
Mahou Machi: The Golden City

In 1964, President Gladis Knight was kidnapped. Amir and a fellow group of MIDAS operatives are sent looking for her, however, they never return.

LUM3N · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Immortals Kiss (P1)


Amir awoke to a silent building, the walls were pure concrete and the place held a vile stench. "Seems like I can't get away from waking up at strange places," Amir muttered to himself, suddenly he heard something shuffle in a nearby room. Fear tainted his eyes, he began to reminisce on what had happened at the manor.

Scarlet emerged from the room, "Are you okay, you look like you're about to cry?" She asked.

"I'm fine." He said, wiping away his tears.

"Whatever, I'm going out. But before I go, what's your name?" Scarlet pondered.

"Amir." He said promptly, "Now do you have any blankets or pillows?"

"Blankets? Pillows? Do you think I'm rich, just rest on the floor" She exclaimed before exiting the building.

He sat there, consumed in solemn silence. Usually, he had loved the silence, but ever since the manor incident, he'd been coveting to talk to someone.

"Scarlet's Story, PART 1"

Scarlet pounced through the golden streets, she'd turn her head at every corner, clearly she was looking for something.

"Who took out all the monsters?" Scarlet bellowed ferociously, her temper was almost visible.

The golden streets were vacant of people or monsters, until a masked figure lunged onto the road.

Scarlet glared at the figure, "Did you take up all the beast?!"

"Indeed, I have to feed a large group so I cannot share." The figure claimed.

"You're gonna share, or I'll beat it out of ya!" She raged as steam pumped from her nostrils.

The figure laughed, "You wish to fight?" The figure suddenly was in front of Scarlet and a blade was pointed at her head.

Scarlet jumped backwards, creating more space between her and the figure. Then she whipped out her long sword, she called it "Infernita Regalis". The sword was a crimson red, and it was outlined with raging flames, the handle was spiky and the sword had a crystal in the middle.

Scarlet cackled before darting towards the figure. She swung her sword downwards, striking the figure's chest. The figure twirled in line with the blade, avoiding the attack. Then the figure crashed it's foot into Scarlet's face. Scarlet was sent flying into a city light, once she crashed she wrapped her fingers along the light, then she spun around it, building momentum, she released, sending herself flying towards the figure.

The figure leapt into the air, avoiding her once more. Scarlet swiftly caught herself, and in a quick fashion she lunged into the air and pulled the figure down. The figure hurled in annoyance, then the figure threw Scarlet off of it.

Scarlet laughed, then her sword blossomed into flames. She then spun around, creating a flaming vortex around her. The ground shook and withered at her power, then she shot forward. The figure tried to dodge, however Scarlet was simply too quick. Her flaming vortex tore the figure's mask, revealing a young man with olive green hair and golden eyes.

"Shoot." He mumbled before being sent flying into the pavement.

Scarlet cackled again, "How'd ya like that?"

The man turned to Scarlet, "This will be your last waking moment." He darted to Scarlet, she had never seen anyone move as quickly as him. Dust piled up under his feet, and in a split of a second he punched her in her stomach.

Scarlet felt puke pilling up in the back of her throat, her body felt limp, and she nearly blacked-out. The force behind that man's punch caused the street to rumble for many minutes after, she was lucky she didn't perish. The man pulled his fist away from her stomach, then he plowed his foot into her face.

Scarlet fell to the ground, she couldn't fight back, not yet. The man grabbed her crimson hair and pulled her up. "Shall I activate my art?" He questioned, before socking her in the face.

Blood ran down from her hair as she hit the ground once more, her vision blurred, one more hit and she'd be done. Scarlet let out a roar, and suddenly flames sprouted from her back. Drenched in her blood and sweat she rose from the concrete.

The man bursted into laughter, then he sprung forward, creating a mountain of dust behind his slender feet.

Scarlet had one chance to beat him, she had to use her secret technique. She smirked as her eyes were met with his olive hair. Flames began to spiral around her body, then she pointed her blade into the man's face, "INFERNO!" She hurled.

The flames around her blossomed like a flower, creating a gigantic explosion. Waves of flames crashed against the man's body, sending him darting into buildings. The entire street was decimated, leaving only her and him, and silence.

Sweat and tiny flames covered her body as she poured all her strength into standing. The man lay on the floor, burnt to a crisp. "Where's the food?" She asked, huffing and puffing.

The man allowed silence to prevail just for a few seconds, then he spoke. "On this level, over at the ancient palace, me and a group have stocks of food. Please, don't take too much…" He spilled.

Scarlet absorbed the information like a sponge, then she walked towards the place she held Amir at, however, she walked on one leg.


Amir found himself, starving for just a slab of food. His teeth stabbed his lower gum, saliva spilled from his mouth, he was craving food. Suddenly, the door perched open, revealing a beaten up Scarlet.

"I found an area with food, come on." Scarlet exclaimed.

Although he was starving, he simply couldn't let her come, especially if she hadn't gotten beaten up this bad. "I'm sorry, but maybe I should just go? You seem like you took a major beating." He said.

Scarlet smiled, "No it's fine, my wounds should heal while we get over there."

"Heal? That quickly? That can't be possible." Amir surely said.

"It is, that's why I said it." Scarlet explained, "Us Eraphim have quicker healing factors than other supernaturals or humans."

"Interesting, maybe we should wait for you to heal, then?" He asked once more.

"No, if we do that, the man I just fought may go back to the hideout and heal." She explained again, "Now come on."

Amir nodded his head, then he got up and followed her out the abandoned building, and into the golden city.

The light seeping in through the massive hole began to darken as night approached. Amir had pondered, how did nighttime look in this place, was it pitch black? Or was it as elegant as the daytime, or possibly more? These questions filled his head as they roamed the dreamy roads. Everything about the golden city seemed dreamlike, like a fantasy novel he'd have read when he was 9.

"So… what is this city or place called?" Amir asked as they walked into an alleyway.

"Eternity City, apparently, eternity dwells here, somewhere." Scarlet responded, her wounds had pretty much healed completely, besides a few bruises on her hands.

"Eternity? Like immortality?" He asked again.

"I'm not sure, everyone just says eternity, I suppose it depends how you interpret eternity?" She responded, the night air soothed into the city, he could feel the cold winds brushing against his face and the tides fragrance.

Amir wondered, how did he interpret eternity? Was it a chasm of endless walls, or immortality, possibly, was it with God? Then he wondered, how did Scarlet interpret eternity? He assumed she thought of eternity as immortality, but he wasn't entirely sure.

The alley was narrow and warped, at every turn there'd be several more turns, like a maze. However, he simply assumed Scarlet knew where she was going.

"Uhm, we're… lost." Scarlet said as darkness filled the city, leaving it pitch black.

"I can't see!" Amir screamed, then suddenly, a fire sprouted from her hand, lighting up the area.

"Better now?" She chuckled. "But seriously, I think we took the wrong turn."

"You took the wrong turn." He replied whilst stretching.

Scarlet glared at him menacingly, "Well, crud. It isn't good to be out during this time but it hasn't been too long since I beat that guy up, we still have time I think."

Amir nodded, then the two faded in the darkness.