
Chapter 30: Seaweed and Jealousy

"Wahhh! Thank you very much, Ronin!" Seiso saw the bicycle he gave her.

"Hello Seiso-sama, I am Zhui." The bike had an AI and she thought it was perfect.

"Ehh? That's it? I thought it was going to be a noble steed." Xiang Yu was disappointed though.

"Zhui, activate bike mode." Ronin ordered and the bicycle suddenly turned into a massive bike.

"All systems nominal, ride on." Zhui revved its engines and it roared.

"Oh, ohhh~" Xiang Yu's eyes sparkled at the sight of Zhui transforming.

"Only enter bike mode with my permission." Ronin put a stop on her excitement though.

"Wha!? Why!?" Xiang Yu looked at him with an expression like she was betrayed.

"You doubted me, so I won't let you use it unless I give my permission." He was being petty.

"Kuu! You're too much!" Xiang Yu was starting to tear up.

"Uhh, boss Ronin. I don't think you should tease her that much, look. She's about to cry." Benkei pointed out.

"I am not!" Xiang Yu sniffled. Yoshitsune and Yoichi even felt a bit bad for her.

"Fine, Zhui. If she's not using it for something bad, then you can transform." Ronin gave his new orders.

"Roger that, Ronin-sama." Zhui replied and Xiang Yu immediately rode the bike for a test ride.

"You don't have a license, master. Thus, it will be a crime. Therefore, I cannot let you ride." Zhui said to her.

"Nooo! I have to get a damned license!? Ronin, give me one of those!" Xiang Yu demanded.

"I will, if you give me a little kiss." He was teasing her as he remembered that she gets embarrassed easily.

"Wha!?" Xiang Yu blushed like a tomato. She then ran away and he chortled.

"You're pretty sadistic, Ronin-san." Yoshitsune commented.

"Hmph, the strong have all the rights." Yoichi snorted.

"He said that it's only natural as her boss to do what you want. Which I don't agree with by the way." Benkei glared at Yoichi.

"A-anego, I didn't say he should do anything to you and master." Yoichi cowered behind Yoshitsune.

"Don't worry, she's a bit of a masochist." Ronin shrugged and the trio blinked at him.

"Here, have some snacks." Ronin gave them some food.

"Ohhh! Fish cakes and your special senbeis. You're the best, boss Ronin!" Benkei hugged him and she started chugging her drink.

She then ate her food and she was in bliss. "Ahhh~ nothing beats good alcohol that is paired with good food!" Benkei had a blush on her face due to drinking.

"Oi, Benkei! Don't drink Kawakami water in broad daylight." Yoshitsune chided her.

"Ehhh~ but it's so good!" Benkei whined and Ronin thought they were really close.

"Let her be for now, Yoshitsune. It's not like Benkei's harming anyone." Ronin smiled.

"Boss Ronin... See? Even he agrees, and Ronin-san has like tons of responsibilities." Benkei nodded sagely.

"Ahh, if you say so Ronin-san. You're an expert at this. After all, even Ageha-san who is so busy can't compare to your workload." Yoshitsune sighed.

They naturally knew what they were doing. And Ageha being involved with Kuki robotics is eating up her time so much, it wasn't even funny.

And Ronin's companies were larger than hers. Yet he has a lot of time to relax and play.

His shadow guard were excellent at all things after all. So they didn't need to work that much.

'Maybe I should lend some of my capable subordinates to Ageha. She needs all the help she could get.' Ronin thought about it.

"Master, we need to go to Claudio-san. He's still teaching us about the subjects we missed." Yoichi reminded Yoshitsune.

"Ahhh, good thing I studied well. Now, I can enjoy my Kawakami water and snacks leisurely." Benkei sipped on her gourd.

"Don't overdrink, Benkei. Please look after her, Ronin-san." Yoshitsune bowed towards him.

"I guess." Ronin saw the duo leave and he sat down with Benkei.

"Want a sip, boss?" Benkei offered him a drink and he took out a saucer from his d-dial.

"That's mighty convenient." Benkei thought of requesting one of them to store all her drinks.

"Hmm, it is. Come on, pour me one." Ronin accepted her offer.

