
Magic of Zombie Cultivator(Please wait... In editing)

The Pacific Ocean became a graveyard for Zen after he betrayed by his Dao companion. On the bridge between life and death, his despair, resentment, and various types feelings are slowly eroded by death. However, his desire for cultivation still persisted. This desire led Zen's soul to a new path of reincarnation. When he opened his eyes in the next moment, he was already in the young body of a Zombie! Unknowingly by Zen, this Zombie body also affected his consciousness; makes his desire of cultivation even stronger than before. In this Fantasy zombie apocalypse world, how could Zen cultivate? *** -Cover is mine.

ViciousThing · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Chapter 15. Crow's re-debut

-The eastern gate of the port city of Limittia.

The night had long passed, and the dawn had arrived.

"Now a guard, huh?"

After following the suspicious group for all night, Zen now began to consider stopping what he was doing.

Ever since Zen followed the shabby people group, he had continued to see various kinds of scenes that made the black cloth package wrap keep changing hands almost a hundred times.

From a fight between the two warriors that suddenly occurred in front of a shop that injured the bearer of the black cloth package at that time and then one of the warriors took the package, until the group, who bear package, suddenly quarreled among themselves, which made a child come and steal the package when the group was careless... All kinds of drama scenes are played here and there with a black cloth package as the center.

Now Zen was really starting to doubt whether this was all happening just by coincidence or was really planned by someone very meticulously.

If it's a coincidence, then that's fine. Zen would be able to ignore this matter with a calm mind if so.

Unfortunately, Zen's hunch as a cultivator told him that the contents of the black cloth package were extremely valuable and all he saw right now was likely a scheme by someone to disguise what behind the package so as not to attract attention.

After weighing between the two possibilities, Zen finally decided to follow thaf guard, who was now the bearer of the black cloth package, for the last time.

If even this time he only found random drama, he would prefer to return quickly to the Red Trickerss Pirates' member ship quickly before they went to the Floating City Magnel.

Sure, this is just the second day. According to Red Trickerss' departure plan, they would leave the city after tomorrow, but Zen didn't want to be left behind in this city because he was already too interested in visiting the Floating City Magnel.

After all, the Floating City Magnel is the first floating city that humanity created to avoid the threat of Zombie outbreak that threatens the entire world.

Since more than 45 years ago before the Zombie Plague struck until now, the Floating City Magnel must have held a lot of history and sources of knowledge that Zen might need to form a new cultivation path for him as the first floating city.

Of course, Zen can also continue to become stronger like what he did yesterday by consuming Monster cores.

As the book says, Monster cores not only expand the capacity of magic energy and give new Innate Skill to monsters that consume them, but also strengthen their physical bodies to even transform the monster's own body into a completely different form than before consumption.

Honestly, Zen felt that before and after he had consumed a lot of Monster cores was on a different level.

2 times... No, he might have already grown almost 8 times stronger than before.

However, Zen didn't feel satisfied at all as he still felt that the time where he would lose his sanity would still come in the end if he only improved himself using Monster core.

The hunch became even more faint after he became a Martial Realm cultivator, practiced [Water Flowing Crystal Technique], and used his Fire-Elemental Core to restored some of his body functions that had been frozen with heat.

It might take him a while before he lost his sanity now, but at this point, the day when he lost his sanity would still come.

Zen had found some clues about the key to maintaining his sanity, but his current knowledge was lacking.

Therefore, Zen was determined to continue to follow Red Trickerss Pirates group to the Floating City Magnel in order to expand his knowledge of this world.

After that, only then did the process of forging his path to true cultivation and immortality seem to finally be able to begin properly.

"Hm? Where does this guard intend to go?"

The holder of package this time was a gatekeeper.

He initially kept guarding the gate before another guard took his place.

The guard carried the package in his hand back to the city.

Zen kept a distance of 500 meters from his target while the soldier kept a friendly smile on his face and looked very close to this city's civilians.

After following for more than 1 hour, Zen realized that this time, the holder of the black cloth package did not change again!

The package remained in the guard's hand as he continued to walk through the trading district in the eastern part of the city and towards the western part of the city where the wealthy merchant district and nobles lived.

"I see, so they think that their camouflage is enough, huh?" Zen understands.

Zen now felt excited as if he had won the lottery.

'I won! It is clear now that this black cloth package is not simple at all!'


Zen involuntarily chuckled.

Looking for an opportunity, Zen was now focused on thinking about how he could steal the package from the guard's hands before he actually reached the western part of the city.

After thinking for a while, Zen finally came up with a brilliant idea.

'They often use young pickpockets as part of their camouflage, so I guess...'

"... can't I also use their tricks?"

Zen felt like he had gone back to his days when he was still a weak cultivator, who explored all sides of the world in search of cultivation resources, and had yet to meet Zhongmei Qi.

At that time, in order to snatch resources from other parties, Zen often had to be as cunning as he is now.

This sense of nostalgia really makes Zen happy.

Even if that black cloth package turned out to contain nothing, Zen wouldn't even feel any regrets at all now that he was already so excited by just thinking about how to snatch it.

"Hehehe... Let me show you how this man, who was once known as the Crow, did something!"


Robert wiped the cold sweat down the side of his face as he refrained from looking around as he remembered what the contents of the black cloth package he was carrying just now were.

"Master is quite crazy sometimes..." Robert complained.

Robert was assigned to be the guard guarding the city gate by 'Master' in order to make it easier when 'Master' would do shady things like today.

Not only him, 'Master' even had thousands of accomplices throughout this port city.

Robert himself was just a low-level subordinate, so he wasn't sure what 'Master's goal was from doing all this, but he wasn't too keen to find out considering that he was working under a scary person like' 'Master' just for extra money.

Actually, Robert didn't even know what the contents of the package were.

However, he was already able to deduce what kind of object was inside it from the conversations of the other 'Master's subordinates.

This thing was something that Ninth needed. The 'Master's 'monster'.

With this thing, the 'Monster' will become perfect and become the strongest weapon... Or so the other subordinates said.

Just by holding the package, Robert could feel the cold and cruel aura of the object inside.

This aura seeped into his arms and made him feel like he was attacked by a fever. If this wasn't for work, Robert would probably have thrown away such an object right after he found it.

Unfortunately, he could only endure this because this was part of his job.

"At least I'm already close to the western district—"

Before even Robert could finish his words, a kid with a shabby shirt and a face covered with black hair ran in front of him and stumbled quite hard.

At first, Robert intended to help the boy stand up, but the boy suddenly stretched out his left hand towards Robert.

Robert was confused, but when he saw the small incision wound in the boy's pinky, he finally understood.

'Ah, so he's also a subordinate of Master!'

Robert quickly acted panicked and helped the boy while he naturally handed the boy the black cloth package.

The boy nodded and picked up the black cloth package before leaving quickly towards the alley between the buildings.

There was not a single pedestrian who felt strange with the turn of events. They just thought that Robert had just helped the poor boy and gave him a package that they thought contained something like food or something out of compassion.

Robert also maintained a warm smile on his face before turning around and leaving.

But in his head, he wondered.

"That's strange, didn't I become the one who handed it over to Master? Did Master change his plans due to unforeseen events? Well... I don't think it's my business anymore.'

Although he felt strange, Robert didn't feel suspicious at all. After all, this wasn't the first case where this kind of plan was postponed or changed, so Robert thought that maybe Master found an unexpected variable and decided to change the path of handing over 'that' thing at the last second.