha-senpai is a brocon right?" Miyako raised a brow at him.
"Yeah... Ageha-san has a really bad case of brother complex." Momoyo smiled wryly and he sighed.
"Well, between us siblings. I'm the most close with Ageha... So I don't really know, it depends on her actions. I won't be chasing girls actively." Ronin shrugged.
The two were satisfied with his answer. At least he wasn't going to abuse their decision to be in a relationship like this and chase skirts everywhere.
But something did enter their minds. And they felt like they were hit by lightning. "Ronin... How about Monshiro? She really idolizes you."
The two of them said a the same time. Ronin then frowned at them. "Do you think I'm some kind of lolicon?"
"N-no! It's just... You know, she's not really that far away from our age. And if she does come to like you... Then you'll be having a loli." Momoyo winced.
"You guys think too much, let's just go home for now. The ride is over too." Ronin sighed and they put that in the back burner.
__Gugel HQ__
Aka and Miyo were currently typing on two laptops at once. They were focused on their laptops, but the two were quite calm.
The keyboards of their computers clacked like crazy and the twins were the definition of speed typing.
"Found you..." Aka smirked as she pinpointed a location. "Nice, Ronin will love to hear of this. So it came from China huh?" Miyo looked over Aka's work.
"Do these amateurs really think they could pierce through our security and fire walls just like that?" Aka sighed at their attack.
"Gugel has an international database that contains hundreds of millions. Even billions of people's information Aka, these guys must want to get their hands on that." Miyo shrugged.
Information was power. And having the information of people is quite a weapon that can be used against even entire countries.
The world wide web is quite a dangerous place. And the masses that are just starting to truly incorporate it into their lives are ignorant of its peril.
USA is already having a lot of fraud cases. And nasty individuals are scamming people since the dawn of time. The internet is a huge playing field for these people.
"Contact, Ronin. I guess we'll get rid of their division. I just pinpointed them with our satellites. It's a part of their government. I guess these commies need a little lesson." Aka already mapped their HQ.
"I'll also call Shakadou, we'll be cleaning up some trash." Miyo stood up and she started making calls.
Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.