
Chapter 22: Alien Invader

"Ahhh, hello~ I'm Lala Satalin Deviluke!" The girl introduced herself cheerily.

"What the fuck?" The twins were too shocked to do anything. She just suddenly appeared after all.

"Uhhh... Lala, what are you doing in my bath? And is that a tail?" Ronin saw her black tail that looks like it was from a succubus.

"Ohhh! I was using pyon pyon warp-kun and I teleported here, hehe~ and didn't you know? Devilukeans have tails." Lala tilted her head.

"Oh... A Devilukean... Whatever the fuck that is! You teleported?" Ronin was shocked by that information.

"Un! Though I still haven't fixed the being teleported without my clothes yet. It gets left behind." Lala scratched her head sheepishly.

"Okay... Let's recount the facts here." Aka rubbed her temples.

"You teleported... Because?" Miyo asked and Lala smiled, happy to explain.

"I was running away from home!" Lala nodded in satisfaction at her decision.

"Why though?" Ronin raised a brow. "Because dad keeps on making me attend stupid marriage meetings." Lala huffed.

"Oh... And why teleport here exactly?" Aka saw analyzed her behavior and she was similar to Wanko.

"Hmmm~ I made pyon pyon warp-kun to teleport around in short distances. I didn't really target this place." Lala shrugged.

'She made a teleporter?' The trio were in disbelief.

'She might be similar to Wanko. But she absolutely isn't an idiot like her. She's not lying.' Aka went wide eyed.

"Come on, let's get you dressed." Ronin sighed and he wanted to continue the conversation with clothes on.

"Okay~" Lala looked around in curiosity while Aka and Miyo handed her some of their clothes.

After getting dressed, the trio couldn't help but stare at her tail. Nobody has tails.

"Uhhh, this might be rude. But are you a human? Homo Sapiens?" Miyo asked.

"Hmm? No silly, I told you. I'm a devilukean from Deviluke. Locals have tails there." Lala explained patiently.

"And where is this Deviluke?" Ronin didn't want to believe it, but there's no place on earth with people that have tails.

"Our planet is close to the center of thr galaxy! Deviluke controls the milky way." Lala dropped a bomb on them.

"So... Deviluke is the galactic overlord of this galaxy?" Aka blinked dumbly.

"Un! Papa is the emperor of Deviluke. Stupid papa, I don't care about successors. It's marriage interviews day after day." Lala harrumphed.

"So you just ran away from home? You're not some convict that was being chased by the galactic police?" Miyo was having useless thoughts.

"No? But I was chased by papa's goons. They almost had me. But they warp drived here to earth and got my ship!" Lala frowned.

"I see..." Ronin felt ominous, there's definitely something wrong going to happen.

"Lala-sama! I am glad you're alright." Something flew towards her.

"Peke! You escaped from them easily!" Lala hugged the flying thing.

"Ahh, this is my all purpose costume robot, Peke!" Lala introduced it to them.

They just nodded and Lala started stripping. "Come on Peke!"

"Roger! Change, dress form!" Peke started to transform before their eyes. It was surreal.

Peke then wrapped around her and Lala started moaning. "Why is she moaning?" Ronin frowned.

"Lala-sama, is it too tight?" Peke asked her and Lala inspected her new dress.

She looked like she was cosplaying. "No, it's just perfect. Thanks Peke!" Lala smiled.

"So... You're still being chased, right? Don't you think that little robot could've led them here?" Aka pointed out.

"Ahhh! Peke, did you disguise yourself?" Lala thought that she was right.

"I... I didn't Lala-sama." Peke sounded nervous.

"Hah, then let's get out of here for now and meet them outside. I don't want to explain to everyone what's up." Ronin rubbed his temples.

He grabbed Lala's arm and they walked leisurely to a nearby park.

"Are you rich, Ronin-kun?" Lala saw that he had a pretty good house.

"Yeah, but not galactic princess rich." Ronin couldn't wrap his head around that Lala's family basically owns the fucking galaxy.

And while they were walking, two men in suits appeared.

"Lala-sama, please don't resist. Gideon-sama is waiting for you." The men were posed to attack.

"Want us to take care of them?" The twins asked and he shook his head.

"I'll take care of them, I want a little bit of exercise." Ronin shrugged.

"Hmph! Stupid papa, tell him that I don't want to. He should just pick a successor somewhere." Lala huffed at them.

The two sighed and they nodded at each other.

They lunged at Lala and the trio noticed that the two were extremely quick.

Stronger than normal humans actually, multiple times.

Lala thought that Ronin and the twins would be in trouble, but he blocked them really quickly and kicked them away.

"She doesn't want to go home, scram." Ronin sighed.

'I can't believe I'm going to house an alien.' Ronin shook his head wistfully.

"Lala-sama! You must return to Deviluke and fulfill your duties!" A guy that was decked in full armor appeared.

"Zastin-sama, that kid is strong." The goons pointed at Ronin and they struggled to get up.

"You, Lala-sama must come back to Deviluke. She's the princess of the galaxy." Zastin pointed an energy sword at him.

"I already told them, she doesn't want to." Ronin rolled his eyes.

"Then I will do it by force!" Zastin threatened him.

"Come on and try." Ronin brandished his hand to the side and a blade made of ki appeared.

"O-ohhh! So cool!" Lala's eyes shone in excitement at his usage of ki.

"Hmm, you are no normal human. But I will need to defeat you!" Zastin charged at him and Ronin clashed with his sword.

'He's pretty good, a master swordsman.' Ronin thought that Zastin just needed an upgrade to his specs.

But his skills were approximately at the 9th dan of kenjutsu.

