

Before anyone could say anything,, the village elder raised his sword and beheaded Robert resulting into shock from the crowd




These are the only words that came from the family because of shock. As painful as it was this was the only thing that the villagers could do to protect themselves. By burning down the witches and wiping their very existence it was one way to live as humans,, that's what they thought.

" Mama,, see uncle Krogstad just killed papa who is his friend." Victoria voiced out her words.

Frank wished he could say that this was just an illusion and very soon things would get back to normal but even he himself knew that it was nothing but reality.

With Victoria crying uncontrollably,, Susan was beyond shocked while Frank was trying to digest what had just occurred,, Mr Krogstad raised his sword and beheaded Frank without giving the family a chance to mourn.

When Susan's senses came back she summoned a big wind which brought confusion and fear towards the villagers. Using this opportunity,,she disappeared with her daughter towards the forest and opened a portal.

Now was the time for her to save her daughter. Robert had made her promise to protect Victoria when they were to face death. She had to send her daughter very fast because the villagers will find them and drag them to their death.

Using her ability she made Victoria fall asleep and kissed her forehead.

" I know things are going to be tough but I had promised to protect you against any danger. I hope that one day you will realise that what I did was for your own good. You still have a long journey ahead of you and I would like you to experience life like a normal human being. When things are difficult just know that we are watching you. Fate might have separated us but one day we shall meet. I love you my baby." Saying this she sent her daughter away.

Turning around she saw young men who came after her.

"There she is,, capture her but where is her daughter?" Asked one of them

" You have to kill me before you kill my daughter" Susan said.

She was dragged back to where the crowd was and the village elder slapped her.

"What did you think you were doing,huh! For what you have done you have proved to be a deadly witch,, where is your daughter?" After not seeing the young girl he questioned.

"We didn't see the girl sire."

Before she could be killed,,Susan who was angry for having lost her family promised

"You have killed my family without getting an explanation,,,my family's love and trust was genuine but you killed them mercilessly. I , Susan Wells will avenge the death of my family. After my death all of you will die mysteriously. An illness that has no cure will wipe out this village. And you," she turned towards the village elder " will die immediately after my death and in less than a week this village will have no people turning it to a haunted village."

The people laughed at her words and she was beheaded. True to her words the village elder died on the spot. This brought fear to the people.

In that week,, people started falling sick and their bodies had wounds which could not be treated and soon people began to die making Susan's words fulfilled.

The village turned to be an abandoned village.