
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

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In the warm cart, Zui'er threw the cold bodies of Zhuo Fan's father and son into the middle and outer halls of the car. In front of a curtain, he looked at the luan tent and smiled, "Miss, both of them have been brought, just It 's a pity that the child 's blood stained the lady 's car! "

"The most precious thing in the world is life. A trace of blood stains on the car. It's okay to clean it up. What a pity?" Unconsciously, with a chuckle, a red thread suddenly came out of the curtain and was immediately wrapped. With Zhuofan's wrist, Weiyuan Yuan could not help but penetrate into his body.

Can't help but toss his lips and whisper whispered: "Of course you don't care anymore. Isn't it your business to clean the vehicle anyway?"

"Tui'er, what tongue are you chewing?"

"Uh, no, I mean Miss Daren is righteous, and Kuai'er will definitely bow down for the young lady, and he will die!" Unconsciously, he quickly looked awake, and Kuaier swears immediately.

Unconsciously, with a chuckle, the silk thread whizzed back in the curtain and said lightly: "Little girl, stop complaining and do something right. This person is not a big deal, just under serious injury, overwork and illness, loss of strength Excessive, and then exhausted. Give him some Bu Yuan Dan, rest for a few days, surely can wake up! "

"Yes, miss!"

Unconsciously, Zui'er immediately raised Zhuofan, took out a small porcelain bottle, poured out a blue pill, and fed him in. But soon, he was puzzled again: "Hey, this man is also a god, is he still exhausted? He is not a beginner, can't he control his energy level?"

"Sometimes it's not that the control is not good, but that you have to go all out. The people are in the rivers and lakes, and you can't help yourself! The reason why this person fell in the snow is probably related to this child!"


There was another soft sound, and a red silk thread was shot again in the curtain, but it was immediately wrapped around the wrist of the pale three little son who was already pale.

But it 's okay to not explore it. Upon a glance, the man in the drapery could n't help but startle: "This kid ... it 's weird! There are two energies in the body that are intertwined and destroyed, accumulating on the wound on his right arm, causing The blood is difficult to coagulate. At this time, most of the blood is already flowing, which is dangerous. If you can't stop the blood as soon as possible, I am afraid that this child will die. Fall, take the blood coagulation pill! "

"Yes, miss!"

Suddenly nodded, when Naizi heard what her own lady said so seriously, she suddenly put away the joke, became solemn, and then took out a red red pill to feed the ancient tee.

As soon as Danmaru entered the body, it turned into a red clear stream, flowing across his body, and finally came to the wound. But before I could wait for the power of the medicine to come into effect, the energy of the medicine was instantly dissipated by the energy accumulated in the wound and disappeared without a trace.

The gurgling blood was still running without stagnation, even because of the stimulant of this immortality, the blood flow was much faster than before. And the red silk thread on Xiao Sanzi's wrist was also trembling, traversing a clear wave back into the curtain.

Unexpectedly, the lady immediately shouted again: "Five-grade hemostatic medicine is useless, take seven-grade Huayu medicine. If the two energies in front of the child's wound cannot be entangled, hemostasis is hopeless!"

"Yes, miss!"

His face was also a little anxious. Zier had never seen such a moment when their young lady was so scared, she couldn't help but quickly take out a pill and fed it to Xiao Sanzi.

However, the same thing happened again. The power of Huayudan was to resolve the energy accumulation in front of the wound, but the energy was too powerful, but it was very strange. The power of the medicine was just touched, and the medicine was touched. The qi is completely dissipated and expelled from the body.

And this is not counted, because the stimulation of the medicine did not suppress this energy, but also made this energy rebound more. The wound of the ancient three links also rushed more quickly.

Zhuo Fan's efforts to continuously slow the bleeding rate and suppress that energy with the special elixir he has personally refined these days are completely in vain.

This is what is called ... help yourself!

Now Zhuo Fan is unconscious, if he wakes up and sees this situation, he must slap on the face of the two masters and servants.

If you do n't understand, do n't mess up. If you do this, you will kill the children!

However, where did they know that this child's injury would be so strange. At this moment, seeing the situation getting more and more serious, not only the maidservant, but even the lady in the veil could not help being really anxious.

So, with a soft drink, the lady hurriedly commanded, and the maid kept pulling out the Elixir and feeding it to the third son.

However, it is still the same as before, and it is getting worse. In the end, Xiao Sanzi's wounds are bleeding, and he has dyed the blanket in the cart and it is bright red.

Seeing this scene, Na'er couldn't help but really anxious, and said urgently: "Miss, what should I do, this child is getting heavier and heavier by us!"

"Yeah, what's going on with this child's injury, it's hard to cure everything!"

