
Magus X Testimony

StarMutiny · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

World of Terror

"You cruel old geezer—you just can't stop your old ways, can you?"

In a bright room with large windows, a wooden desk, and a round table at the center, stood Blade. Crossing his arms, he leaned into the wall at the edge of the room, chuckling to himself.

"What business do you have here, Mr. Dagon?" Alexander sat at his desk with conjoined hands, glaring at the Grand Wizard.

"You know what I'm talking about." Eagerly said Blade, shrugging his shoulders. "You haven't told her, have you?"

The Grand Minister went quiet, humming to himself as he averted eye contact.

"Pa ha ha! I knew it! So you were keeping that information concealed, weren't you?"

Alexander frowned. "Why does it matter to you, Blade?"

"Oh, well, you see, I interacted with that little brat, Emmeline Farewood. She was clueless on everything, and made herself a home." Approaching the Grand Minister of MA, Blade sat on top of the round table where they held their council meetings. "And I have to say—from what I have seen so far—she's exceptional, but…"

"But what?" Mumbled Alexander, scowling.

"She doesn't know that her family is dead."

Blade smiled, sadistically, crossing his leg over the other as he shrugged.

"But I understand. You want Emmeline to have a clear mind, and not go haywire if she found out this information, however…" Blade hopped off the table, walking forward to slam his hands against the desk, saying, "She's gonna ask again… and again…" leaning forward, he inched closer, "And again, and again, and again, until someone breaks the news."


"What will you do then, Grand Minister, Alexander?"

"Do not pry into my business. Every action I do, and every order I give is with the utmost precaution."

"Is it now?" Blade cackled, leaning backward. "You're such a funny guy… I can't believe everyone puts their trust in some sneaky old geezer like yourself."

Alexander smirked mockingly, saying, "You are no different, Blade."

"Oh?" Blade sat his hands against his hips, tilting his head to the side, smirking. "This world isn't sunshine and rainbows. People die, that's the natural course of life. Nobody can stop death, not even those who wield its power. It's an inevitable end that motivates humans to strive through life, and leave behind their history and ideas." Blade lifted his arm into the air, bowing his head with a mocking smirk, "Not saying that you have any important history to leave behind, that is."

Alexander mutated his expression into anger, showing his distaste for the Wizard.

"But what I'm trying to say is; I'm making a legacy. My name, my image, all of it will be left behind, and it'll leave a stain on the world. Nobody will ever forget I existed, that is my driving goal. I couldn't care less about the MA or its people. As long as I remain in the collective mind of the world, I will always have eternal power and fame, metaphorically speaking of course."

"You're a narcissistic young lad."

"No, I'm the one trying to claim immortality."

Alexander closed his eyes, humming to himself.

"What a twisted mind you have."

"Pa ha ha! That is the only way to obtain true immortality, old man! As long as you remain unforgotten to the world, and to the collective, you will always live on as a force of power! Others will take my ideas, goals, and desires, and live with it, all because I existed." Blade crossed his arms, smug as ever. "Don't you see? Immortality can come in many forms."

"You will fail…"

Blade turned away, cackling.

"I never fail—when I want something—I get it."

Walking forward, he approached the exit.

"It is you who failed, old man. Not telling that girl about her parents will be your downfall."

Opening the door, Blade left, leaving his words to get under Alexander's skin.


"My Summoner Technique has been completed... Fuhuhu…" Its demonic voice remained eerie and unsettling, laughing at the heartbroken James beneath its visage.

"You… You bastard!!"

In a fit of rage, the wizard manifested a blade of Ether via Jio, attempting to gut the Phantasm through the stomach, however, such attempts remained futile.

"It's no use!!"

James ended up stabbing through the pile of rubble instead, mistaking it for the Phantasm.

It was an illusion.


Before he could react, the uncanny entity appeared behind him, grasping him by the head and slamming him up and down against the concrete floor like a lightweight toy.

"Fuhuhu, you're in my domain." Repeatedly beating his body against the ground, its smile got wider. "The Domain of Illusions!!"

"Gaaaaaghh! Haaaughh!" James cried out in pain, empty of his Ether reserves. He couldn't protect himself with Kah, or Sehk, but only suffer the brutality of the Phantasm.

"W-We have to do something…!" Cody watched in horror, covering her mouth as she whimpered.

