
Magic in the Moonlight

Yesterday, my name was Elizabeth Summers. I was 43 years old with a good job that I didn’t like much, but it paid the bills. When I woke up today, I was told my name is Kimberly Sparks. My birth certificate says I’m 24 years old. I don’t have a job or a place to live. But there’s a seriously hot guy taking me home with him. Elizabeth Summers died yesterday in a terrible fire and Kimberly Sparks was born. But I’m not a phoenix; I’m a werewolf. Who knew?

David_Okoi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Chapter 22

Derek sighed and answered, "I have a theory with nothing to support it, but it makes the most sense to me. We don't age. We're sort of frozen in time, biologically speaking. The wolf is very much a part of our DNA. It's why you changed so dramatically. Your wolf is silver white, that's why your hair is white. Wolves and humans are not biologically compatible as far as procreation. I think all of that combines and makes pregnancy impossible."

The idea of not having a child used to upset me. As I'd gotten older, I'd accepted the fact that I'd never have a baby. Maybe if I'd been a younger woman when Derek turned me, I'd be upset. But I'd already made my peace with being childless so this part of being a wolf didn't upset me too much.

There was something else he mentioned the day we went shopping that I had forgotten to ask about. "You told me there were rules I had to follow. What are they?"