
Magical Cube Controler

This story is about a boy named Leon, who suddenly entered a new world decorated with various Magic powers and unique creatures. He was destined to control the magic called is Magic Cube, which is one of the strongest types of magic in this world. With that powerful magic cube, now Leon must go on an adventure to explore a new world filled with enemies who are ready to confront him.

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19 Chs

Against Darian Knight 2

He was able to use his water sword to control the water drill because of Sheila's warning. Leon tried his best to expel Kibo's potent water force, but to no avail.

Leon's sword was almost broken, only to withstand the water drill attack launched by his enemy.

Sheila, who was in Leon's body, then ordered Leon to change the sword weapon quickly since it was about to explode and hurt him.

Leon is aware of the significant danger, but he still has no cracks in his defenses that would allow him to switch out the weapon.

"Please stop this, sir, before there is a greater problem later!" Leon, who was already finding it difficult to withstand his foe's might, remarked.

"Your complaining is no longer needed now because I'm going to blend you to mush!" Kibo has gone mad and has no conscience anymore.

When his sword started to crack, he finally found another way to counteract the effects of the explosion on him.

Then, he employed his evasive maneuver to avoid the enemy's already potent onslaught. Even though Leon was aware that using that technique would significantly deplete his mana reserves, he felt compelled to do it.

In addition, as soon as his opponent advanced, Leon quickly snapped his fingers and detonated the sword he had left with him.


The water drill sword was broken by the large explosion, which also caused Leon's foe to lay there motionless.

When Leon watched his adversary collapse, he grinned joyfully and relaxed by lying on the grass, unconcerned about anything.

Meanwhile, at another location, Gyu and Minato were engaged in a furious struggle.

The struggle between the dual sword wielding and the dual sickle wielder is both balanced and intense.

--Minato vs Gyu--

Minato and Gyu each grasped the weapons of the other, generating a tremendous spark.

It is challenging for Gyu to aid his comrade who is in need because both sides' assault rates are equal.

Minato eventually discovered an opportunity while Gyu was being reckless.

Instead of passing up the wonderful chance, Minato promptly extended the iron rope, which was his signature magic move.

Minato then dragged Gyu's body into the center of the forest so he could, then smashed the man into the thorny bush.

"How rude of you!" The man wielding the two scythes then managed to extricate himself from Minato's grip and launch an urgent counter-attack.

The swing of the man's scythe created an arc of arcane magic energy containing deadly poison and shot straight at Minato.

Minato then pushed his body to the right to dodge the strike.

Crack...!! A tree then collapsed as a result of being struck by the man's previous lethal attack.

"Woe..! I could perish from that guy's attack if I don't get out of the path soon. " With his face drenched in perspiration, Minato remarked while glancing towards the downed tree.

Minato then launched the attack by sprinting extremely quickly, leaping high, and grabbing his two swords directly at Gyu.

However, Minato's quick movements were suddenly very simple for Gyu to interpret. Using both sickles, he was also able to block two crossed swords.

"Hehehe...! not easy that."

Gyu pushed hard enough to make the adversary bounce.

The assault continued as Gyu instantly flung the sickle with all of his strength, emitting a purple light spark that was actually an extremely lethal poison.

Minato threw six magically charged swords as he somersaulted to avoid the poisoned sickle.

Finally, the six blades were able to cut both of Gyu's arms, leaving behind bloody wounds.

"This is the end for you!" Minato warned the man by emitting blood-red magic energy, which surrounded his sword.

As soon as it happened, Minato charged forward, poised to slice his opponent in the skull with his two swords.

Say "Shock light!"

A white light that made Minato's eyes excessively brilliant suddenly appeared as Gyu mentioned that.

In the midst of Minato's carelessness, Gyu slickly booted Minato's stomach right away, causing it to bounce into a dark forest.

Gyu laughed with satisfaction when he found that his enemy had fallen, and seeing this very open opportunity, Gyu left this battlefield to reunite with the other Darian Knights.

Minato also regretted losing the knight Darian whom he should have been able to defeat had he, not been rash.

Minato now has a difficult decision: return to Shinju at the risk of allowing the Darian knights a chance to reassemble with their combatants, or pursue after Gyu while nursing a terrible scrape on his leg.

And this is Minato's lucky day, since Marukawa, Shinju, and Hanabi have discovered the location of the fallen Minato.

"Shinju immediately treats the wound on his leg before it gets worse!" Marukawa said with a worried face.

"How did you find me, guys?" Minato asked while enduring the pain when Shinju started to touch his scratches.

"A thousand times thanks to Shinju, for it was he who, using his tracking magic power, found out where you were."

"Shinju! Do you know where the boy and the grandfather are?"

Hanabi observed her surroundings and inquired.

"Grandpa is in the northwest, and he still appears to have a lot of energy power, so I believe he is still engaged in combat with one of Darian's Knights. The boy's magical vitality has waned while he is in the southeast. " Answered Shinju.

"Then, I will go to grandfather. Meanwhile, Hanabi will move to pick up the child." Marukawa ordered Hanabi.

"Hey, guys! Sorry to bother you." Minato said regretfully.

"Sit back, we're still on the winning track as long as there are no casualties," was the advice. As she came nearer to Minato, Marukawa patted his head.

"Shinju! Be sure to look after him." Marukawa and Hanabi left Shinju and Minato in the midst of the forest after saying that.

Shinju believes that they will all be able to return safely at a later time and prevail in this conflict in Morgan Village.

--Kakek and Marukawa vs War Hammer Knight--

The struggle between Grandpa Jisei and the hammer knight was quite uneven.

Unfortunately, the hammer knight's regeneration power should not be undervalued, despite the fact that Grandpa Jisei's strength is exceedingly great.

The elderly man had already expended nearly half of his magical energy simply trying to overcome the hammer knight's tremendous protection.

"We've been battling for an hour, old guy, are you tired?" made fun of a Darian Knights leader's confidant dubbed Man Jack, who went under the moniker of Jack.

After that, Man Jack sat haughtily in front of it while daydreaming about smoking a cigarette he always carried in his pocket.

"Please fill your energy to the brim first, I can't bear to fight a helpless old man like you."

The grandfather could only be silent in front of Man Jack with all the insults thrown by the hammer knight.

At the same moment, Marukawa emerged behind Man Jack, who was smoking.

Marukawa bravely directed his scorching fire sword towards the hammer knight.

"I will never allow anybody to breathe in this world who has disrespected my master!" Marukawa swore, already enraged.

"If you know etiquette, you should put down your sword before lighting a cigarette that burns my mouth with the heat of your burning sword!"

Man Jack smiled while saying it, but despite this, his voice had a frightening quality to it.