
Magical World: Equestria

There is a connections to all the magic found across the dimensions. And in her quest for revenge Sunset Shimmer will show it to different groups what it is. Even if she has to drag them kicking and screaming to do it.

madhat886 · Televisi
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29 Chs



The city of Paris one of the great cities in the world, and where the CEO and founder of Shimmer Exports is spending time in while the new main depot for France is built. She has been spending time while in the city to discover the identity of Ladybug and the other heroes. Which she started by spying the only hero whose identity is publicly known, Chloe Bourgeois the Queen Bee. With how Ladybug and Chat Noir seem to know her, she figures that they hang around her in normal life.

Made easier by the fact Chloe is now working for her in the makeup department. Chloe it turns out knows lots about the different kinds of makeups and where to get them. Which Sunset learned when she was being given a sales pitch by a local makeup company inside the lobby of the Le Grand Paris hotel that Chloe's father owns. Chloe who was nearby overheard the sales pitch and came in telling Sunset all about the lipstick and the other makeup supplies, even telling her where she can get ones even better that are made in France.

Sunset gave Chloe a job in the makeup department to find suppliers and good products found around France, as a paid intern because of her age. Which Chloe happy took as working for a big international company as it gives her something to do, seeing how she couldn't be a hero anymore thanks to Ladybug taking away her Miraculouses. And it gives her a reason to be away from her half sister Zoe who has moved to France.

From there using the skills she learned from both Professor Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes, along with other detectives Sunset had studied under, she soon figured out all the identities of the heroes of Paris. Which wasn't that hard once Sunset saw the kids that Chloe hangs out with and matching them against the pictures of the heroes. As the magic glamor thing doesn't work on her, letting her see them as if they're just dress up in a normal costume. (1)

Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug

Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir

Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge

Nino Lahiffe/Carapace

Luka Couffaine/Viperion

Max Kanté/Pegasus

Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko

Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx

Lê Chiến Kim/King Monkey

Zoé Lee/Vesperia

Mylène Haprèle/Polymouse

Rose Lavillant/Pigella

Juleka Couffaine/Purple Tigress

Now that Sunset knows who they are, she could make plans to get their magic.


Downstairs -

"What do you want?" Chloe snaps at Marinette. She's sitting at a table working.

"We're working," Sabrina Raincomprix said who works with Chloe as an intern in locating supplies for the makeup department of Shimmer Exports. Which she likes as she's getting full pay, health plan, a very generous pension plan, and college scholarships, as long as she and Chloe do their work. Not only finding local suppliers but also doing the paperwork so that the people who go and make the offer knows where to go and what the supplier is making among other details. Which their boss Ms. Shimmer walk them through how to do it, till they could do it themselves. But currently they're putting invites into the prepaid Shimmer Export envelopes, and stick the address sticker to where the letter is going.

"I was wondering you heard anything from Adrien?" Marinette asked.

"He spends most of his time with his mom at the hospital," Chloe said. Since Mrs. Agreste reappeared Adrien hasn't been around as he spends all of his time with his mom. With him hardly talking with anyone at school.

"Just let him have his space, his mom just came back," Sabrina said.

"Yeah he has better things to do then hang out with you," Chloe said.

"Oh ok," Marinette said taking her leave.

"Chloe? Sabrina? Are you two done with the mail?" a female voice called out.

Marinette turned around to see a tall woman with long red hair walking up to the two. The woman looks like a model in both her body and her beauty. She wore a loose pair blue pants with a checkered light blue pattern, a tuck in purple shirt with green stripes, a red tie with white polka dots, a pair of black suspenders, and a pair of brown leather shoes. The entire outfit wouldn't had worked but with her shapely and busty body, she filled it out in all the right ways.

"Yes we're about done," Chloe said as she and Sabrina had only less then a dozen left to be mailed.

"Good and you haven't had Sabrina doing all the work?" the woman asked.

"No we been working together," Chloe said.

"Yes we have," Sabrina said.

"Good, I don't employ people who will just dump all of their work on others when they can do it and have nothing else to do," the woman said.

"Isn't that what management does?" Chloe asked.

"Sadly yes in many companies, but that's why my company is worth billions only in a few years. I don't hire incompetent people to just sit in an office all day doing nothing. There is no ultimate job security in my company where one person is so utterly crucial that I don't dare fire them," the woman said.

"Yes Ms. Shimmer," Chloe said.

"Chloe you remind me of what I use to be like till, I stop abusing people around me. If I had continued to act as I did like you are now, my business would had never taken off as it did. Showing you value your employees goes a long way in keep morel up and their loyalty," the woman said.

"Chloe you have a job?" Marinette asked.

"Yes me and Chloe are interns with Shimmer Exports," Sabrina said.

"The big export company?" Marinette asks.

"Yes, I'm Sunset Shimmer the founder and CEO of Shimmer Export," the woman introduced herself.

"You're the owner?" Marinette asked surprised.

"Yes many are surprise that I'm the owner of the business," Shimmer said.

"I mean you telling Chloe too…," Marinette said.