"I didn't think you'll be drinking with me boss, I thought you're the strict type. Just like my master." Benkei chortled.

"Don't judge a book by its cover." Ronin shrugged and he drank her alcohol.

But Kawakami was just like sake. And it was a bit too weak for his taste.

So he took out some scotch from his inventory and Benkei blinked in surprise.

"How about it, want a taste? Benkei." Ronin smirked at her and she nodded.

"Aren't we going to get in trouble?" Benkei giggled like a girl that was going to do something bad.

"Hmm, not really. People don't need to know what we're doing." He shrugged and he poured her a glass, on the rocks.

"Single malt, extremely high quality. This must cost millions." Benkei smelled it and tasted it.

She was definitely a connoisseur. "I'm impressed, you haven't drunk real alcohol yet. But you know about these things." Ronin toasted with her.

"You know, I'm collecting tons of alcohol. I want to drink them all when I can legally drink them." Benkei smiled fondly.

"Really? Then, how about you add this into the mix?" Ronin gave her some mead that's made from Nana's bees.

"Home made alcohol?" Benkei looked at it with shining eyes.

"Hey, want to see my collection?" Benkei smiled at him.

"Sure, why not." Ronin followed her and Benkei led him to her room.

'Shit... I led him to my room...' Benkei got a bit nervous.

"Ohh, you're collecting some good stuff." Ronin inspected her collection.

"Thanks! I aim to get the best." Benkei puffed her chest in pride.

But she noticed that there was a random bra lying around and she panicked.

With a hasty attempt to hide it, Benkei didn't notice an empty bottle and she stepped on it.

"Woah, you alright?" Ronin caught her and he wasn't imagining it. His hand was about to land on her chest. But he dodged it.

"R-Ronin." Benkei locked eyes with him and she could feel his rock hard arms around her waist.

"S-sorry, I got a bit excited." Benkei blushed. "Ohh, is it because of your bra over there? You also forgot about a pair of panties." Ronin pointed out.

"Wha!?" Benkei looked around and she saw that some panties were also just hanging around.

"Uwaaa!" She tried to push him, but this time. He was the one who stepped on the empty bottle.

And with his arm around Benkei's waist, he couldn't let go or she'll hit her head on the frame of her bed.

So they plopped onto her bed while embracing each other.

"You alright?" Ronin asked her and she nodded slowly.

Benkei blushed an atomic red as she saw his face up close.

Their breaths were hitting each other's face and Benkei could smell the sweet alcohol from him.

She looked at his lips and Benkei breathed a bit heavier. "Kei... Benkei. Benkei." She broke out of her stupor.

"Yeah?" Benkei sobered up. "You're grabbing my crotch." Ronin deadpanned at her.

"Ahh! Sorry." Benkei sat upwards and she couldn't look him in the eye.

"Forgive me, that must be unpleasant for you. Especially with my sloppy looking hair on your face." Benkei apologized.

"What are you talking about? Your hair looks fluffy and healthy." Ronin raised a brow at her.

"Well... Yoichi calls it seaweed, so I thought you'd think it'd be weird." Benkei played with the tips of her hair.

"Don't worry about what others say, you're beautiful, Benkei." Ronin assured her.

"R-really? Thanks, I guess." Benkei took a swig of her liquid courage.

"Then..." Benkei fidgeted around, but he waited for her to say what she wants.

"Nevermind, thanks for that." Benkei smiled at him softly.

"Awawawa! I'm very sorry!" Yoshitsune who shared a room with Benkei saw her straddling him and she ran away.

"Ahh! Yoshitsune!" Benkei ran after her immediately.

"Hah, I don't care anymore." Ronin sighed and he massaged his temples.

__Secret Base__

At the friday meetings, only Momoyo had free time. And she decided to relax at the base.

It was comfy as hell there anyways. There were tons of snacks, drinks, and games to play.

"Ahhh, why does everyone have responsibilities? How am I going to have fun without people to mess with?" Momoyo sat down on the couch.

"Well, if you could perhaps read for a hobby. Then you would be calmer like Miyako." Ronin suddenly appeared behind her like a ghost.

"Uwaa! Stop doing that!" Momoyo almost had a heart attack, thinking that a ghost appeared.