The young lady in the veil also had a dignified face, but she suddenly thought of something suddenly, and wondered: "It is impossible ... This child's injury was caused by the sword and sword force? If so, it would be wrong. Ah, even though the Excalibur created the injury, the recovery was slower, but it did not reach the point of no cure, why? "

"Miss, don't ask why, I'm afraid of waking up this big moment, seeing this little dead, and asking us why we can do it? Although ... he's just a god, we don't need to be afraid of him ... … "

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but sag, and his face looked bitter: "But Miss Qingyu, if the first name is ruined ... Alas, I knew I wouldn't rescue them just now!"

Silence, there was no word in the curtain, and after a long time, you said quietly: "Save one's life, win the seven-level floating. If Murong Xue didn't see it, I wouldn't even see it. Doesn't it save me? Fall, take the Beihai gel and put it on this child! "


Can't help being surprised, the fall was immediately frightened: "Beihai gel? No way, this thing is very precious, a miracle medicine to cure trauma. We went to Beizhou this time and talked to others, only to get back a little, but also A great price has been paid. This is to be prepared and used by the householder, in case of unexpected needs, how can you give an outsider anyway? This is a pity! "

Without speaking, the people in the veil seemed to be thinking too, but in the end they still decided: "When did my medical immortal Murong Xue go out to die? This time, still a child? Although Beihai Gel is precious, it can still be in the future. Take it again, but if the child 's life is not saved, there is really no chance. Moreover, with the strength of the elder brother, to use this Beihai gel, I do n't know what year and what month! "

"That being said, but if this treasure is used, the child is still difficult to save, wouldn't it be wasted?"

"Why is there a wasteful reason why the elixir is used to save lives?"

Without knowing a chuckle, Murong Xue looked very open, not happy with things, not sad with himself, and murmured: "Cuier, don't take medicine yet? In the end, am I a lady, or are you a lady, even my words? Don't listen? "

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but hesitated, and he was very reluctant, but listening to the young lady's voice was terrible, there was no way, and she could only reluctantly pull out a dull gourd from the ring, gently open the gourd cover, and slightly tilt, A line of white slurry was poured slowly from the inside, clear through the body, exuding fragrance, and slipped onto the wounded arm of Gu Santong.

In an instant, a magical thing happened. Wherever the slurry fell, the blood flowing outward stopped the pace at once, and no more drops could ooze out. Finally, after the slurry covered the wound, it gradually coagulated, then It scabs quickly and solidifies, making it harder to overflow.

And the strange energy around the wound was still entangled and entangled, trying to break this thing that prevented them from circulating blood, but suddenly, a silver light spattered, quickly suppressed them, and never again From the slightest strength. Only the gurgling gleamed with silver brilliance, and then gradually integrated into the body of Xiao Sanzi, disappeared. And Xiao Sanzi's arm injury also improved instantly, as if he had never been injured, his skin is soft and can be broken!

Seeing this scene, Kui'er was immediately pleased and shouted, "Miss, success, this kid's life is back!"

"Yeah, this Beihai gel is indeed a wonder of the world, a healing sacred product, well-deserved reputation!" A long breath came, and the lady was relieved and sighed.

It's just that after the joy, it was heartache, and touching the treasure gourd that had lost most of the slurry, Tuer couldn't help but sorrow for a while: "Unfortunately ... just like this, ten million stone holy spirit stones are gone. Let's go back You can't be furious! "

"Hehehe ... My eldest brother is an elegant person. If we know that we are used to save lives, we will not be angry!"

"Ah, I hope so, ten million, oh oh ..." It's a pity on the face, Tzu'er's mouth couldn't help twitching, and then from time to time he looked aside and was still unconscious, completely ignorant of Zhuo Fan's situation outside Tao: "Hey, that big one, you owe us ten million spirit stones, remember to return it!"


Hearing this remark, a chuckle came out of the curtain: "Dui'er, he is a **** according to the realm of the realm. How can there be 10 million stone spirit stones? Shi En doesn't report it until he wakes up Well, just send them the father and son to leave! "

"Huh, that's too cheap for them!"

Can't help but toss his lips, and his face is full of resentment: "I don't know what blessings they prayed in this life, they can meet the young lady in such a critical moment of life, save them from crisis, and don't pay. If they wake up, watch them How many spirit stones are on your body, all of them are taken away, no matter how small the mosquitoes are, they must not be allowed to think that such a pie in the sky can be encountered every day! "

Hearing this, Murong Xue couldn't help smiling, but didn't speak.

But how could they think that the father and son they had inadvertently rescued were not good people, but demon kings; not forced, but local tyrants?

Presumably, besides that Beihai gel, Zhuo Fan can give them much more than they thought ...