
Magus of the Wizarding World

[A Harry Potter X Marvel Fanfic] After reincarnating into the body of a young Wizard on the Hogwarts Express. Matthew decided he wouldn't waste this second chance. He will explore the deepest secrets of the Universe on his path to power. Will he reach the peak with the help of his AI Chip or will he die trying. Follow Matthew on his next great Adventure. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For advanced Chapter consider supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Arrowinmyknee ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ The Wizarding World and the Marvel Universe belong to their respective owners.]

Arrowinmyknee · Derivasi dari karya
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143 Chs

First Lessons

Monday, 4th September 1989

After he returned late to his sleeping Dorm. His roommates were already deeply asleep. He quickly took a shower and turned in for the night. The next morning he walked with his fellow classmates to breakfast and later showed them a secret passage from the great hall to the Transfiguration Classroom of Professor McGonagall.

They arrived early for their first double lesson transfiguration with the Slytherin first years.Inside the classroom waiting for them was only a tiger-striped cat on the teacher's table for them, "Nice we are the first ones. We can sit wherever we want." Said, Harold.

"But what is a cat doing here?" asked Blake while looking at her in interest.

"I've spent yesterday preparing for classes, and inside one of the transfiguration books, I've found the description of magic called the Animagus Transformation. An Animagus is a Wizard or Witch with the Ability to change into one's animal form. Although it's a rare skill in magical Europe because of certain dangers. But as one of the most accomplished transfiguration Masters, this is probably Professor McGonagall." Matthew explained under the approving nod of the black cat, "But let's keep quiet about it. The shocked faces of our classmates should be an amusing sight."

"That's neat. Hello Professor McGonagall." Said Roger, " I agree the show will be fun to watch later."

So the four of them took the first row places. Matthew sat together with Blake. Harold and Roger took the table behind them. The tables were split into two rows inside the classroom. The Slytherin students will probably place themselves on the other side.

Matthew prepared his copy of "A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch", and his writing utensils while waiting for the rest of the students to arrive. After a while, the students entered the classroom bit by bit while watching Professor McGonagall in her black cat form curiously.

At 9 am Professor McGonagall jumped from the table and transformed into her human form under the astonished gazes of the class, "Welcome class to your first Transfiguration Lessons. This as Mr. Mason correctly recognized was my Animagus form. Would you repeat your explanation for the Class please?"

After Matthew finished explaining the details, Professor McGonagall replied, "Well done, 5 points to Ravenclaw for preparing in advance for the class." 'Thank you Harry Potter books.' he added in his mind.

"Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts," she continued. "Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned."

Then she changed her desk into a pig and back again. They were all very impressed and couldn't wait to get started, but soon realized they weren't going to be changing the furniture into animals for a long time. Professor McGonagall started with a long lesson on the theory behind inanimate transfiguration she also introduced the basics of the transformation formula, which is that the intended transformation is directly influenced by body weight (a), viciousness (v), wand power (w), concentration (c), and the amount of magic which I named magical Energy (Z). The theory was nice to listen to since she also added her experiences into the lesson which you couldn't find in any books.

After taking a lot of complicated notes they finally started in the second half of their lesson with practical transfiguration. They were each given a match and started trying to turn it into a needle. Although he held his wand in his hand he didn't channel magic into it. First he wanted to accomplish the transfiguration wandless. His first attempts were fruitless.

[Analysis of the transformation formula complete and ready for integration. Proceed?]

'Yes' confirmed Matthew as the knowledge of how to apply the formula appeared in his consciousness. With the analyzed theory, he finally succeeded in his wandless attempts which resulted in a slight change in his match. It became slightly silver and pointy which was also noticed by Professor McGonagall, "Well done Mr.Mason."

By the end of the lesson, Matthew was the only one who accomplished to change his match completely into a needle which earned him another Five points. While some of the Slytherin students gave him hateful stares.

On their way to Lunch they were suddenly stopped by a snobby voice behind them, 'Do you believe you are better than us mudblood? Know your place filth." Said an arrogant-looking dark-haired boy which Matthew recognized as Cassius Warrington a Slytherin student.

'Oh boy, there is the arrogant Slytherin Cliche.' Matthew thought while he replied, "Well based on our class performance I believe I am better than you. And did nobody teach you to introduce yourself when approaching someone? Well, my name is Matthew Mason and who might you be?"

"That's none of your concern Mudblood-", he aggressively replied while taking his wand out and casting a spell at Matthew.

He dodged the curse easily while taking his wand out, "Well so much to your supposed superiority. Flipendo.", he casted.

Warrington didn't expect a counter from a Muggleborn student and got directly hit by the spell and flew into the wall.

"Next time I would be more careful who you try to mess with. A wizard that seems to be more talented than oneself is a dumb choice, especially for a Slytherin who is supposed to be cunning and sly." he told him while leaving with his friends.

On the way to the great hall, Matthew got celebrated by his friends, "That was amazing!" said Harold, "He almost pissed himself at your last sentence. Let's hope he learns his lesson."

'Based on the Harry Potter books I would say probably not.' Matthew thought while the friends continued to chat on their way to the Great Hall. After Lunch, they had their first lesson Herbology together with Hufflepuff.

Herbology occurs in the Hogwarts Greenhouses. During the lesson professor Sprout, a squat little witch with short, grey, wavy hair introduced them to the basics of Herbology and the basic tools needed during future lessons. The lesson ended with an introduction to some simple and harmless plants.

After Herbology the last lesson of their day was History of Magic together with Gryffindor held by the old ghost Professor Binns. History of Magic is a major waste of time. During Rollcall he used the names of Students during his lifetime. Professor Binns who doesn't even know any actual names of his students just babbled on about Goblin Rebellions. The majority of the class fell asleep while the twins passed their time throwing paper projectiles at their fellow classmates in an attempt to wake them up. Matthew decided to bring some books to study from now on.

Once History of Magic ended he said goodbye to his friends and rushed to the library where he spent the rest of the afternoon studying different kinds of magical topics. As Curfew approached he made himself on the way to his dorms, but not before stopping by the Kitchen for a quick snack. After arriving in the common room he joined his friends where he spent the evening watching Roger and Harold play wizarding chess and using the Ravenclaw tower library. After it became dark outside they retired for the night to their dorm.


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