He was swift and his slashes were like a blur. "Careful Ronin! Zastin is papa's commander!" Lala revealed.

"Then let's step this up a notch." Ronin grabbed Zastin's sword and with amazing flexibility.

He jumped, giving a front kick towards Zastin's chin.

He was surprised that a combatant would grab his sword directly.

Zastin flew to the air due to the blow and Ronin followed it up with a side kick.

The commander of Deviluke crashed through multiple trees and the goons were shocked.

Lala clapped like a seal and she was entertained as hell.

"Cool! You went woosh, then Zastin was bleh, and you finished him off with blam!" Lala's eyes were shining.

"Uhh, thanks?" Ronin didn't know how to react to her enthusiasm. Though her attitude was a bit infectious.

"Umu, he would be amazing of course." The twins nodded sagely.

"You are strong... But I will not fail here!" Zastin stood up again like a shounen protagonist.

"Boss..." His goons looked like they would cry. Because Lala brought them endless troubles.

"Zastin! I told you, I'm not going back to Deviluke! That's it." Lala took out a phone and she pressed something on it.

"Go! Suck them up, vacuum-kun!" Lala ordered and an octopus robot appeared.

It then started vacuuming things like no tomorrow.

Zastin and the goons got sucked into its mouth without much fanfare.

But after a few seconds, trees were now getting uprooted by the dozens.

"Lala... I don't know about you, but I think that's enough." Ronin raised a brow at her.

"Ahhh, how do I turn it off again?" Lala put her tongue out and the trio blinked at her.

"Can I destroy it?" Aka asked and Lala nodded.

"Sorry everyone, I made that a long time ago. So I don't know how to turn it off haha!" Lala laughed.

Aka rolled her eyes and she took out her odachi. With a slash, a vacuum blade was sent hurtling towards the robot.

And it was sliced in half. "Did you kill those guys?" Miyo frowned at her.

"I aimed it where they won't get hit." Aka shrugged and the three pursuers of Lala dropped to the ground, unconscious.

"Hah, what are you gonna do now Lala?" Ronin massaged his temples.

"Ohh, um... C-can I stay with you guys for a bit?" Lala sheepishly asked.

"It's fine, but why?" Ronin thought that she definitely can make a small house with her tech.

"Well, you're really nice. I like you a lot, you fought Zastin for me." Lala beamed at him.

"Okay? Sure, it's fine to stay with us. I like you too Lala, you're quite refreshing." Ronin thought her absurd tech is amusing.

"Ehhh, really? Then that seals our engagement!" Lala announced.

"What!?" The trio shouted in unison. "Hehe~ see? In Deviluke, you propose to a girl by touching her chest and confessing!" Lala explained.

They were in shock at the culture. "And you already touched my chest! And saying you like me, I accepted! You're more sincere than those guys that papa finds!" Lala had a smile on her face.

Ronin then face palmed. Thinking that fate was really out to get him.

"Y-you can't do that! How do you cancel it? You just met today!" Miyo was outraged.

"Uhhh, I forgot?" Lala put her tongue out and the twins looked at her incredulously.

"We need to contact her father about this." Ronin wanted to cancel it too.

He was sure that she was lovely. He could feel it, there was no malice on her. She was like Seiso.

But he barely knows her. "But Zastin and the others are down. And I don't want to talk to papa." Lala huffed.

"Fine, let's just go back to the house." Ronin sighed.

__Kuki estate__

Currently, Lala was greeting the whole family and they quickly forgot about Monshiro's little stunt of scarring herself.

"Hi~ I'm Lala Satalin Deviluke! Nice to meet you! Ronin's my official fiance from now on." Lala had a beaming smile.

"Ronin, how did someone gloomy like you bag a beatiful girl like her that looks like she shits rainbows." Mikado looked at him suspiciously.

"Shut up, look elsewhere and you'll know." Ronin rolled his eyes.

Lala's tail was wagging around and they gasped. "Our goodness, she has a tail? Anigimi, what is the meaning of this?" Ageha looked at him for answers.

"Ohh! That's because I came from outer space. This is my tail." Lala explained happily.

"Outer space?" Tsubone couldn't believe it at all.

"Lala, you look too human. How about you prove it with your inventions or something?" Ronin asked her.

"Hmmm, one of my gadgets huh? Oooh! I know!" Lala took out her phone once again.

"Tadah! Gender change-kun!" She then zapped Mikado with it and everyone else thought she attacked him.

But when the dust settled, Mikado changed. Making Tsubone faint.

"What the actual fuck?" Mikado's voice changed and it turned into a higher pitch.

Ronin who blinked after seeing it couldn't hold it in.

"Guhaha! Serves you right old man!" Ronin has never laughed that genuinely before.

"W-what? Chichi-ue turned into a woman?" Ageha grabbed Mikado's crotch and it was as smooth as a baby.

"O-oi... This isn't fucking funny. Where's my buddy? I-it's not here..." Mikado was having an existential crisis.

"Lala, how long does it last heh." Ronin chortled one last time.

"Hmmm, I don't know? Tehe~" Lala took out her tongue again.

"Ahhh, how long will you be like that? A few hours? Days? Or weeks?" Ronin rubbed his hands with a twisted smirk on his face.

Lala got revenge for Mikado's crap in just a couple of seconds and it was glorious.

"H-hey, can't you turn me back? Please?" Mikado was starting to beg.

"Uhhh, it will wear off! I think." Lala wasn't really sure.

"You baby, I like you." Hume had a grin on his face as he saw Mikado squirm around after turning into a girl.

Aka then ran away and she immediately got their best camera. Photographing Mikado dozens of times.

And Miyo immediately uploaded it into the main database of Gugel. So it was secure as hell.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.