

A world of magic that shook the entire humanity was first discovered when black holes started appearing in different places of the earth. The holes were actually a portal to another world that was filled with magic and sorcery what people on Earth only dreamed before. Oslo after the Magic; World was discovered had to become an adventurer...not to venture through the land but to become a sellsword just to pay the debt left by his late parents. See how Oslo deals with his problems and survives in the world of Magic where only strong were respected and had different rules than earth. #Follow Oslo’s adventures through the land of magic!

DizzyIdea · Fantasi
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51 Chs

Changes Within The City

"Why are you laughing?" Oslo asked looking at Mr. Bryan in confusion.

"Hahahaha," Mr. Bryan laughed as he rolled in the ground with even more ferocity than before. It seemed like he was just a laughing freak who had next to no idea of how to stop.

"Why are you even laughing? Can't you just tell me the answer?" Oslo yelled. He couldn't just hold it in while Mr. Bryan was just laughing ignoring his voice.

"Seriously kid," Mr. Bryan stopped his laughter and wiped the droplets of tears from his eyes. He then said, "You sure mad this man laugh his lungs out in these past few days."

"I made you laugh?" Oslo tilted his head in confusion.

"Don't worry Sera, your big brother is here. Are those the bad guys you talked about? Just wait till I teach them a lesson. And those expressions though, pfffffffff~"

"Hahahahahaha." Mr. Bryan burst out in laughter again as Oslo's face turned red hearing him.

Did I speak all of them aloud when I was unconscious? With his face like a hot iron, he shouted, "Don't laugh!"

"Ok, ok, haha, Ok! Now, I'm calm." Mr. Bryan said as he slowly stood up and looked at Oslo who was in bed, "I'll stop laughing but, do you want me to show you what pose you gave off when you said 'Your brother is here'?"

"Let's not talk about it," Oslo said, "Or I might forget that you're older than me."

"Hah!" Mr. Bryan let out a deep breathe and said, "Ok, Ok. Now I'm fine and it seems you're doing great as well. You were about to die big time out there, do you know that?"

"Oh yeah... About that, Did you save me back then?" Oslo asked.

"Well kind of...and kind of not as well." Mr. Bryan said, "If I were to say it properly then it would be appropriate of me to say that it was actually Mavis who saved you."

"While I was in the tavern, it was Mavis who came to me and asked me to go after you. She said that you might end up in big trouble and asked me to save you, if you end up being caught in one."

"But unfortunately, she didn't know where you went and it took me hours to find you and when I found you, you were all messed up." Mr. Bryan said,

"Seriously, a potion for killing some wild birds and you believed that nonsense?...or you didn't believe it but went with the flow to know their ploy? What happened?"

"I believed it or not? It doesn't matter." Oslo said as he looked down with a glint of sadness on his face, "It's just I thought I needed to change this self of mine. I too wanted to trust others."

"It's not like I don't want to trust others, but when I do, I always end up trusting the wrong person. So, I wanted to get rid that flaw of mine." Oslo added.

"Trusting others is good and all kid,...and I think that it is also nice of you to think about changing yourself little by little but you must remember that along with trusting others, you must also be somewhat cautious at sometimes, otherwise it might cost you your life like you were going to lose your life this time." Mr. Bryan said,

"Remember this! Practice makes man perfect, yes, but practicing the wrong way again and again won't change you in the least. So, if you get what I'm saying then remember to be cautious sometimes, otherwise you will end up dead next time and Mavis won't be there to help you every damn time."

"If it wasn't for her healing those horrible internal injuries and those broken bones and all those damages your body had suffered, you would have been screwed up big time." Mr. Bryan added,

"If it wasn't for Mavis joining your broken body, you would have been partying in the underworld this time around."

"What? Mavis is a healer?" Oslo asked as if shocked.

"You didn't know? I thought that at least you would have known that because you were the only one in front of whom she would smile brightly and from what I know she has a crush on you, but you don't know that as well." Mr. Bryan said,

"I think we're both surprised by the news, huh? Can't believe even you who knows her for too many years didn't know of that. She sure has a mysterious background and she is a good healer as well. I'm curious about it but...I don't think I'll get any answers unlike you, who already won her heart."

Mr. Bryan sighed with emotion and asked, "Well, what do you think about her now that you know she is a healer with mysterious origin?"

"Nothing has changed," Oslo replied, "She'll always be a owner of the tavern I freeload of."

"Haha, I knew you'd say that. But I pity her falling for such a person like you." Mr. Bryan said as he laughed, "But there's at least one good news. It seems you kept your promise with me by surviving."

"Promise? What promise?" Oslo asked with a confused expression.

