
Magic In Every Bite: A chef Reincarnation

synopsis ------------------ In a fantasy land where magicians can summon meteorites to destroy a country and Aura swordsmen can split mountains and sea, there exists a little restaurant like this. The little restaurant can not compare to luxury from the outside, but it is a place where countless peak-level existents come to eat from beast-man to dragons, from Novice magicians to legendary ArchMage all line up to eat. There is your tomato ketchup Sir ! Made from 9th-grade tomatoes from heaven. There is your egg-fried rise made from legendary grade phoenix egg and Netherland rise. There is your cola made from a highly advanced compressor machine and the honey extracted from an 8th-grade 'moon-light' flower. There you can taste 10th-grade crocodile meat with golden apple wine. Hey, You want to make a ruckus inside the restaurant, System beats the crap out of them. The king wants me to serve him, tell the king to come here if he wants to eat. With the power of the System, I can become a magician and a swordsman. ------------------ Cover photo: A. I generated ------------------- Weekly 7 chapters are released between Monday to Saturday ------------------- A/N: If you like the novel don't forget to support me with the golden ticket and power stones. If you have any suggestions mention them in the comment box.

Dibya_Pal · Fantasi
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48 Chs

Chapter 9: Meeting the Mana Chef

Following Max's declaration, the waitress found herself taken aback, her eyes widening as she comprehended the monumental importance of the matter at hand.

The fate of their inn hung in the balance, teetering on the precipice of a potential banishment decree from the Baron himself if the forthcoming meal failed to exceed expectations.

With a warm and genuine smile gracing her features, she responded in a tone laden with earnestness, "Um, sir, while I may not possess all the pertinent details, time is of the essence.

The Baron, along with his esteemed relative, currently occupies the VIP lounge, and our chef is in dire need of a capable culinary virtuoso."

As Max continued the conversation with a demeanor marked by respect and consideration, the waitress exercised prudence, avoiding any direct mention of the perilous situation.

Instead, she skillfully alluded to the solution, subtly guiding Max toward a course of action without divulging the sensitive intricacies of the scenario.

"Miss, I understand your concern," Max began, his voice steady and confident. "But I have complete faith in my culinary skills. Would you be so kind as to arrange a meeting for me with Chef Edward?"

The lady hesitated for a moment, her thoughts racing. She wasn't sure if Max's offer was a genuine display of culinary prowess or mere bravado.

However, there was something in Max's earnest expression that swayed her decision.

With a resigned sigh, she agreed to Max's request, recognizing the sincerity in his eyes. As she did so, she couldn't help but ponder the common tendency for people to seek validation and recognition for their abilities, often in front of an audience.

The lady inwardly sighed, her thoughts trailing in a common refrain, 'Why do people always feel the need to flaunt themselves in front of others?'

Little did she know that Max's claim was no mere boast. In his previous life, he had achieved the prestigious status of a 5-star chef, and his skills were truly remarkable, far beyond what anyone in this world could imagine.

"Sir, please follow me," the lady said as she led Max towards the kitchen.

Walking closely behind her, Max stepped into the kitchen.

It was his first experience with a kitchen in this fantastical world, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation.

The unknown awaited him, and he was ready to showcase his culinary talents in this new environment.

The kitchen Max entered was a captivating blend of rustic charm and fantastical elements, a stark contrast to the modern culinary spaces of his previous life.

It lacked the convenience of electric appliances, relying instead on open flames, wood-burning ovens, and hand-operated tools.

What truly set it apart, however, were the ingredients sourced from the fantasy realm itself.

Mana-infused herbs, mystical spices, and otherworldly vegetables infused each dish with enchantment.

Magical utensils and cookware, such as self-stirring spoons and self-sharpening knives, dotted the kitchen, adding a touch of wonder.

Max also noticed magical creatures like fire sprites and water elementals aiding the chefs, emphasizing the kitchen's mystical ambiance.

In one corner, an alchemical workstation allowed for experimentation with magical potions, elevating flavors and bestowing unique properties upon dishes.

Cauldrons of simmering broths and bubbling concoctions completed the enchanting atmosphere, making it clear that this was no ordinary kitchen but a gateway to the wonders of the fantasy world's culinary arts.

Max stood in awe as he observed the culinary prowess of Chef Edward, his eyes widening in astonishment.

'Holy Moly, he's a mana chef,' Max exclaimed internally, his shock palpable.

In this remote corner of the kingdom, Max had never anticipated encountering a mana chef of such caliber.

The lady accompanying him understood Max's incredulous expression, as she had once been equally taken aback when she first witnessed Chef Edward's culinary talents.

She proceeded to clarify Max's doubts, saying, "Sir, Chef Edward is indeed a mana chef. He honed his skills in the capital, and interestingly, 'Alfona City happens to be his place of birth.

After mastering his craft, he returned to Alfona City to work at his family's inn."

This revelation not only shed light on Chef Edward's background but also deepened Max's appreciation for the culinary world of 'Aiden,' where mana-infused cuisine held such a prominent place, and talented chefs like Edward were celebrated for their extraordinary abilities.

Her approach was characterized by gentle knocks, each resonating with patience. Ana grasped the gravity of the situation, acutely aware that the fate of the entire inn hinged on the outcome of the next dish.

The shadow of a potential banishment decree from the Baron loomed over the establishment, casting a palpable sense of urgency.

After a few pregnant moments, the enigmatic Chef Edward, renowned for his extraordinary prowess as a mana chef, pivoted his head to acknowledge Ana's presence.

His countenance remained stoic, revealing nothing of the tumultuous preparations taking place in the kitchen.

In a voice devoid of emotion, he queried, "Ana, what brings you here? You're well aware of the immense pressure I'm under at the moment, given that I'm preparing dishes for the Baron and his esteemed guests.

If any patrons request mana-infused cuisine, they'll have to wait until after the Baron's meal. For regular dishes, they can seek assistance from the other chefs."

Max took note of the lady's identity, realizing that the charming lady was, indeed, Ana.

She responded, "Chef Edward, this gentleman here wishes to have a word with you about a matter of importance. If you'll excuse me, I'll attend to my other duties."

Her exit from the kitchen was marked by a graceful bow, an emblem of respect, and a silent acknowledgment of the gravity of the forthcoming dialogue between Max and Chef Edward.

At that moment, a hushed atmosphere enveloped the kitchen, laden with focused anticipation, as Max and the enigmatic Chef Edward remained the sole participants in the unfolding culinary drama.


[The author here: Miss Ana's Art is in the comment you can find out , if anyone wants our MC picture comment it out. And guys please support me in any way possible, if you can send a PowerPoint, that will be sufficient for this humble author]

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