
Main God Dimension : Multiverses Traveling

I only create up when I have free time and my English is not good so please understand if there is a writing that is wrong. ################################

animeteam · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
126 Chs

Chapter 82

At this moment Akira was staring at a group of fallen angels and thinking in his mind:

' It seems the storyline of this world is changing slightly or faster than I calculated, is this because of the cause of Issei's death? ' (Akira)

Before he turned to look at Asia and said:

" Asia, actually from the start I have a question, can you answer it? " (Akira)

Asia who was looking at Akira next to he started to say:

" What do you want to ask, Akira-san? " (Asia)

Akira who was checking the condition of the fallen angels, before his gaze stopped on the fallen angel youth and said to Asia:

" That, actually who said you were transferred to a new post and became a nun in this church? Do you know any information about the state of this church? " (Akira)

Asia who heard Akira's question suddenly remembered the appearance of a bespectacled old man with gray hair, mustache, black eyes, who was wearing a priestess outfit with a gentle smile in her mind, then she said to Akira:

" An old priest named Valper Galilei." (Asia)

Akira turned to look at Asia dumbfounded after hearing Valper Galilei's name, but he returned to normal and said to Asia:

" Asia, actually I know why you were sent to this church and I can tell you later, because first now I have to send some fallen angels to come back." (Akira)

After that, Akira removed the [Rosary Ring] from his finger and gave the ring to Asia, then said once again:

" Asia, this ring has the ability that can create a barrier when someone attacks it, so use it to protect yourself and you wait here first, after cleaning it I will tell you the reason why a person called Valper sent you here." (Akira)

Asia didn't know what Akira meant, but seeing that there were fallen angels and demons outside the churchyard, she knew that it was quite dangerous there and just nodded at Akira.

Akira also smiled at Asia and started walking a few steps closer to Rias and Sona's group, on other hand, Rias and Sona along with all their peerage started to gather near Akira, Rias said:

" Why are you here? And who is that girl? " (Rias)

After saying that, Rias stared at Akira, on the other hand Sona looked suspiciously at Akira.

Seeing the gazes of these two women, Akira's lips twitched and said:

" She is a nun who was transferred to the new post of this church and got lost when she wanted to come here, so I accompanied her all along so she wouldn't get lost again, but seeing here there are 5 fallen angels and remembering the information about this church, it seems she was deceived by the old priest and will be used by them." (Akira)

A sharp glint flashed across Sona's eyes and immediately asked:

" What do you mean about that girl being deceived? " (Sona)

Akira shrugged his shoulders and said:

" That's right I haven't told you all, actually in that girl's body there is contained a Sacred Gear and if I'm not mistaken the name of the Sacred Gear is Twilight Healing, because I saw her use her Sacred Gear a while ago." (Akira)

After saying that, Akira looked at the group of fallen angels in front of him and said again:

" Then the appearance of this group of fallen angels might want to take the Sacred Gear that is inside Asia's body." (Akira)

Sona who heard this fell silent and said:

" I see, there's a possibility that the old priestess is cooperating with this bunch of fallen angels." (Sona)

Rias, Valerie, Kiba, Koneko, Tsubaki, and the others were stunned to hear this, but on the other hand, Akira just smiled and kept staring at the group of fallen angels, then said:

" It's not a possibility anymore, but it's a fact because that old priest is one of their people named Valper Galilei." (Akira)

On the other hand, Kiba who heard Valper's name suddenly changed with a small killing intent seeping out of his body and stared at the group of fallen angels.

Akira, Rias, Sona, Valerie, Tsubaki, and Koneko could feel a hint of killing intent escaping from Kiba's body, and it surprised them apart from Akira who knew why Kiba could respond like that after hearing his words.

After finishing gazing at the group of fallen angels, Akira's gaze stopped at the fallen angel who looked quite young before he said to Rias, Sona, and the others:

" Hey Rias, Sona, before continuing this fight, can you two tell me who and what the abilities of that one fallen angel are? " (Akira)

Akira said while pointing at the young male fallen angel, Rias and Sona who saw the fallen angel Akira pointed at fell silent before Rias said:

" Don't know but he has appeared in Kuoh twice, and for his abilities, he uses a Sacred Gear that can create shields and fight with the white lightning element attribute." (Rias)

Akira who heard this looked at the fallen angel and started to fall into his thoughts:

' His fighting ability with the lightning element and judging by his appearance he is unmistakably Baraqiel's son, as this young man perfectly matches the information in the documents that I told Yubelluna to look for when I first arrived in Kuoh.' (Akira)

' So don't that mean he is one of the Reincarnators from four remainings Reincarnator, who choose to be born in the fallen angel faction? ' (Akira)

Thinking up to this point, Akira started to show a strange smile to the fallen angel.

On the other hand, the fallen angel that Akira was staring at saw this and didn't know why a bad feeling rose in his heart after seeing Akira strange smile, but he ignoring Akira and said to Rias, Sona, and all of Rias and Sona's peers:

" All of you won't be able to fight me, it's better to just give up." (Fallen Angel Boy)

Before Rias and Sona could answer, Akira first said with a smile:

" It is impossible." (Akira)

Before he turned to look at Rias, Sona, and the others, then said:

" If my guess is correct, then the cause of your not being able to win and some of the injuries on your bodies were all caused by him, right? Well, I'll be the one fighting him then, and you guys fighting the rest, it shouldn't be a problem." (Akira)

Rias and Sona frowned for a moment before nodding in agreement, what Akira said was true out of the group of fallen angels there, only one fallen angel used the white lightning element attribute which was enough to make them hassle and overwhelmed to take care of other fallen angels.