"Treat people nicer? She's like me at that age, expect for the whole homeless, orphan, and wandering around in Europe. I gave her and Sabrina jobs, and having them spend time with me while I'm in France. Mentoring them so that maybe in the future they can become a self-made woman like me who started out with nothing but a fried chicken truck," Shimmer said.

"Wait a fried chicken stand?" Chloe asked surprised.

"Yes I started out selling fried chicken out of a truck to make a living and while in Germany my truck was hit by a drunk driver. I brought an old warehouse to setup a fried chicken shop to earn money to fix my truck. The chicken wasn't selling so, I also began a delivery company using the warehouse to store things, and long story short, the delivery part grew into an export business," Shimmer said.

"Wait that's not how the story of how your company started," Sabrina said.

"They cut the chicken truck thing when they did the story," Shimmer said.

"So you just went from selling fried chicken to an export business?" Chloe asked.

"Nope, Shimmer's Chicken is still open right next to the old warehouse in Germany," Shimmer said. "Never let anything go to waste. If you own a business and it makes money, you keep it. In fact, Chloe you should invest in a business or buy it so that you have a source of income."

"Like buying Marinette's parents bakery," Chloe said glancing at Marinette.

"Yes but remember to treat her well as she's your employee now and if Hank Scorpio taught me anything. Treating a employee well can motivate someone as incompetent as Homer Simpson into doing their job good. Than that's how you should run your business so that people working for you will do their job well," Shimmer said.

"But that's a cartoon," Chloe said.

"So what it still a good example of treating your employees well can do," Shimmer said.

"There done," Sabrina said licking the last letter closed.

"Good, you two can drop it off at the mailroom, I still need to wait for Sharie and Roni before we can leave," Shimmer said.

"Yes Ms Shimmer," the girls said leaving with the letters in their hands going downstairs.

"So you're the reason why Chloe has been acting nicer," Marinette said.

"From what I heard from Sabrina, she was getting better till Ladybug cause her to go back to how she was before," Shimmer said.

"What? But she's was always….," Marinette shutters thinking of the right word.

"An alpha bitch? Yes but as I said I was one myself. Chloe wanted to be a hero which Ladybug kept on rejecting her. She was doing it for selfish reasons yes, but if she was trying to become a police officer and did the job. Would you really berate her for just doing that for a selfish reason?" Shimmer asked.

"But she was putting her parents in danger and she turned on Ladybug and the others," Marinette said.

"Only after Ladybug ignore her wanting to save her parents and choose Ryuko to help whose public identity is also known. Which completely destroys the putting her love ones in danger, as that girl's love ones are put in danger again because Hawkmoth knows that Ladybug will ask for her help. Which is what push Chloe into helping Hawkmoth, who had been maturing thanks to her stint as a hero, has regressed, bitterly cutting off all ties with Ladybug and the other heroes. This is a clear case of nice job breaking things, hero and creating your own villain. So instead of Chloe becoming a lovable alpha bitch, who is still a bitch but is on the good side, she just went back to being the alpha bitch, all because of Ladybug not trusting her to be a hero. I was the same way as Chloe was but worse as I was all alone, but then someone help me and trust me enough to get me to change for the better. I'm doing the same for Chloe to show her how to become a better person, unlike Ladybug who rather have her just stay the same to the point where Chloe decided if everyone just sees her as a bad person, then let her be evil," Shimmer said, keeping a poker face as Marinette had that slow realization look on her face. (2)

"Sunset we're ready to go," a beautiful woman with long black hair done in a high pony tale said.

"I got the keys," a tall buff brown skin woman said holding the car keys.

"Coming," Shimmer said and looks as Marinette who still has a shock look on her face. "I know it's hard to think the local hero being like that. But you should never hold someone up like that on a pedestal. Chloe did that and when she lost her faith, well you know what happen."

Shimmer walks away and joins her two companions as they walk down the stairs.

"So what of the girl?" Roni ask to Shimmer.

"She will start doubting herself. I pointed out how Ladybug caused Queen Bee to turn bad," Shimmer said.

Back upstairs with Marinette, Tikki came out of her purse to comfort her.

"Tikki, I made Chloe worse when she was getting better," Marinette said taking a sit at the empty table.

"It looks like it," Tikki admitted as Shimmer really laid down the facts.

"Looks like I really did create my own villain," Marinette said feeling guilt that she made Chloe become worse because she couldn't trust her.


Ephedia -

Iris lead Talia, Auriana and Amaru as they walk into the throne room of the castle. Inside Iris's parents the king and queen of Ephedia waited for her. They had a call from them to return from Earth, as Praxina had attack the castle.

"What happen?" Iris ask running up to her parents.

"Praxina appeared and used some kind of device that drained the magic from my crown," the queen said showing Iris her crown that held all the Oracle Gems. The Oracle Gems are small crystals of different shapes which hold incredible power each.

"Can they be recharged?" Iris asked.

"Yes but it will take much time before they're full of magic again," the queen said.

"What is Praxina up to? Did she say anything?" Talia asked.

"No she didn't she didn't say a word," the king said.

"That doesn't sound like her," Auriana said.

"Yeah she's loves to gloat," Iris said.


