
Magic Martial World

In a world where mana talent decided one's future, an orphan named Ivan Chaos was determined to change the views of the world. A martial art that goes against Heaven, a system born right out of his dreams, and the soul of a forgotten legend. So what if he has zero talent? Ivan can just change the world with his cheats! ______________________________________________ Disclaimers: This is a slow paced novel where learning and improving are the norm. Even when the MC is overpowered later, he'll still lose occasionally due to lack of info or techniques. Yeah, cheats are only op when the mc knows how to use them. _____________________________________________ Hey, we're back for WSA 2024!

Simp_Chaos · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Martial Dao System

[Identifying item…]

[Identifying item completed!]

[Name: Red Dragon Tendon Mini Hamburger

Rank: A+

Safe for consumption? Positive.

Effect(s): Consume to gain the fire resistance of a red dragon. ]

[Is this information useful? Yes/No]

"A+ rank?! There are ingredients used that are higher ranks than A on this table?!"

After making sure that he hadn't read it wrong, Ivan's jaw dropped to the floor as he looked at the mini hamburger in shock.

"What...What…Red Dragon Tendon? As in the tendon of a ridiculously strong A rank Fire Dragon species? That Red Dragon???"

'God damn, your caretaker must be filthy rich to enjoy such luxurious food. Now listen to me, child. Stop staring at your food and eat it quickly.' Chaos quickly said.

Knowing how much good stuff has been placed in front of Ivan, Chaos planned to make the child consume as much food as possible since the ingredients here were highly beneficial to the child's body.

"But…but…" Ivan tried to say something but Chaos firmly rejected him.

'No 'buts'. I don't want to hear another word from you until you finish your mini hamburgers.' [Chaos]

"O..Okay." Defeated, Ivan quietly ate his meal.

Furthermore, knowing that the boy still had reservations against the fancy food, Leviathan hopped in the conversation with some good news.

'Trust me on this, not only are Red Dragon Tendons good for improving your body's natural resistance to fire, it can also help refine your tendons into that of a real dragon's tendons too.'

"How can you be so sure of this, Leviathan?" Ivan asked.

'Well, I am the King of Water Dragons after all. Even though I may not be kept up with modern times, I'm highly educated about the past and its discoveries.' Leviathan boasted with a prideful tone.

'Yeah, yeah…That's the only thing that you can boast about. You surrendered yourself to me within 5 minutes right after you trash talked about my mother.' Chaos casually said.

Leviathan however, felt a chill in his soul.

Scared for his life, Leviathan quickly changed his tone and said.

'Patience now…Sir. We are colleagues now. Not enemies. Spare me your rage today and I'll let you beat up that human for 20 minutes more later.'

Ignoring the two voices in his head, Ivan continued to eat the mini hamburgers with a satisfied expression on his face.

"These mini hamburgers are really delicious!" [Ivan]

"Really? That's good to hear. I'll treat you to some fine dining the next time we go out, how about that?" [Calvin]

"Hm? Isn't this fine dining already?" [Ivan]

"Hahaha, you must be joking. This is merely street food for me. I'll bring you to eat real, delicious food next time. Alrighty then, I'm full. You can have the rest if you want." [Calvin]

Calvin wiped his mouth with a clean cloth before he walked away, leaving Ivan alone in the dining room with plates full of luxurious food.

"I feel that Uncle Calvin is a bit crazy…" Ivan quietly muttered to himself.

He was so shocked by Calvin's statement earlier that his brain stopped working.

Seeing how Ivan has short circuited, Chaos took over the boy's body and began helping him eat what's left of the food here.

It took 2 hours for Chaos to eat and finish the leftovers present on the table.

"Oh boy, I am stuffed." He patted his bulging belly a few times before he walked back to his room to rest.

Chaos hopes that Ivan will be able to benefit from today's dinner when he wakes up tomorrow.

After all, Chaos did just force Ivan's body to accept 5 kilograms of treasure meat and herbs.

Ivan woke up the next day.

When he had just opened his eyes to the early rays of the morning sun seeping through his window, the boy was hit with a multitude of bell ding sounds.

"Make it…Make it stop!" Ivan threw a pillow at the wall, thinking it was coming from next door.

Alas, the bell ding sounds continued to harass his ears.

An hour later, the bell ding sounds finally stopped. Ivan was well awake at this point too.

"System, open."

Ivan had a hunch.

He didn't know where those dinging sounds came from.

But he had a hunch.

Upon command, a red holographic screen with golden words appeared before him.

[Welcome Ivan, to the Martial Dao System.]

[Please give out an order.]

"Open stats."

[Opening stats…]

[Name: Ivan Chaos

Age: 10

Nationality: Ishgarian

Mana: 0

Magical Talent: 0

Magic Capabilities: 0

Title: Wizard's Worst Enemy, System Born From A Child's Dreams, One in One Hundred Genius, One in Ten Thousand Genius, Natural Born Foodie (New)


Perception: -

Body: Lvl 5 (+3)

Dantian: Lvl 3 (+2)

Spirit: Lvl 1 (New)

Soul: -

Existence: {Locked}


Passive Skill(s):

Controlled Breathing

Calm Mind


Increased Metabolism (New)

Fire Resistance (B rank) (New)

Poison Resistance (C rank) (New)

Corrosion Resistance (C rank) (New)

Regeneration (E rank) (New)

Active Skill(s):

Creation Arts (E rank)

Water Mastery (F rank)

Water Steps (F rank) (New)

Wood Mastery (E rank) (New)

Gold Mastery (E rank) (New)

Earth Mastery (D rank) (New)

Fire Mastery (F rank) (New)

Five Elements Mastery (B rank) (New)

System Skill(s):

System Devourer

Soulbound Artifact: None ]

"I knew it!" Ivan exclaimed loudly.

His hunch about the constant dinging sounds coming from his system was correct.

Furthermore, since Ivan had passed out in the middle of his dinner last night, he had no clue as to where he had acquired this many new skills.

Leviathan and Chaos were nowhere to be found so Ivan couldn't ask them either.

But since he had found himself in his own hotel room, Ivan guessed that Chaos, the glowing orb of light, had something to do with his current state.

He was the only one who could move Ivan's body himself anyways.