
Magic In Every Bite: A chef Reincarnation

synopsis ------------------ In a fantasy land where magicians can summon meteorites to destroy a country and Aura swordsmen can split mountains and sea, there exists a little restaurant like this. The little restaurant can not compare to luxury from the outside, but it is a place where countless peak-level existents come to eat from beast-man to dragons, from Novice magicians to legendary ArchMage all line up to eat. There is your tomato ketchup Sir ! Made from 9th-grade tomatoes from heaven. There is your egg-fried rise made from legendary grade phoenix egg and Netherland rise. There is your cola made from a highly advanced compressor machine and the honey extracted from an 8th-grade 'moon-light' flower. There you can taste 10th-grade crocodile meat with golden apple wine. Hey, You want to make a ruckus inside the restaurant, System beats the crap out of them. The king wants me to serve him, tell the king to come here if he wants to eat. With the power of the System, I can become a magician and a swordsman. ------------------ Cover photo: A. I generated ------------------- Weekly 7 chapters are released between Monday to Saturday ------------------- A/N: If you like the novel don't forget to support me with the golden ticket and power stones. If you have any suggestions mention them in the comment box.

Dibya_Pal · Fantasi
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48 Chs

Chapter 19: What top grade 1st tier food ?

Within society, the unfortunate reality persists that people often rush to judgment based solely on superficial appearances, a practice that Max found utterly perplexing.

Drawing from his experiences in his previous life, he had encountered a diverse array of customers, each with their unique quirks. Some individuals, without any prior taste, would immediately condemn a dish solely because of its visual presentation.

Max had honed the art of dealing with such customers adeptly, recognizing that their hasty judgments were unfounded.

He had learned to navigate these situations with grace, often surprising such critics with the delightful flavors hidden beneath what they had dismissed at first glance.

It was a reminder that true culinary appreciation extended far beyond aesthetics, and Max was well-equipped to educate those who failed to grasp this fundamental truth.

As the Baron and his guest continued their assessment of Max and voiced their criticisms of Edward, Max, well aware of his position at the lower echelons of society, grappled with the reality of his limited influence in the face of authority.

However, when the situation pushed his patience to its limits, he felt compelled to take a stand.

Max executed a slight bow and placed his hand over his chest, a customary gesture in the Lionheart Kingdom denoting respect for individuals in positions of authority.

This practice had been demonstrated by Edward upon meeting the Baron and his guest.

Edward, observing Max's respectful posture, was initially taken aback, his concern mounting that Max might say something inappropriate. Nonetheless, he refrained from intervening, choosing to trust in Max's judgment.

Max continued with unwavering resolve, addressing the assembled dignitaries, "My Lord, respected Baron, and esteemed guest."

His deep bow underscored his reverence.

"Both my master and I have invested considerable effort in preparing the desired dish. We genuinely wish to present this new creation as a top-grade 1st-tier mana food, as a gesture of compensation for the morning's regrettable incident."


Upon receiving word of an intriguing new culinary creation, Baron and his esteemed guest found themselves consumed by a palpable sense of curiosity.

For them, the prospect of indulging in a dish crafted by none other than Mana chef, a chef of unparalleled reputation, was not a mere culinary escapade; it was a profound and tantalizing adventure.

In Aiden's culinary domain, mana-infused foods ranged from the lower 0th tier up to the illustrious 9th tier.

Each tier comprised four distinct grades: basic, medium, top, and super.

Baron, an aficionado of fine dining, had previously savored various mana-infused delicacies in the royal capital on multiple occasions.

However, his taste buds had been graced by the pinnacle of culinary artistry just once—a top-grade 1st-tier dish that had left an indelible mark on his gastronomic memory.

As the news of Max's latest comment spread, all the individuals assembled in the room found their attention converging upon Max.

Their collective gaze bore a weighty curiosity, akin to how one might regard a person with five heads. Each member present shared a singular, unspoken question: "Could an apprentice of a Mana-Chef truly aspire to prepare cuisine of such high caliber?"

In the midst of this silent contemplation, Edward, who had tasted Max's culinary prowess before the gathering, harbored unwavering faith in Max's culinary skills.

He was acutely aware of the precise grade of cuisine that Max had orchestrated, and this knowledge underpinned his unshakable belief in Max's culinary prowess.

Edward knew that Max had orchestrated a culinary masterpiece worthy of the highest tier and grade.

While the others in the room harbored doubts, he held steadfast in his conviction that Max possessed the exceptional talent and expertise required to craft dishes that could rival the very best.

