
Chapter 15

~No matter what yesterday was like, birds always start the new day with a song ~

12 years later

In Ukia

" Sophia,, meet Brandon the guy I told you about," Becky was introducing a guy to her sister. " Brandon this is my sister Sophia."

Both the girls had grown up together like real sisters. Learning to share everything had also helped in growing and strengthening their bond.

Sophia had grown to be a beautiful girl with her red hair which was long making her look like a flower. Her green eyes were also cute enough to make someone get lost in them. She was not tall like her sister Becky who was two inches taller than her. She was known as the mute girl who could never speak.

On the other hand,, Becky had black hair just like her father and brown eyes resembling her mother. Living with Sophia,, Becky learnt how to communicate with her sister enabling her to understand her sister.

While Sophia was calm and collected the same could not be said about Becky who was always the opposite. Becky could not tolerate seeing people take advantage of her sister just because she was mute. Sophia accepted all the love she got from her which was always enough to warm her heart.

Now that they were seventeen years of age,, different men came to ask for their hand in marriage. The problem was that these men only came for Becky but pretended to come for both the girls. Sophia knew that no one was going to accept her because of her condition. Who would want a mute girl for a wife?

Becky refused men who defamed Sophia because of her inability to speak.

" Good afternoon Sophia,, I have heard so much about you from Becky and I am glad to meet you." With a genuine smile,, Brandon said which earned a bow from Sophia.

Sophia could sense if someone had bad intentions but she could find none from Brandon.

Brandon was from a well reputed family in Ukia and he was known for his calm and kind heart. He was always respected by both old and young people. This time Becky had found a true gem thought Sophia.

After spending quality time,, Brandon decided to drop the girls at their home on his way. He had promised to bring his parents the following day so that the two of them could get married. This news would please their parents thought Becky.

At night while eating their meal,, Becky told her parents about the young man who was to come and pay them a visit. Max and his wife accepted knowing that it was time for them to get married but the problem was Sophia. It seemed like no one was interested in her.

The following day as promised,, Brandon's parents came to visit their house. They were received with warm hearts which was always the nature of the Sullivan family.

By the time the discussion was finished it was concluded that both Brandon and Becky get married. Sophia was happy for her sister. The wedding was finalized and was to be held in two weeks.

After two weeks,, the wedding was conducted and it was time for Becky to leave her maternal home. With tears she hugged her parents, " I will miss you so much mama and papa."

" You don't have to worry,, this is still your home you can come anytime you want." Max Sullivan assured her daughter.

Hugging her sister,,, Becky left with her husband.

That night,, Sophia could not sleep that easily because she was used to her sister's presence. Now that she was gone,, the house felt empty. When morning arrived,, Sophia did her duties as usual.

That day it felt like something was not okay. An unsettling feeling made her uncomfortable. She could not point it out but something bad was about to happen. She wished she could change things but it was going to be hard.

" Sophia please come and help me to...." Her mothers voice could be heard. Turning around she saw her father,, Max Sullivan bleeding profusely.

" I don't know what happened to him. Get me something so that I can help in cleaning him?" Helping to lift him,, they placed him on the mat so that he could lie on his back.

Once Elle was done, the bleeding had stopped but it was obvious that the man was in pain. In the evening,, after dropping the healer, Elle decided to rest. With her weak health it was going to be hard to pay for the medication fee.