"Well, it's not a surprise if you say that you don't remember that promise. After all, when you promised me that you were drink by accidentally drinking alcohol thinking that it was orange juice. You had said that you promise to watch me die a pig's death and before watching me die like that, you won't die." said Mr. Bryan.

"Hmmmm...." Oslo frowned as he couldn't remember saying anything such as that in his whole life no matter how much he guessed. But he believed Mr. Bryan because he had said that he was drunk while he said that and it was also quite the thing he would say in his heart. He then smiled and said,

"Want me to guess how you reacted after hearing that?"

"Hoho, you want to guess my answer? Let's hear it then." Mr. Bryan said as he laughed.

"A belly full of wine and I don't mind dying a pig's death right in front of you or something like that..." Oslo said as he rested his hand on his chin.

"What? Not something like that...it's exactly that! Do you know me that well or are you just pretending not to have any knowledge regarding the matter?" Mr. Bryan said as he looked at Oslo with the eyes of suspicion.

"Why do I need to lie to a man like you!" Oslo shouted.

"Well leaving that aside," Mr. Bryan said, "I'll tell you what happened in the city for the past few days till you slept like a log."

Mr. Bryan then described the incident that had occurred in the city as properly as possible and after Oslo listened to everything Mr. Brian had to say, he scratched his chin and said,

"So, I slept for seven days, huh? That's quite a long time."

In the weird dream, there was only day and no night, it was surprising, yes, but not too much to make him bug out.

"What's with that reaction of yours? Why don't you bug out? Normally, when a person receives the news of sleeping for few days, he would bug out but why are you so calm even after being unconscious for a week." Mr. Bryan shouted

"Well, I'm surprised about the fact that I'm even alive. So, sleeping for some week doesn't come as too much of a shock for me compared to that." Oslo honestly said.

"What? That's no reason for not bugging out. Just bug out or I'll freaking kill you!"

"Aahhhhhhh~ For seven days? I slept for seven days?...Like this?"

"Noooooo! Where's the emotion?... emotion?"


"So, you're leaving just like that? Aren't you going to the tavern and thank Mavis, I mean she was the one who took care of you most of the time." Mr. Bryan asked.

"I'll thank her...the next time I see her." Oslo said as he stretched his body. For someone who had been sleeping for a week, it wasn't too sore, but pain was still all over his body.

He wanted to thank Mavis but now was not the time.

"Kid, since you're going and all, I want you to ask something." Mr. Bryan said, "When I found you, you didn't have any weapon on you and you didn't have any valuables either. Except for your ID, did those guys rob everything of you?"

Oslo hearing it glanced at his neck and his waist before saying, "No, nothing got robbed."

Gritting his teeth, he looked at his waist. He had spent five silvers those items and they were wasted just like that. Except for clothing covering him and his ID, he had nothing else. Even his cellphone was robbed or maybe destroyed by them.

He didn't tell this to Mr. Bryan because he didn't want to trouble him anymore. He was also taking care of him in the days he was unconscious and saying that he was robbed and asking his help would only trouble him more, Oslo thought.

That girl will pay every single penny...but not now. I don't think I can oppose them right now. From this expedition, he had realized something and that was his limits. He couldn't do anything that was beyond his limits.

He then remembered the foolish dream of searching for the 'Flower of Life' which he had decided upon whim. But he still wanted to chase after it, even after all that. He knew that one who could find such treasure would be no less than a legend but he also knew that if he still wanted to chase after that dream of his, he had to surpass his limits again and again and grow stronger.

Walking out, he walked as he remembered what Mr. Bryan had told him before about the changes in the city in the past few days. The elves and humans had started living together, and he could see elves walking in the street as well, which was one of the change which the city faced.

Mr. Bryan had also mentioned about the incident regarding the deaths of ten elves and thirty seven human which served as the warning for both races that one mustn't disrupt the peace between two races.

He didn't pay much attention to the news because elf living together or not didn't concern him in the least. Why would he? What did it provide for him?

For now, he was flat broke as a newborn child as with his pockets empty, he had no choice but to head to the portal first.

After returning to the Earth, he would buy a new cellphone and take another contact number. He wasn't going to reach anywhere like how he was now. He had to change himself and it couldn't be rushed as before.

After all, he had his whole life ahead of him, so why rush? Strength may take time to increase but it would increase all the same. And there was also another piece of information, he had found interesting when Mr. Bryan mentioned it.

Apparently, there was a maniac that was causing riot inside the city these days. From what Mr. Bryan said, the maniac would always target the person wearing bandages and would beat them senseless.

Oslo then glanced at his right arm and smiled,

"Will that maniac come after me as well?"