In the world of mana-infused cuisine, where subtleties in flavor and presentation could define a chef's reputation, the prospect of a mere apprentice achieving culinary excellence at the upper echelons was indeed a rare and remarkable feat.

Yet, Edward's confidence in Max's culinary abilities remained unwavering.

As the anticipation for the impending feast grew, the atmosphere in the room seemed to crackle with curiosity and excitement.

The imminent unveiling of Max's creation had not only piqued the interest of those present but had also set the stage for a culinary experience that promised to be nothing short of extraordinary.

It also symbolized a profound gesture of respect and appreciation for each other's discerning palates and shared love for the culinary arts.



A subtle clearing of the throat caught Baron's attention, prompting him to cast a measured glance towards his guest.

With impeccable politeness, Baron addressed his guest, "Count Francisco, might I suggest that we extend another opportunity to Chef Edward and his devoted apprentice to present the new top-grade dish they have been ardently discussing?"

Count Francisco, a man characterized by his fiery red hair and a disposition that mirrored his regal stature, offered a thoughtful nod in response.

It is worth noting that Count Francisco held jurisdiction over Baron Adlof, as the latter's sister was married to him, and their children had been recently engaged. This familial connection made their interactions even more nuanced.

The primary purpose of Count Francisco's visit today was to discuss the forthcoming marriage of their children.

The idea of appointing a skilled Mana-Chef to create Mana-infused dishes for this momentous occasion was the central topic of conversation.

Baron Adlof weighed this proposition with utmost seriousness and suggested Edward, a culinary luminary of great renown, as the ideal candidate for this prestigious role.

Edward's culinary journey had humble origins, hailing from commoner roots.

Before ascending to the esteemed position of a Mana-Chef, he had found himself in dire financial straits and had borrowed a substantial sum from Baron Adlof's father.

Though he had managed to diligently repay this debt over the years, Edward remained profoundly grateful to Baron Adlof and his family for their timely assistance when he had needed it most.

Appointing a Mana-Chef was not only a matter of prestige but also a significant financial investment.

Furthermore, the rigorous search for a Mana-Chef of Edward's caliber was a formidable challenge in itself.

Thus, when Count Francisco first heard of Chef Edward, his eyes lit up with newfound hope. He believed that Edward might be the perfect choice to grace his son's wedding with culinary masterpieces.

However, Count Francisco's optimism was short-lived. It waned considerably after he sampled the morning meal prepared by Edward himself.

Regrettably, Edward's health was far from ideal, rendering him incapable of crafting the intricate Mana-infused dishes required for the next five days leading up to the impending wedding.

With a mere two days until the marriage ceremony, Count Francisco found himself in a state of profound disappointment, as he had already made a solemn promise to his son regarding the engagement of a talented Mana-Chef.

In an effort to uplift Count Francisco's spirits and salvage the situation, Baron Adlof graciously offered Edward a second chance. However, this offer came with an implicit ultimatum – the inn owned by Edward fell under Baron Adlof's jurisdiction, and he was willing to shut it down if Edward failed to deliver on his culinary commitment.

When word reached Count Francisco that a new batch of  food had been prepared, a flicker of hope once again ignited within him.

However, this ember of optimism was swiftly extinguished when he learned that the dish had been prepared by Edward's dedicated disciple, Max.

Doubt began to creep into his thoughts as he questioned whether Max possessed the culinary prowess required for such an important occasion.

Yet, Count Francisco, in the interest of preserving the wedding's integrity and not causing undue distress, was left with no alternative but to uphold his commitment.

Suppressing his doubts, he turned to Baron Adlof and remarked with a measured tone, "Indeed, why not? Let us savor this new top-grade creation, just as the chef and his apprentice have been eagerly discussing."

"Then, let's settle down," Baron declared, his gaze shifting between Edward and Max.

"But before proceeding," he continued, pausing to emphasize his next point, "Chef Edward, I hope this dish prepared by your apprentice lives up to the lofty standards he mentioned."

Edward and Max, standing side by side, responded in perfect unison, "Yes, my lord," as they both offered a respectful bow to convey their deference.

Baron, acknowledging their acknowledgment, nodded approvingly.

"Very well, Chef Edward. We shall eagerly await the dish right here. Is there any issue or delay we should be aware of?"

Edward, displaying a confident demeanor, replied promptly, "No, my lord. Please allow us a few minutes to bring it to you."

With that, he turned towards the exit, gesturing for Max to follow him. Together, they left the room, leaving Baron and Count Francisco  in eager anticipation of the culinary delight soon to be placed before them.



The author here:- Sorry for a long chapter guys.

Reference the picture of Baron Adolf , Count Francisco and Knight Kronus ,in the Comment Box.

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