
Chapter 13

Never allow failure to be an option. There is nothing to fear but fear itself ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

King Malcom went to meet Edward Mason and Julius Cooper who came to meet him. As usual they were going to pester him to let someone else to take over as the next king because of his son's condition. He was ready to let them experience what was to happen.

" Good morning my king," both of them bowed down to acknowledge his presence.

" To what do I owe this meeting?" Taking a seat he made himself comfortable and stared at those who had interrupted his family time.

" I came here to thank you for attending the soiree that was held yesterday in my house..." Edward was interrupted by the king who appeared to be angry.

" So did you go around thanking people for attending huh? " Questioned the king who didn't like these annoying people. " I think it will be great if you people join my family and I to have our breakfast." Standing up he started walking.

The king had dragged 'family' intentionally to see their reaction which was worth it. Arriving at the dinning Hall,,the king alongside the two council leaders sat ready to have their meal when the queen and the prince arrived ,, both Edward and Julius were gobsmacked. Wasn't the prince supposed to be sleeping with a poor health then what was he doing here??

Settling in their chairs, queen Marsha had never been happier with her meal.

" My prince can you tell us how you got better?" With a smiling face Julius asked.

" My guardian angel decided to ascend hence I am okay." Aiden continued with his meal.

Even the queen was curious but she knew her son was not going to tell it infront of everyone.

Once the meal was over ,, the prince left to go and search for his friend Victoria. Queen Marsha excused herself to go and meet Siera so that she could inform her about the prince.


On the other side,, Sophia continued to help Ana with some work. When Aiden saw her he shouted her name which startled the workers," Victoria I have been looking for you but here you are."

" I am sorry my prince,, this is my niece Sophia and she can't speak." Ana tried to explain to the prince who turned deaf .

Not able to understand anything with Victoria trying to act dumb,, the prince got angry and left . Sophia breathed a sigh of relief but was Aiden the prince or did she start hallucinating. But something was for sure,, she had to avoid the prince at any cost. Aiden was a prince unlike her who's existence was unknown.

Queen Marsha went to visit Siera who lived in the furthest part of the palace. Knocking the door she walked in to see Siera looking outside.

" Good morning lady Siera," queen Marsha bowed to show respect to the old lady.

" Good morning my dear,, from the looks of things your voice shows how happy you are talk less of the bright smile on your face." Siera was quick to note that. It was because the queen was always gloomy but who wouldn't??

" Yes you are right,, saying that I am happy is an understatement because I have some good news which will also make you happy." Queen Marsha said excited.

" I know your son is okay because I can feel it in the air,,I just hope he will continue being healthy for you realy deserve happiness." Siera said but she could not understand how because she did not feel the presence of any witch be it a white witch or a dark witch.

" Let's just hope. You should see him,, after having his meal he disappeared from my sight and I think he should find a friend." This was because Aiden didn't have a friend just like her.

Queen Marsha was not from the high society making ladies from the high society to despise her saying that she bewitched the king. With Siera in the palace she had someone to spend time with .

" Let him enjoy his life," Siera and the queen started talking just as usual.