Akira looked back at the fallen angel boy and said with a smile:

" Alright fallen angel over there, this time I will be your opponent." (Akira)

After saying that Akira was getting ready to walk over to the fallen angel boy.

But just as Akira was just taking a step forward, suddenly from above the sky powerful white lightning fell right where Akira was walking and the fallen angel boy said calmly:

" Just a little devil, but already arrogant and thinking of fighting me alone." (Fallen angel boy)

After saying that, he looked at Rias and Sona's group, then prepared to say something.

But, before the fallen angel could say anything, suddenly behind him came Akira's voice saying:

" Is that so? Then there shouldn't be a problem if this Little Demon brings you the great fallen angel to fight somewhere else, right? " (Akira)

The fallen angel boy was surprised and wanted to attack Akira who was behind him, but before he could turn around in front of him a strange circle of black holes suddenly appeared.

Akira quickly grabbed the fallen angel boy's head from behind, then pushed the fallen angel boy into the circle of the black hole with himself and in a small voice that only the fallen angel boy could hear, Akira said:

" [Black Teleport], let's fight in a place where there are no intruders, honorable fallen angel." (Akira)

Rias and Sona's group were stunned to see Akira and the fallen angel boy enter the black hole, the same as the fallen angel group there because they were also surprised to see this scenario, and their main fighter's strength was gone.

The first Sona came back to her senses and looked at the remaining group of fallen angels and said:

" Rias and all of you now is not the time to be silent." (Sona)

Rias and the others woke up, and soon they all started ganging up on the human youth and the four fallen angels.

< Underworld >

At this moment in the deepest area of a dark forest, suddenly a circle of black holes appeared and from inside came out two people, the two of them were Akira and the fallen angel boy.

After exiting the circle of black holes, Akira who was still gripping the fallen angel's head in his hands then firmly threw the fallen angel forward and made the fallen angel crash into the trees there.

At the same time from where the fallen angel was thrown, the white lightning-like arrow was shot towards Akira, and immediately Akira attacked the white lightning with black flames, then the fallen angel appeared and stood not far from Akira.

On the other hand, Akira stared at the fallen angel before throwing [Nullification Magic Dice] into the sky and creating a barrier that sealed the two of them inside.

The fallen angel who saw this just shook his head and looked at Akira, then said:

" Why did you put up a barrier? Are you afraid that I will run away? Honestly, to face a little demon like you, I don't need to run because you will certainly lose to me." (Fallen angel boy)

" But I must thank you, by making this barrier you will not have time to escape from me." (Fallen angel boy)

Akira blinked his eyes and looked at the fallen angel boy, then said:

" I wonder where you have the confidence if you can win? " (Akira)

The fallen angel just looked down at Akira and said calmly:

" It's not confidence, it's the fact that I can beat you, actually not only you but maybe even I can defeat those top tier demons with my unlimited Mana ability." (Fallen angel boy)

However, on the other hand, Akira who heard the fallen angel boy's unlimited Mana ability could only be silent and stare strangely at the fallen angel.

The fallen angel who saw Akira staring silently at him, though that Akira might already know his limit and said:

" What if you become my subordinate? I will help you become stronger, aren't you interested, the little devil? " (Fallen angel boy)

Hearing this, Akira just shook his head and said:

" Not interested." (Akira)

The fallen angel could only sigh and shake his head, then said:

" Unfortunately, since you rejected it you can die now." (Fallen angel boy)

After saying that, he focused one hand on Akira.

But a few seconds later, nothing happened and Akira who saw this just fell silent, the fallen angel started to frown before he said:

" Sorry to make you wait for your death Little devil, come out Lightning! " (Fallen angel boy)

Too bad the thunderbolt that the fallen angel said didn't come out at all, and all that could be seen was the chirping of a group of crows flying from the tree.

Akira felt that he couldn't bear to see the fallen angel anymore because for one minute the fallen angel in front of him stretched his arms and cast various spells but nothing happened, then Akira said:

" Don't you notice? No matter how many times you try magic won't work inside this barrier." (Akira)

After saying that his left hand began to be covered in claw-shaped black flames.

The fallen angel who heard this immediately looked at Akira and said:

" What do you mean? Magic can't be used if I don't have Mana anymore, but I have unlimited Mana there's no way I can't use magic anymore." (Fallen angel boy)

Akira just smiled and in his mind said:

' [Shadow Steps] + [Critical Strike] ' (Akira)

Before he started to say:

" Yes, what you're saying is true, but what if I told you that this barrier has other abilities besides blocking someone from escaping? That is, the person trapped within this barrier can't use magic anymore? " (Akira)

Hearing this the fallen angel frowned and thought before he said:

" I've never heard of an item that has that kind of ability before, even Uncle Azazel's records don't say such a tool..." (Fallen angel boy)

But a second later, suddenly his face turned pale because he realized one thing and immediately looked at Akira.

Just when the fallen angel boy wanted to see Akira, suddenly Akira had arrived in front of him and he heard Akira say:

" Judging by your expression, it seems you have noticed." (Akira)

The fallen angel boy immediately panicked and paled, then he wanted to say:

" I..." (Fallen angel boy)

But before he could finish his sentence, Akira first pointed his claws at the fallen angel's neck and said:

" Honestly, I have to thank your unlimited Mana ability." (Akira)

After those words fell, the fallen angel boy's head slipped from his body.