
Maiden Of The Night [GL]

[MATURE CONTENT] Kyle dissappeared one day without a word living a young Lara broken and angry with the world. The two meet again However Lara hated her so much for she thinks  Kyle was the reason for her ruin but what will she do when someone she despises the most becomes her only muse?. On the other hand Kyle wanted redemption but the little teen and kind Lara was no more, How can she survive the wrath of a beast like her, Especially when she is on hunt for her soul. And all in all why did she leave in a first place?.

Yuri_ca · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
51 Chs

Chapter 7

I quickly wiped my tears before raising my head and meeting Megan's gaze. She was looking at me with so much pity that even I, the slow-witted one could tell. After strengthening my collar I put on the fake smile and welcomed her,

" Megan...!"

I called and she just nodded. Her back was laying at the door shutting off anyone from coming in. She also had a change of cloth with a handbag in her hands which matched perfectly with her white slip dress,

Calmly, I kept an eye on her as she slowly walked towards me and sat down on the bed, she touched my legs and pressed them a few times before she let go of them and smiled at my confused expression,

" Do you need money? "

She meekly asked and I chuckled upon hearing that, " Yeah! I need a lot of money ". Her face brightened when I finished the sentence, It was like she has been waiting for me to say it for her entire life. Not me! That's what her face looked like,

" Night clubs pay well but you will need to go rogue when working there," She said nervously and then brushed her sentence with an awkward smile before adding,

" Why am I being awkward, It's not like you will go to Lucifer's West club or anything ". She laughed again but this time we both laughed, I didn't want to make things awkward for her so I commented " Yeah! Who would work for a couple of hundred dollars in a club ".

Megan suddenly stopped laughing and her eyes were focusing straight ahead, "You've never been there, have you? "

Gosh! It was so obvious. I didn't have the strength to deny so I innocently agreed with her, " Forget it, I thought we were on the same page but never mind "

" What is it? Don't leave me hanging, I wanna get to know you ", She didn't listen, Her face was a little bored and disappointed, She walked to the door and gave me a faint smile.

" It was fun having you here, I won't be coming to work tomorrow so probably we might never see each other again, but thanks "

Her pale face was looking on the other side while giving me her back, Her curves that even a loose dress couldn't cover were looking at me in tears, She raised her hand and held the door handle when one of her hips slightly moved,

I turned my head, not wanting temptations, " Thank you for being a friend to me ",

That was the last thing I heard from her before the loud sound of the door. Today wasn't my day but something stuck up in my head. I pick up my phone and turn it on,

I went on Google search and typed a few letters when a lot of things popped up, I scrolled and my eyes scanned all the articles about this club called " Lucifer "

Lucifer West dungeons, Lucifer Bar, Lucifer Night clubs, Lucifer This or Lucifer That,

Whoever owns it must be insanely wealthy, The membership card price is ridiculously high and It seems that all the celebrities and socialites from inside and outside York City party there,

As I keep scrolling my eyes landed on one of the announcements on their website, They are recruiting and the payment is unbelievably dreamy,

I quickly flipped my phone and sucked in my breath with my closed eyes facing the sky. A smile slowly freshened my face before I reread the article, " Forty thousand dollars a month "

This is my chance. I'll prove to her that I too can make money, maybe if I wasn't this pathetic she wouldn't have treated me so poorly, 

I grabbed a blanket and buried my whole body under it, trying to forget what has been happening for a moment and slowly my eyes become heavier and heavier until I reached dreamland,

The air was sagely calm as I was kneeling under the altar of the heavenly father, My long black dress was moping the floor as my eyes were looking at him in admiration after finishing saying the grace,

" Darling..."

The voice startled me, I snapped my head and saw Lara's face, she was crying, the expression I don't get to see much these days because I only live for my God now,

My body, my chastity and my obedience were all his and his alone.

I watched her as she run towards me. In the presence of my master, she shamelessly wrapped her hands around my body, I should have pushed her but my eyes were drawn to the sweat that was running down her neck to her shoulder blades,

The thrill I felt when her soft and warm hand moved and held my chest made me forget that what I'm doing here is a sin. Her hand reached for the communion wine and pour it over me ignoring whether I'm swallowing it or not,

Lara moved her lips closer to mine and started sniffing me like she was a dog " You smell like sex, I love it " She murmured as she brushes her soft lips all around my face,

I shyly blushed and kissed her and she kissed me back as our hands played on each other's bodies, I felt it, The sensation that I tried so hard to forget, I felt it again, and she knew, She knew exactly where to touch and how to touch,

Her hands reached my waist and pulled me close to her as her soft breath played the demonic melody in my nostrils, She placed me on her lap with my face facing hers,

Our tongues were still fucking each other's when she suddenly ripped my dress, " It's wet " she said with a smirk as her lips left mine and travelled down to my nipples,

The air darkened. The scene changed.

The light went off and the sacred church turn hell, I looked at Lara and was shocked , she was dressed like a manic with a long whip on her hands, a wicked smile which covered her face wasn't normal at all, she looked terrorising,

I took a few steps back in fear when I suddenly heard a groan " Bend over " and I froze.

And then I wake up,

sweating covered my body and my heart was racing abnormally fast, The sheets are slick with spilt orgasm, I was pathetic, It was like I keep losing to her again and again even though we are not competing,

I stood up and spill water on the sheet to get rid of my mess before I sat on the couch, scrub my hair and feel miserable about my pathetic self,

I'm not going to lose to her, I'll work on that club or whatever brings me money, Lara you will regret not treating me well. Maybe this is an excuse or maybe is karma but I will push myself to the limit.

Truly, nothing is my fault anyway.