France -

Praxina steps out of the portal where Elizabeth DeWitt and Emily Kaldwin waited for her. Next to them is her brother Mephisto who has been brought back to life by the use of a magical golden guitar. He's a skeleton and remembers everything up to his death.

"You have it?" Emily asked.

"Yes," Praxina said holding the device with the magical energy within.

"And you didn't gloat and reveal anything did you?" Elizabeth asked with a magic crystal that makes a beeping sound when someone lies to the user.

"No," Praxina said.

"Good," Elizabeth said taking the device.

"And the soul gem?" Mephisto ask Emily.

"Here," Emily said as she gave Mephisto a gem that he swallowed that restored him to flesh.

"Remember you're undead now a zombie. You being biologically dead, your body is vulnerable to magic and you have high pain tolerances. The soul gem inside of you is the only thing keeping you alive, without it you become undead again. And the soul gem needs to be recharge with magic," Emily said.

"I understand," Mephisto said.

"Let's go Elizabeth," Emily said to her friend.

Elizabeth opens a tear and both of them walk through and it closed behind them. Leaving the twins be themselves and together again. And both will have their revenge on the princess and her friends.


France -

Outside of the city of Paris, a massive warehouse and a office complex is being built. The reason why it's being built outside of the city is because of the weight of the complex once completed, could cause the ground beneath Paris to cave in. For underneath the city is the Catacombs of Paris.

The Catacombs of Paris (French: Catacombes de Paris, are underground ossuaries in Paris, France, which hold the remains of more than six million people in a small part of a tunnel network built to consolidate Paris' ancient stone quarries. Extending south from the Barrière d'Enfer ("Gate of Hell") former city gate, this ossuary was created as part of the effort to eliminate the city's overflowing cemeteries. Preparation work began shortly after a 1774 series of gruesome Saint Innocents-cemetery-quarter basement wall collapses added a sense of urgency to the cemetery-eliminating measure, and from 1786, nightly processions of covered wagons transferred remains from most of Paris' cemeteries to a mine shaft opened near the Rue de la Tombe-Issoire.

The ossuary remained largely forgotten until it became a novelty-place for concerts and other private events in the early 19th century; after further renovations and the construction of accesses around Place Denfert-Rochereau, it was opened to public visitation from 1874. Since 2013, the Catacombs number among the fourteen City of Paris Museums managed by Paris Musées. Although the ossuary comprises only a small section of the underground "carrières de Paris" ("quarries of Paris"), Parisians currently often refer to the entire tunnel network as the catacombs. And the reason why buildings with large foundations and weight can't be built in the city.

Shimmer walks into the lab of the complex where Agatha Clay is working on the project. Of course to avoid people from spotting that she looks like the star of that web comic, she and all the others have been using different names and altered their appearances. Anyone who spots them looking like someone in fiction, they just play it off as the reason why they're able to easily dress up as cosplay at conventions.

"Agatha how's the project?" Sunset asked walking up to the portal that Agatha has been working on.

"It's up and ready to go. It's fully tested and I already have drones spying on the fairies," Agatha said.

"Good now we can begin before anyone gets wised to what's happening," Sunset said.

"What of those two interns?" Agatha asked. "I seen enough shows to know it's the intern who is part of the hero group that discovers what's happening."

"Don't worry unlike what happens in the shows, I already made sure they're not going to be wandering around in places that they shouldn't be. They're only level 1 employees and the ID scanners won't let them into this area, only level 5 can get in here. And I made sure they're busy as I had Korra take them to the cafeteria for lunch and then take them to the mail room to help sort the mail," Sunset said.

"You think that this thing with that Chloe girl will pay off?" Agatha asked.

"I have more than one plan with her in play," Sunset said.

"So what's the plan Sunset?" a young Asian woman asked followed by another young woman who has wild colorful hair. Both are dress as cooks.

"We have been waiting for a long time," the other woman said.

"Don't worry, Sisu you and Raya will get to play," Sunset said.

"No more using hired help?" Raya asked.

"They all got what they wanted and with our dealings with people like them, will more than likely betray us," Sunset said.

"Like what happen while we were in The Three Kingdom's book," Raya pointed out.

"Some dragon he turned out to be," Sisu said growling thinking of her secret of being a dragon being blown wide open.

"I'll get everything ready for tonight. But till then, you are all still on the clock and have work to do," Sunset said.

"Yes boss," Raya said.

"Also, I have been getting complaints about your jerky, Raya. You need to stop putting it on the menu," Sunset said.

"Right boss," Raya said.


Author's Notes -

1 - The whole magic glamor thing explains why people can't recognize the heroes. But comparing photos of the heroes against people who might be them out of costume will work. Which is why it isn't used in magical girl shows as it's just way too easy for the secret to be discovered.

The only way it would work would be like in the live action Sailormoon where the girls have normal hair color and styles. Only gaining their anime hair when they transform, which does throw people off when they try searching for their real identities.

2 - I really didn't like how the show creator said that Chloe's character development was just a big joke and that she would never change. Just so that she could remain as the spoiled brat of the show and cause people to change by the Akumas.
