
Chapter 6

Solomon "Hey Azazel how are you!"

Azazel "You're here Solomon?"

Solomon "Yeah but enough about that I want to get to sacred gears! I haven't been able to see any and I heard you have a prime subject? Isn't that correct Hakuryuukou?"

Vali "I see you found me already."

Solomon "It's hard not to when you're flaring your energy like that."

Vali "Since you want to study Albion, I'll let you do it, but only if you battle me."

Solomon "That's fine. It's not every day you fight the Hakuryuukou after all."

Azazel "Haah~. You're such a pain sometimes Vali. Go to training ground 3 it should be empty so you can go all out."

(Solomon Pov)

Solomon "Hmm… Nice place. It should work well. I made some new items I would like to try if you do not mind Hakuryuukou."

It's a big area so it should work well with maneuverability and allow for me to attack from a distance.

Vali "Feel free. I cannot wait to see the future [Magic King] new items. It will be quite the experience won't it Solomon Aphelion."

Albion "Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker!"

He is quite arrogant, isn't he? Or maybe he is just battle-hungry I can't tell. Well, if he wants to see my newest addition to my collection, I will show him.

Solomon "I do have pride in my items. I did make them myself after all. Why don't we start small? Har-Har Infigar."

It's just a small flame but with the magoi, I infused into it, it's plenty strong.

Vali "A small flame? Are you underestimating me, Magic King?"

Solomon "I would like to start off small as I said, and I recommend not underestimating this flame."

As I was speaking, I sent it at him while also using the Ring of Illusion and Ring of Deception to move. Once I moved and the flame got close enough to its target it expanded making a fireball half the size of the room with insane heat rolling off it. If it was me, I wouldn't want to be hit by it, though the Hakuryuukou may be different. And right I was. He decided to straight-up punch the thing.

Albion "Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide!"

Solomon "It seems the Hakuryuukou deserves his title. That ability truly is strong though I can't imagine that he only has this, right Hakuryuukou?"

Vali "That's right I have more than just that so why don't you come and find them out?"

Solomon "I will take your challenge then. Get ready Hakuryuukou."

I wonder what spell I should use. OH, I KNOW! I'll use my new gravity magics.

Solomon "On second thought why don't you come to me. Dhoruf Sabah."

Just like that, he is coming fast though he is using it as well to charge at me with those wings of his, or rather my illusional body. Why don't I let him hit it see how he reacts? Oh man, that would have hurt! That one hit made a huge dust cloud covering my illusion. Can't wait to see how he reacts to seeing me not there.

Vali "Is that all you have Magic King."

Solomon "I would hope not. I am the Magic King and the Heir of the Aphelion clan after all."

Vali "Hm? How are you over there? I know you are not fast enough to do that. Illusions perhaps? You are full of surprises Magic King"

Solomon "Wow you figured that out quickly. Maybe I should change it to make it more effective in the future. That'll be fun. Why don't we hurry this up so I can do that? Seeing as you like those wings of yours, I wonder how it will be once they stop being useful? Dhoruf Luyila."

Wow, he fell fast. I wish it did damage, but I doubt it. That armor of his isn't for show after all. I'll have to use a bigger attack to hurt him.

Vali "Was that the legendary Gravity Magic of the Aphelion clan? I can see why it would be so renowned, especially in the hands of the Magic King, but I hope that isn't all you have."

Solomon "You're too kind Hakuryuukou though I hope we can fight a bit more seriously now. This is the first I am fighting with someone close to my strength after all."

That's right I had some spars with maids and other random devils on my business travels. Speaking of business travels, I have that one with Ajuka in a while. Whoops. Almost hit me there. Gotta get focused.

Vali "I hope you pay attention Magic King."

Solomon "Sorry, sorry. I have quite a bit of research to think about, so my mind seems to be wandering. Don't take it to heart. Well, I'll go again if you do not mind. Ala Radon. I can see that you can half energy-based attacks but what about the earth itself?"

This particular spell grabbed a large portion of the arena and lifted it into the air. This is one of the few gravity magic spells I have since I haven't made any yet. It's quite effective though I doubt it would work on him since I won't increase its falling speed.

Vali "I see. You definitely do deserve your title of Magic King. I didn't see anything like this even from Lavina. Color me impressed. Do keep entertaining me."

Solomon "That I will. Well before you enjoy this delicacy called Earth why don't I add some spice to it hm? Har-Har Rasas."

Vali "I see. This is quite the dangerous situation for the average person."

Oh? Why is he raising his hand is he going to use another ability?

Albion "Half Dimension!"

Hm? He can make objects shrink as well. I guess I should have remembered that, but I didn't really watch most of this show so forgive me on that, only spoilers here and there.

Solomon "I see. You can half the size of objects as well. Quite the balanced dragon you are. Why don't I hand the initiative to you for a moment, I look forward to what you do."

Vali "Very well then I will come your way. Get ready Magic King."

Whistle~! He's much faster than I am but I can still react to it. Dodging a punch to the face a large chunk of the ground behind me was destroyed and made into a large dusty cloud. This is a good chance. Using the Rings of Deception and Illusion again I created a fake. Let's see if this can show the flaws in my ability. Hm? He immediately ignored it and started looking for me? I wonder why? Is it that bad or is there a critical flaw?

Solomon "I see so that won't work on you hm? Well, I'll ask later. For now, we have a battle to finish."

Using the Ring of Staves, I create my Staff and put in into my hands grabbing it firmly. I should probably take this a bit more seriously.

Solomon "Beware Hakuryuukou I'm going to be using a strong attack now. Sharar. Halharl. Zorf."

Creating a large wall of water with Sharar then heating with Halharl and compressing it with Zorf I make the aberrant magic spell Great Flash. A small sphere purplish in color that holds immense destructive power. Currently, it is one of the strongest attacks I have.

Vali "That is quite the strong attack for something so small. What exactly is it?"

Solomon "It is something called Aberrant Magic. It is a magic type that recreates natural disasters. This particular spell is Great Flash."

Vali "I see. I concede. I cannot take an attack of that level at the moment. Why have I never heard of this Aberrant Magic before?"

Solomon "It's natural you haven't heard of it before since I created it. It's a bit too strong to hand out so I have yet to do so. I don't want to ruin the balance of power between the supernatural any more than I already have."

Vali "I see. As the Hakuryuukou I give it my approval. I remember that you wished to see my sacred gear so I will allow you to study it during your visit here. On the condition, you fulfill one request for me in the future."

Solomon "Hm? That last part wasn't in the deal so I will have to ask for a favor from the current Hakuryuukou in the future."

Vali "That's fine. Let's go meet Azazel he must be quite worried since we took a while."