And she was terrified of them. "You really have to stop relying in your ki sense." Ronin sighed at her.

"It's your fault that you're undetectable." Momoyo whined.

"Then it's a skill issue, miss second." Ronin smirked at her and Momoyo bristled.

"What'd you say?" Momoyo glared at him and he just snorted.

"You're so dead." Momoyo lunged at him. They started grappling against each other.

But Momoyo wasn't well versed in grappling. She was a natural striker.

She tried to use her absurd strength to make him yield.

Though he was too flexible and Ronin just escaped her grabs by manipulating his joints.

Ronin then put her in a choke hold and she couldn't break out of it.

"Do you yield?" Ronin asked her with a smug tone and Momoyo gritted her teeth.

"No way!" Her ki tried to encroach his body, but he redirected it and just cycled it harmlessly.

After a minute of struggle, Momoyo gave up and she stopped trying to get out of his hold.

His mistake though, was letting go of her when she hasn't yielded yet.

Enhancing her body with her ki, she immediately turned around and put him in a bear hug.

"Got you~" Momoyo grinned at him and Ronin raised a brow.

"You cheater, I guess miss second can only use tricks to try and beat me." Ronin smirked at her.

He could get out of it easily, but he decided to make her squirm a bit.

"Ey! Shut up! I'm going to make you squeal." Momoyo had a twisted grin on her face.

"Well, I'm waiting." Ronin snorted and she started rubbing her thighs on his.

He just raised a brow at her and Momoyo got frustrated that he wasn't reacting.

"Are you suffering from ED?" Momoyo asked and he frowned.

"I am healthy, for your information." He got annoyed.

"Then why? A beautiful girl is pressing herself on you." Momoyo huffed at him.

"Do you know who I sleep next to all the time?" Ronin raised a brow at her.

But she suddenly got into a bad mood. Her aura was leaking and that was bad.

Ronin quickly compressed his muscles to get out of her bear hug and he put a hand on her cheek.

"Momoyo, calm down." Ronin cycled his energy into her and that helped a bit.

"No, I don't think I will." Momoyo squinted her eyes at him.

He took out his d-dial and made her sniff a calming flower from Momo.

Momoyo calmed down and he continued cycling his ki with hers.

"Ronin..." Momoyo looked at him with half lidded eyes.

"You're my best friend, we've known each other since we were kids... Don't talk about Akasuki and Kimiyo when we're alone." Momoyo was begging him.

She then grabbed his face and kissed him of her own volition.

Momoyo smelled just like peaches. And she inserted her tongue into his mouth.

Her energy was brimming with life. Their ki mixed together more easily and Momoyo sucked on his tongue.

"Momoyo..." Ronin looked at her seriously. "Do you really want to do this? I'm going to be honest with you, I love Aka and Miyo."

"Shut up and kiss me, they're not here. You're here with Momoyo, the beautiful martial artist." She coaxed his tongue softly with hers.

Ronin then lifted up her skirt a bit and he fondled her plump, yet firm ass.

"Hmm~ your ki is nice and cold. It feels good on my ass." Momoyo started panting.

"Hngh~" Wet, slurping sounds was heard in the room as they kissed deeply.

Ronin took off her shirt and he unclasped her huge bra with a flick of his fingers.

"Ahhh, do you like them?" Momoyo asked while biting her lip.

"How about I show you instead?" Ronin started rubbing her breasts and she moaned in delight.

Tweaking her nipples, Momoyo went wide eyed. "Hmm, so you're sensitive there huh? How about here too?"

Ronin rolled her right nipple on his fingers and he reached for her crotch.

His fingers traced her little slit and Momoyo blushed. "S-shut up and be quiet!"

"Momo-senpai, you there?" Miyako's voice resounded. She heard Momoyo argue with Ronin so she called out to them.

They quickly separated and Ronin helped her put her top on again.

He then put her in a chokehold again and Miyako sighed at them.

"You two are going at it again." Miyako rolled her eyes.

"I have to show miss second why she's never going to be number one after all." Ronin snorted.

And Momoyo's blush was mistaken as anger. Thus, they avoided being detected by Miyako of all people.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.