"Damn it…!" Daniel, frustrated, gritted his teeth together, trying to advise a plan.

"Break, break… break… break! Break! Break! Break, break, break, break, break…!"

Its eyes were fueled with bloodlust, as its sadistic grin took up a majority of its face.

"Uwaaagghhhh!!" James' arm snapped in half and his legs would break

His ribcage busted through his hip, spilling blood on the broken terrain.

"W-We have to call backup! We can't just watch this, Daniel!"

"Damnit!! Damnit, damnit, damnit!!" Daniel closed his eyes, hitting his forehead multiple times with his bare knuckles. "Think… think!!"

"Daniel!!" Cody shouted.

"Think goddamnit… think!"

"We don't have any time!"

"Think!!!" Daniel clenched his fists hard enough to pierce his skin, leaking blood from his palm.

"Guwaaaagh!" James would lay on the ground, twitching in his body as the phantasm crouched over him, laughing at his suffering.

"Quick Stride!"

But… all of a sudden, in a flash of light, Daniel broke through the domain of illusions, stabbing through the Phantasm's head.


A piercing shout filled the air and shook the structure of the building. Daniel had mustered up all of his strength, using it in one blow.

"…!!!" Cody, who was talking to him a moment ago, couldn't register what had happened. She was still staring at Daniel's previous position, finally blinking to see him gone. "H-Huh?" Turning her attention towards the screams of agony, she witnessed her comrade stabbing the B-Class Phantasm in a boost of adrenaline.

This was the power of Quick Stride.

To use this technique, one must first use Ein, but at the exact moment their Ether disappears from Ein, they must use Yoh, and force the Ether back into their body at the precise time it vanished.

What this does is trick the brain into thinking that its host is in trouble, so adrenaline kicks in, granting the user a tremendous boost of speed, or power, via fight or flight response, allowing the human body to break through its limitations of strength.

The Phenomenon that the wizard wants to occur depends on their desire; either acquiring tremendous speeds, allowing for light-speed movement, or obtaining massive strength, allowing them to pulverize their enemies.

Switching between Ein and Yoh at the precise time produces this effect by forcibly awakening the adrenal glands, which release adrenaline into the body during times of stress or danger.

Normally, individuals can use no more than 20% of their body's full potential as it's the brain's way of protecting the individual from harming their body through overexertion, thus, failing this technique will cause massive strain and could potentially cripple someone for life, which is why wizards rarely use this technique unless necessary.

And that is what Daniel had done… however, it was a one-trick pony.

"Ghhhh… Graaaaaaaghhhh!!!"

Daniel not only wished for light-speed movement but massive strength as well, which put even more strain on his body.

His entire bones were crippled, and yet he continued to push forward with all his might.

"…To hell with it all! Cody, grab James and run!"

"D-Daniel…! How did you…?"

"Shut the hell up, and do it!!"


Cody could now approach the area without the risks of the domain of illusions capturing her in its confines.

When Quick Stride is performed, and if the enemy is attacked, they can no longer produce any energy, temporarily shutting down their usage of Ether Class Techniques, and Mental Figments, altogether

This was the ultimate technique but with a major drawback.

"James, cmon, let's go! I'll carry you to safety!" Cody crouched over his nigh-lifeless body, picking him up from the ground and throwing him over her shoulder.

Lifting her palm into the air, she made a flat hand with all fingers extended, performing the Kah release hand sign to focus Ether into her feet.

"…We can't leave… not without… that thing dead…" Mumbled the nigh-unconscious Wizard.

"Let's put our trust in Daniel!"

She left in a hurry, dashing off at inhumane speeds. Cody ran away from the terror behind her, holding James on her shoulder as she started to tear up.

"…Daniel can do it, I know he can! He isn't the type to just give up and die! He's strong, brave, and courageous. H-He's someone I strive to be."

"Cody… you can't… leave him…"

"We have no choice!! Do you wanna die, James?!"

A large earthquake suddenly struck beneath them, stumbling Cody as she fell forward, throwing James to the ground.



They both hit the pavement, confused… until she looked up, seeing the exact Phantasm they were running from.

"N-N…No… what happened to… Daniel?"


The uncanny creature giggled with blood smeared on its face, and Daniel's clothes between its teeth.

"It can't be…"