


I AM the first to fight us and the one I can fight? Isabel Trinidad is Beatrice Salcedo's best friend. Isn't amazing? Note the sarcasm.

When I went to the stage I saw her grin as if she was saying that she was sure that she would win this fight.

Just watch biatch, I'm gonna defeat the hell out of you without even sweating and not moving on my place. I'll crush you in just a blink of an eye.

As soon as I stepped on the stage I quickly let out my illusion. They will never know what is really going on. They will only see what I want to show.

"You know what nerd you still have a chance to step back. I don't want to waste any more time even though we both know who will win this fight. Let's not bother each other." she said with an arrogant smile and flipped her hair.

I just ignored what she said.

"Why are you not talking? Cat got your tongue eh? Are you that scared of me that you can't even say a single word? What a pathetic weak ugly nerd." she scoffed

Wait- what? Did I just hear her say I'm weak? Bitch! I will make sure you'll regret what you have said.

I just looked at her in the eye so she also looked into my eyes. I showed her how I killed her dearest friend.

It was just an illusion I made in her mind. I saw her eyes widen.

"Y-you! You killed Beatrice! H-how could you!" she frantically shouted at me as she pointed at me.

It's okay for her to shout that because it's soundproof inside. No one else will hear and know what we are talking about. Also when I stepped on the stage I immediately created the illusion that Isabel and I were just standing and staring at each other. Time is different here within my illusion than time on the outside. So even if it takes us a whole day here it will only be just a minute outside.

"She deserves that. She's a traitor and I believe that a traitor like her has no right to live." I said in a cold tone

I saw her eyes widen because of the extreme cold of my voice.

"Y-you! Y-you're a demon! You have no mercy!" she said while crying and I just laughed sarcastically because of what she said.

"Oh dear, I already know how evil and merciless I am. Can't you say something new? I have already heard it countless times. It's annoying that you know that?" I said

I bent down and removed my eyeglasses and contact lens. Then I raised my head again. I saw her look me in the eye because of that.


She shouted while holding her head. Well, I just used infernum eyes on her. I really had no intention of using her eyes of infernum but I suddenly changed my mind. Sorry but not sorry. She should blame herself her tongue is too sharp. She pissed me off and that's the consequence of her actions.

The ability of the eyes of infernum to show what you fear most. In my mind, that illusion happens but even so the real pain you will feel is the only difference you have no wounds to get just pure pain. And you will see it over and over again and you will experience it over and over again.

The most terrifying thing for Isabel Trinidad is death. So the illusion she sees in her mind is that she is dying over and over again.

Death? No one should be afraid of death. To live just to die and feel pain is the destiny of all.

"That's enough! That's enough!" she shouted as she covered her ears as if hoping that the illusion I had placed in her mind would disappear. She was on her knees.

What a pathetic bitch. She can't remove that no matter what she does. I am the only one who can remove the illusion that I put in the brain of those people that I have used infernum.

"Enough! That's enough!! I begged you please make it stop! I can't take it anymore!!" she cried as her tears continued to flow.

She just kept shouting until she suddenly fainted. That's where my fight ended. I heard the students sigh at what they saw. Seems like wondering what happened.

"The winner is Akisha Raven Scott!"

I walked down the stage I heard everyone whispering.

"How did that happen? When did she defeat Isabel just by staring?"

"What really happened? Why did Isabel suddenly fall?"

"What a show-off! Hmph! She just got lucky!"

I have heard many bad comments from others. I just shrugged it off. I will never step down to their level. I'm higher than them.

Then the fight went on and on until it ended. Of course, the Royalties won.

"And now here's the announcement of the groups and its members."

Of course, now I will know which group I belong to.

The headmistress continues to announce the groups. Almost all the groups have been mentioned but I am still not called. Until the last group is announced.

"And for the last group. The Royalties Group! The members are Ash Zachary Lockwood, Brent Jimenez, Troy Jimenez, Liliana Roxell, Chloe Del Valle, and lastly the new member of Royalties Group Akisha Raven Scott!" said the headmistress causing everyone to gasp in shock.

"How did she get into the Royalties Group?! This is so unfair!"

"It's unfair! It does not mean that she defeated Isabel she already deserves to be with the group of royalties! We don't even know what really happened to Isabel maybe she's just sick at that time."

"With all your due respect headmistress but I beg to disagree with your decision. I can't accept it! There are a lot of people who are even stronger and deserving than that ugly nerd but why did she become a member just like that! How come a weak transferee nerd becomes a member of the royalties group? This is nuts- a pure bull sh*t to be exact."

I heard everyone outcry over Headmistress Rei's sudden decision. I looked at the headmistress. This woman is planning something and I will find it out. No one can ever outwit Akisha Raven Scott. No one.

"Enough! That's my final decision and it will never change!! That's all. You can go home now. I know all of you are already tired. If you have a problem with my decision my sword will meet you before you can even speak." the headmistress said with a menacing voice then walked away.

I looked at each other and they all smiled big as they looked at me.

"It's good that we are always with you now!" said Liana

"But it's amazing that she added someone to our group. This is the very first time that we got a new member," said Chloe

"We are glad that you belong to our group. Here in the Royalties Group, we are not just a group. We are also a family." said Brent who they all agreed with except for Ash.

Family? Is he joking? I will never have a family. I do not consider anyone a family. You are just a toy, a passing fancy, and nothing else.