
The invitation

" what the heck ". I quickly took a blanket close to me and covered my body.

"what the heck was going on, everything today was frustrating and weird first my dad burst into my room almost taking off my head, well that wasn't weird he does that almost everyday but what is the mage and his daughter doing in my house, ok, calm down, play it cool ". I said to my self.

"Greetings Lord laca and ".

"Teresa my name is Teresa ". she stretched her hand towards me what was happening.

" oh I get it ". I took her hand "I think I'm supposed to kiss it or something ". I kissed her hand in a weird way it was so damn gross".

" your son is quite the gentleman ryeker ". mage laca said.

" t-thank you, your lordship". my dad said bowing down.

I didn't understand why my dad was so nervous the mage is just an ordinary man like us apart for his strength and money but still he had to show respect because of our ranks.

Note: there are three ranks the common ranks this are people who don't have little or no money at all then we have the middle rank and the special ranks .

" Lord laca what do we owe this humble visit" I said .

" well child I came to give you a special invitation " he said with a smile.

" child, why does he keep calling me child ". I said in my mind. "Lord laca please would you stop calling me child, my name is Kai yamoachi ".

" hmm you seem to have courage Kai " he said with a grin

" I- I'm sorry Lord laca he won't do it again ". my father said begging .

my father was begging, that was what I hated most in my life, seeing my parents beg for mercy makes me sick and angry.

" keep quiet ". laca said to my dad " don't speak again or else ". looking at my dad in disgust.

" s-sorry your lordship " my dad said bowing.

" mind your tongue laca ". I said in anger " nobody talks to my father like that, never speak to him like that again". I said shouting.

( bang ) I felt a sting up my face then I looked upwards and saw the mages daughter standing in front of me with her palm red .

" did she just ". I touched my face carefully and felt a sharp pain on my face.

" don't ever speak to my father like that again, your a peasant so mind your language". she said.

" now now Teresa let's not get violent look I only came here to give you this invitation to join our school up in the special ranks district, I hope you accept our offer". he turned around. " I'll be waiting for your reply, come Teresa let's go home".

they both walked outside and entered their vehicles and drove off.

" dad!! " I ran towards him " I'm sorry it was all my fault you were embarrassed like that". I said with a low tone.

" don't worry kiddo it's okay ".

ever since my mom died, we had no one to support our family , my dad did whatever he could to send me to school, he's all that I have and I can't bare to see him sad or disappointed.

" Kai " my dad called out to me.

" yes dad " I answered with a shaking voice.

" accept the invitation and make me proud, be the strongest man you can become okay". he said.

" fine I'll accept it " I said in anger.