
Magic Knight of Ice (Sao x Kenja no Mago)

A soul found himself waking up as a newborn in a brand new world. Born with the memories of his life, what would his life be? This is a Crossover Fic of Sao and Kenja no Mago. Additional tags: Single Pairing, Calm Mc, and Intellegent Mc. The Mc looks like Eugeo from Sao just to give you guys a good picture of his looks.

Daoist_Truck · Komik
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7 Chs


The royal capital was buzzing with various businesses and people. It is the most developed city in the kingdom with paved stone roads through which carriages passed through.

Knights were patrolling around the capital all the time. The people were full of smiles or at least that's how it is on the surface.

Currently on the streets of the royal capital was a small cloaked figure. This figure was roaming around while glancing at different places.

'The buildings around look victorian style. And as expected, the place was prosperous. And the knights are patrolling, good for security.' William thought as he scanned the places he passed.

He had been permission from his father to go out. But of course, as a prince, he still has some guards that blended in the populace. These guards were undercover as they followed William from a distance to ensure his safety.

Meanwhile, as William walked through the streets, he came across a stall selling some kebabs. He got curious as it was his first time tasting this world's street foods.

"How much for one?" William asked the stall owner.

The owner looked at him and asked, "Are you alone? Where are your parents?"

"Mr. my parents are nearby, so how much?"

"20 Caels,"

'That's pretty cheap,' William handed 1 copper coin and said, "Give me five of those."

"Aiyo! Here, kid!" The stall owner handed five kebabs.

William grabbed them, "Thanks!"

He then walked away from the stall and started eating one of the kebabs. While walking, he contemplated the price.

First of all, Caels was the exclusive currency of the Caelum kingdom. The currency of this world was mainly composed of copper, silver, gold, and platinum coins.

Each has its equivalent, for 100 Caels was equivalent to 1 copper coin. And 100 copper coins was equivalent to 1 silver coin, and so on.

Though most of the kingdoms also have their version of currency like Caels but copper, silver, gold, and platinum are mostly used in international trades. They are the universal currency of this world.


William continued on his walk and observed how the capital city operates from a normal citizens' perspective.

But as he was walking, he came across a less populated area of the capital. The buildings here were quite dilapidated compared to the sturdy-looking ones on the main street.

And on one particular building front, William caught something interesting. It was a kid squatting down while hugging his knees. His face was full of dirt and his clothes were ragged, some parts were even turned.

But what interested William was something he noticed about the kid.

'He has a huge amount of mana!' William has already researched magic in his free time so he managed to make a spell that lets him see a person's mana reserves.

Now although he was more focused on swordsmanship, he was also interested in magic so he studied it.

Now to the reason why he was interested in a kid with huge mana. The reason is that a person's mana amount before training is vital in his/her future growth as a magician. It is because mana fuels magic and it is hard to increase even with training. Hence, a person with huge mana reserves has an advantage in the long run.

For example, they could fight longer in battles and such.

With all that in mind, William approached the kid. He then handed the two remaining kebabs he bought.

"Here, you can eat these."

The kid looked up to William and gazed at the latter for some time before grabbing the kebab and ravishing it.

After eating the kebabs, the kid looked at William. "Thank you..." he said softly,

"Your welcome, but may I ask if you live in an orphanage near here?" William asked curiously, after all, there are orphanages in this city that manage most orphans.

"...no, I'm not."

"Then what's your name? I'm William, by the way."

"I do not have one..."

"I see, well then how about I give you a name?" William suggested but noticed the kid was wary of him. His smile just widen at that sight.

"...Why are you talking to me. I'm only a homeless kid without anything."

"That's where you're wrong, you have a rare talent. This is why I talk to you, I want "You" to work for me. How about it, want to become my servant?" William spoke honestly about his intentions. The kid was caught off guard and lowered his head.

"...You're just a kid like me, how could you possibly get me as a servant."

William smirked, hearing that, and signaled with his hand. Soon a middle-aged man approached them, it was Rufus.

"Kid, let me ask you again. Do you want to become my servant? I promise to get you out of this place. You will have proper clothes and food, along with a home." William said seriously, "Now, tell me your decision."

The kid heard him and subconsciously looked up and saw Rufus standing behind William respectfully. His eyes shined and realized something.

"...Are you sure, you want me to be your servant?" The kid asked carefully

"Haha, of course, I am always serious when I decide on something."

"..." The kid got silent for a moment before speaking up. "Alright, if you fulfill all your promises earlier, I will be your servant." The kid looked straight into William's eyes with determination.

"Excellent! Rufus, use my personal allowance per month and settle all his needs. Also, report it to my father and say I won't change my decision." William said towards his attendant before turning towards the kid, "As for you, I will give you a name. From now on, you will be known as Kyrell!"

"...Kyrell, I like it." The kid, no, Kyrell muttered with a smile.

"Rufus, can you get us a carriage here. Also, tell those guards, they can withdraw now. I've already finished my business here and with a bonus too."

"Understood!" Rufus bowed and ran off towards the nearest undercover guard. He then informed them and then went towards a place where he rented a carriage.

In a few minutes, the carriage arrived in front of William and Kyrell. Rufus was the coachman. After arriving at William's location, Rufus got off and opened the carriage's door.

William then walked up to it and turned towards Kyrell who was dumbfounded at the events. "Kyrell, come in, we'll go back home."

"Ah, Yes!" Kyrell soon followed William inside and Rufus closed the door before going to the front and acting as a coachman.

Soon the carriage took off, their destination was the royal palace.


Soon after William's little stroll, they finally arrived back at the palace. What awaited them was some maid standing in front of the main building.

"Welcome back, your highness!" they greeted

Rufus once again got off and opened the carriage's door. William calmly walked outside, followed by a slightly shaking Kyrell. The latter looked around at the unfamiliar sight and felt extremely nervous.

"Haha, don't worry, you'll be used to it soon. Some of you, take care of him. Clean him up and get him some new clothes, Rufus." William ordered the maids who bowed in return.

"Yes, your highness."

"U-um, ah!" Kyrell stuttered but can't speak properly.

William chuckled, "Don't worry, as I said you'll get used to it. And as my servant, you need to be presentable." he said which shut Kyrell.

Kyrell then stayed silent and obediently followed some maids.

"You can go now, Rufus. First, tell his majesty about my decision. And then arrange Kyrell's needs."

"Understood, your highness." Rufus bowed and walked away. William on the other hand also left the place, of course, he also ordered the remaining maids to settle the carriage.