
Maiden Of The Night [GL]

[MATURE CONTENT] Kyle dissappeared one day without a word living a young Lara broken and angry with the world. The two meet again However Lara hated her so much for she thinks  Kyle was the reason for her ruin but what will she do when someone she despises the most becomes her only muse?. On the other hand Kyle wanted redemption but the little teen and kind Lara was no more, How can she survive the wrath of a beast like her, Especially when she is on hunt for her soul. And all in all why did she leave in a first place?.

Yuri_ca · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
51 Chs

Chapter 4

Water comes in all Ways and shapes thus it holds different roles and meanings; Like It's so good when you have ice in your vodka but nobody wants to be in a frosty cave in the middle of the winter. Just like that, I was so happy and I little delusional for a moment,

As I slowly raised my eyes to look up at her when she called my name I met the coldest gaze of our lifetime. Her enchanting dark brown eyes had no trace of affection which makes me wonder what had just happened.

The intimidation aura that she exuded gave a chill down my freaking toes

" Don't you dare do that again "

The sentence broke my heart into million pieces, I couldn't bring myself to look at her again. If she despises me so much why is she here, why is she helping me, It's like she is purposely leading me on. But it's torturous and wicked,

In my head I had so many questions but all I could do was sobbing as I tightly hugged my trembling legs, It was so cold and yet she looked so unmoved like I didn't even mattered, I hated it but what can my poor soul do? She despises the sight of me.

" I was just passing by, I just did what humans do ".She blurted coldly, still unmoved, the indifference became part of her charms as her face was as cold as ice at the peak of the mountain.

I watched her as she laid back in the car and lit up her expensive cigarettes, she had a few puffs and then gave me a cold stare. Apart from looking annoyed or cold, she is unable to express any other feelings,

What makes her into this corpse?

I remember one day when I was sixteen, a week before my seventh birthday we had a little school trip to Miamia Island, back then she was still a lively little angel, She was so shy but caring, we would hold hands and cuddle for the entire night,

We had our first night there, It was just the two of us in the room with a cold breeze of the ocean, the night was a little scary and the shining moon was full of the stars decorating the sky, she then Slowly lean forward and whispered in my ear,

" I won't hold on tonight, I want you, all of you, not inside but right beneath you!, mine against yours".

Goosebumps were all over me, not knowing what to do next, I held her neck and pull her over me, our eyes locked to one another as her warm and soft tongue met mine my ears went deaf,

" You are so bad, Lara " I chuckled under my breath, We both laughed afterwards. Followed by the hottest night of my life. Everything is still so vivid to me but this person in front of me?

This one, Who is she?

" What? " She lazily barked out, glaring at me with her piercing gaze, I was so bad at lying when I'm with her, I turned my head so that our eyes wouldn't meet,

And thank god the police had arrived just in time, The gangsters were arrested. My saviours wanted to go on their way however, one of the bodyguards offered to drop me off, but where exactly?

" I'm good, I can go by myself " I faked a smile and politely refused their kind gesture.

I felt a burning gaze behind me, Lara must have figured that I'm lying but...!

" I heard you owe me money." She sneered before adding " Nancy! She will stay at my house until the debt is fully paid " She ordered. It wasn't a usual order but no one dared to question her authority, I wanted to refuse but if I got into the same situation what I'm gonna do?

She might be obsessed with money but to me, this is like another favor, so I gladly hop in.

The cars stopped at her residence and only me, Lara and the girl called Nancy entered the gate. As expected, It was a penthouse that can only be seen in the movies, with two security scans and a lot of CCTV cameras,

It was like she was some kind of noble of sort. I knew my mouth was prettier when sealed so I dared not to speak a word, we parted ways somewhere between the tulip and rose gardens and Nancy show me the guest's entrance.

" Only the boss and her family are allowed in the main entrance " She explained.

We had a long way until we reached the second floor of the building, we stopped at one room at the end of the corridor that was Isolated from the rest" I don't know what is happening with you two but watch out, she is not a good person " She warned me but I just thank her with a faint smile on my face,

I entered the room and my eyes were smiling from an amusement, there was a huge bed in the southern part of the room, a large wardrobe and a luxurious bathroom. Although it was a little lifeless this place smelled of gold,

After a quick shower I headed back to the room and grabbed a pair of shorts and a large white t-shirt I found in the wardrobe, I then laid back on the comfy bed when my stomach started to growl,

" Oooh! I forget I haven't eaten for days "

I rubbed my hands on my belly before I headed outside, The huge penthouse was insanely quiet, when I make a step I could hear the echoes of my movements, but thanks to my intuition I was able to find a kitchen earlier before my ears bleed to death,

There wasn't much in the fridge and the kitchen was neat like it doesn't get used much often, I made a salad sandwich and a fresh mango juice and It didn't take long to empty the plate.

I ate everything in five minutes and that's when I found out how angry I was,

Although every part of me was burning I was glad my wounds had stopped bleeding, and just like that I slowly headed back to the room to have a rest and call it a day. experiencing the same torture again was worse but this time there was more,

It wasn't just the sound of my movements, neither was the echoes of the walls, There was a sound of cries, loud and somehow annoying, It was a woman's voice and it was coming from my room, the one at the end of the corridor,

And so, I run hurriedly while making sure the sound was as low as possible until I reached the door, It was slightly open enough for my eyes to be able to see what was going on inside despite the dimly red light that darkened the atmosphere.

There was a naked girl tied up and hanged on the chandelier, Her legs were full of red marks like she had been whipped for the entire week continuously over and over but her face looked evilly excited, lewd and horn-y. she glanced at me and smirked, as if she knew...she knew

I quickly hide not knowing why but for some reason I was terrified and confused. It wasn't because of her or the fact that she might be Lara's lover, but for my soul. I was holding myself back from snapping her neck right there, at that moment. my trembling legs betrayed me and couldn't move, I held my mouth as the tear flowed down my cheeks, denying that maybe I'm overthinking it, but then I heard her calling...

" Lara... "

My heart suddenly stopped, I was suffocating with rage and vengeance, Something was choking me and I could barely breathe as the world that was so bright suddenly darkened and my eyes lose their sight.