
Maiden Of The Night [GL]

[MATURE CONTENT] "Fuvk! Are you doing this to me because I took your virginity? Don't be so old-fashioned. We were just fvck  buddies, it is not like we were in love. Were we?" I raised my head in utter shock, is she for real? "Take that back?" I shouted in agitation. She was going too far, how could she degrade my love like that? It was mutual, we both desired each other. It was a true love. But now all seemed a lie! My whole body was trembling as the mixed feelings keep flooding in my mind but there was one thing that I was pretty sure about; this person and I will never go back to how we used to be anymore, " The choice is yours but If you don't accept my kindness now, next time you will beg this chance with your knees  " Lara grumbled coldly with a deadly stare in her dark eyes, I cleared my throat and  meekly replied with a trembling voice " How much do I owe you again? " I wasn't going to let her walk all over me. _____________________ Kyle dissappeared one day without a word living a young Lara broken and angry with the world. The two meet again However Lara hated her so much for she thinks  Kyle was the reason for her ruin but what will she do when someone she despises the most becomes her only muse?. On the other hand Kyle wanted redemption but the little teen and kind Lara was no more, How can she survive the wrath of a beast like her, Especially when she is on hunt for her soul. And all in all why did she leave in a first place?.

Yuri_ca · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

Chapter 1


The room had a dimly blue light, two large windows and one large glass door on the left side of the room. The curtains were drapped apart revealing the perfect view of the calm ocean as the sky was full of shining stars which decorated the night and make it looks like some kind of magical dimension in a fairy-tale,

I was laying on the king-sized bed and my roommate was beside me, her name is Eva. Pretty Eva. A half white half Latina girl from Puerto Rico, She is fast asleep and I was not which make me count the stars until the witches's hours every night.

Looking at my clock it was already midnight, it wasn't that late if you compared it to my usual sleeping time But today was different, I have been here for almost a month now after being off the military and tomorrow I'm going to have a third and last interview for my new job as a bodyguard,

I knew I had to sleep early but every time I closed my eyes the images of her keeps flooding in my mind. Her dimple that appears on her left cheek after a gentle smile when I placed a kiss on It, I still remember it vividly, It has been ten years already but I don't seem to move on from her,

I picked up my old phone which I have been using ever since I was a teen and searched for Lara's pictures, they were from five years ago, the last time she stopped appearing on television. I didn't get any new pictures of hers ever since,

She is still the most beautiful woman to this date, Her dark brown eyes were as enchanting as ever, She is a woman of classy and nasty when It comes to her women, my body still remembers everywhere she uses to touch, the way she gently caressed my lewd body while calling me sweet names,

The way she plays with my nipples until I feel the quivering between my legs. Her whispers that inflict goosebumps over me when she calls my name in her soft voice. I loved her from head to toe and I still do,

I touch myself following her imaginary lead, the way she will touch me as her eyes locked with mine, her long and warm finger enters inside me and I slowly started to move my waist, she then complimented me and I shyly laughed as my cheeks reddened,

"Oooh! Lara..., I love..."

Slap!, I suddenly opened my eyes and met Eva's angry face, She was naked and wet with shampoo on her head, " How old are you. Sixteen? What with those wet dreams at your age " she asked angrily.

" I'm sorry "

I apologized as got out off the bed, I looked outside and the sun was about take over the city, I didn't wait for her to start nagging and undressed immediately, I run to the bathroom and started to shower like my life is depending on it, Eva didn't care to say another word and joined me in the bath,

After half an hour I was already on the bus heading to my soon to be working place. I wore a black ladies' suit and black Valentino heels I got as my birthday gift from Eva last summer, I tied my short blonde hair on the back and my look was simple and complete,

When I got off the bus I was already five minutes late so I started to run till I reached the Empire Group headquarters ( EGH ), there were like twenty people in black suits lined up in two lines so I joined at the end of the line.

As I was starting to thank god that I wasn't that late I felt the chill running down my spine as someone came and grab my shoulder from the back " Eight minutes late, You are disqualified for this interview " An old lady in her late forties said coldly, she wore a white suit with long grey hair that gives a perfect look of an old but modern woman,

" I'm sorry there was traffic can you give me another chance please? " I begged on my knees but she coldly say " No " and turned her back on me. How cold?

This is all Lara's fault if I didn't dream of her all of this wouldn't have happened to me, I was hopeless thinking I'll have to start sending jobs applications all over again, It was making me sick and exhausted.

I picked up my purse and stood up but alas! my legs were unreasonable weak so I fall and scratched my knee, I thought today wasn't my lucky day but unexpectedly someone extended a hand for me and suddenly I was suffocating,

It was like in magic land. Long thin fingers and nails polished in black, she wore a burgundy suit with a long black overcoat like those male leads in Asian dramas. Her her long black straight hair was smelling like heaven when brushed under my nose.

She turn her head and her eyes met mine. The smile instantly dissappeared. She exuded a dark and distant aura, her dark and ruthless gaze focused straight ahead, Her face was so familiar but she was not the same person I once knew, somehow this person terrifies me,

The lady let go of my hand and a single syllable barked out with no trace of emotion. " Her "

It looks like she was ordering the old woman from earlier as her finger was pointed at me,

But honestly, what was happening why is she here, It can't be she is that mysterious VIP...? No! No! Can't be, silly me.

' It's not you, I'm not dreaming, right? ' I thought in my head as I watched her shadow slowly disappeared, for a moment my brain went numb and I didn't know how to react, Tears were flowing down my cheeks as I still remembered vividly what I have done to her.

" Hey, hurry up and follow her, when you are the part of Empire Group you shouldn't be stone-headed " The woman in the white suit blurted out angrily and that brought me back to the realization that; I'm just a mere bodyguard and I don't have a luxury to be dull.

I snapped out of it and lazily stood up as wiped the tears that ruined my perfect makeup.

The legs that were moving without my command were running following her shadow aimlessly despite of my disapproval hence in my mind I know exactly that I should run away from her, that's what I should do,

I know this is wrong but that was out of my control already. Again I'm helplessly against her charms even after all ten good years. This woman still had me under her thumb,

' Lara... how could this be?' My heart screamed her name, wondering about the possibility of meeting her out of couple of tens millions of people. Why her?