
Maiden Of The Night [GL]

[MATURE CONTENT] Kyle dissappeared one day without a word living a young Lara broken and angry with the world. The two meet again However Lara hated her so much for she thinks  Kyle was the reason for her ruin but what will she do when someone she despises the most becomes her only muse?. On the other hand Kyle wanted redemption but the little teen and kind Lara was no more, How can she survive the wrath of a beast like her, Especially when she is on hunt for her soul. And all in all why did she leave in a first place?.

Yuri_ca · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
51 Chs

Chapter 15

Third Person's Pov

" What is there to repeat? "

A woman's voice said calmly but with an authoritative tone. Soft and majestic enough to silence everyone in the room, kyle snapped her head and saw a majestic figure, magnificent from head to toe, the woman whose presence is definition of power .

Who is she?

Kyle wondered as her eyes were fixed on the goddess-like figure that was matching towards her lazily, the way she moves it was so breathtaking that she couldn't take her eyes off her, The lady walked towards them and gave her a faint smile before she spoke calmly,

" Pardon my cousin's behavior, she has been under a lot of stress lately "

Cousin? Kyle looked at her again for she came to realization about who she was talking to at that moment. It's Serene Thee Monarch, mostly known as Madam Mo, The Queen of social circle in York city.

Her eyes scanned Madam Mo up and down, she was so noble and beautiful unlike someone with a shity temper.

Knowing that it wouldn't do her any good Kyle didn't want to messy with her or even trying to grab her attention,

" It's okay! I have to buy coffee for my boss, I'm sorry, I gotta go! "

She then run out in full speed thinking about that big mouth of hers that can't shut up, she looked at her watch and it was already forty past eleven in the afternoon, she frowned but keep going not knowing someone was giving her a side eyes,

" Cuz! I could handle that myself "

' Shut the fuck up, be thankful am in a good mood today ' Madam Mo murmured in Lidia's ear as she watch Kyle's shadow dissappeared from a distance. " Meet me in my office after lunch but now kneel and apologize"

" But cuz...!"

" Kneel, Apologize now! "

Kyle's Pov

Fvck! that was close, If I stayed there any longer I would have lost my job completely. I don't know why I can't stop minding other people's business, maybe it's just the way I am ,

I had so many thoughts but right now I need to get a coffee so I ran to a nearby cafe and ordered four cappuccino and one americano just the way am told to.

" Here is your order, Anything thing else? "

" I'm good thank you "

We have a cafe in our building but I always came across the street because it's Lara's favorite cafe , I headed back hurriedly because I knew that I will be beheaded If I go any slower. Thank god everything was back in it's place and the large crowd from earlier was nowhere to be seen,

I took a private elevator to the last floor of the building and pass the coffee to the two secretaries, and secretary park as well before headed back to the chairwoman's office.

" I'm sorry am late, someone blocked the entrance and..."

" I don't care "

She cut me off cold so I just placed the coffee on her table and headed to mine but before I even get to sit down she called for me, again.

" Yes, Ma'am "

" I want your coffee "

I look at her but she wasn't looking at me , all her focus was on the pile of things on top of her table, she must be working really hard so I didn't want to argue with her about the coffee she bought with her own money,

I replaced her coffee with mine and went back to my table. I didn't have much to do than looking at her working. I might have hated the idea at first but now that I think about it, I'm getting paid for staying close to a person I like, I can't ask for more.

The time was going pretty fast because It was almost the lunch time and my coffee was probably cold because I was worried wether to drink it or not. I once tasted americano and I didn't like it however I can't just throw away food. I took a glace at Lara and I found her staring at me I gave her a dry smile and drank it all in one go,

" I'm going to see Park Soo-Hyun "

She said and headed out quietly, well that is an improvement she usually just go out without telling nobody so I will forgive her about taking my coffee. But now it's time for Netflie.

I smiled and took out my phone and started to watch the new trending show on Net. that I was dying to watch but I didn't get a chance because of someone. I played the first episode of " The Maiden Of The Night " and started to watch.

It was so good that I didn't even mind the absence of popcorn but suddenly my stomach started to crumbled inside out. I tried to walk to the washroom but I fell on the floor before even reaching the door, everything in the room started to dance and my head was crushing,

I crawled a little but it was useless. I felt like I was going to die when the door opened and saw Lara's worried expression, she came to me and hugged me , I could barely hear what she was screaming but I somehow the way she was worried about me makes me feel better .

If it were for my command I would have waken up that moment and held her but I watch as my ear went numb and slowly the world that seems always bright started to turn dark until I lose it completely.

Third Person's Pov

Lara held onto Kyle as she screamed her name. Four doctors were rushing her to the emergency room with code red on It, " Please save her. Please! "

Secretary Park held her shoulders and pulled her back, " We must wait outside, everything will be fine "

She said calmly as her eyes looking at her boss pitifully, she knows her enough to understand how much she cares for that girl inside, she have been with her through thick and thin together so somehow she hates to see her being crushed to this point, Park hugged her as she comforted her but Lara pushed her away,

" It's not time for this , did you find anything suspicious? " Lara asked Impatiently.

" Yeah! Although I'm not sure why but it seems you were the target, We can only suspect the coffee so we are currently monitoring Maggie's moves "

" That bakery owner? "

Secretary Park keep explaining starting to the moment when there was a conflict at the entrance up to when Kyle entered the office in the main building. "I guess they wanted to buy time so in one way or another that Maggie is involved "

" And where is she right now ? "

" On run!, Although It might not seems like she is running away but why is she taking a vacation all over sudden. Our people are still following her trail you just say a word "

Lara sat comfortably with her large brown eyes staring at the roof emotionlessness . her left hand was caressing her long straight hair as her body was trembling in rage.

" Humans...?, humans are fools , when the world gave them a second chance they shove a finger right up its ass "

She spoke coldly showing all kind of hatred she had been holding In for ages and rather than being terrified by it, secretary Park smirk as the dark expression whirring her face . After all this is the version of Lara she liked the most.

Secretary Park sneered and asked playfully " Indeed they are, Should I wipe them out?"

" No, We will wait , It's not yet the right time". Lara cold replied