
A Magical School-bus

"You must be Abram."

A voice called out to me from inside of, a bus through some sort of speaker system.

Yup a bus, and from all the voices I could hear, I could tell I wouldn't be alone for most of this ride. I only hope that there is an empty seat.

"Yes I am Abram. Do I need to store my stuff somewhere out here?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute I'm having to deal with a few delinquents who refuse to take a seat."

I heard a few voices yelling just before the speaker cut off.

I guess I could wait a moment or two, and I did, but even after a while the doors remained closed.

The muffled voices from within were the only thing giving me some insight into what was going on within.

Okay it has been around forty moments, whoever these trouble makes are had best be happy that I'm in a good mood.

The busses doors flew open as I stepped up to them and a few dozen voices could be heard as I walked up a few steps.

"I already said that I'm not going to sit next to him. Twenty minutes of his presence is more than I can tolerate, and you are over here telling me I have to sit here for the rest of the day."

Must be someone who has let his families influence go to his head.

I listened as the person next to the troublemaker spoke up.

"Just do something to get this loser out of my seat, I don't care about assigned seats."

Maybe I was wrong, looks more like a family rivalry.

A smile crept up on my face as I got an idea. I have just the spell for them, a simple sit down and shut up spell.

After a few moments the two kids suddenly got quiet and sat down in their seats.

Perfect. Grandpa liked to use this on me a lot when I was younger. I can see why, it's very useful.

"Now that they have calmed down, mind helping me with my luggage?"

The woman who was trying to calm the two turned to me with a look of surprise.

"You, how did you get on the bus? Never mind that, let's put you stuff away before they start screaming again." She said while taking my three suitcases in one hand and presumably storing them in a compartment that was accessible outside of the bus.

She is stronger than she looks.

"Alright. Abram, follow me your seat is in the back."

After taking me towards the back of the bus and showing me my seat, which was thankfully an empty seat, she sat back down and started the busses engine.

I looked around finding a bunch of odd faces checking me out. Including some spiky haired guy in front of me who was turned completely around in his seat.

"Abram huh, I didn't think this bus would pick up another magical creature all the way out in this countryside place. So what are you exactly?"

"A male human magic man."

"A mage? You know when I first smelled you I was expecting someone a little older."

Haha, I think someone is a little to comfortable giving out their secrets.

"Oh, well look at you. You are the first dragon I have met. I will have to admit though, I would've expected you to look a bit older as well. You must be a bit on the smaller side in your dragon form."

"How did you know what I am?" The spiky haired guy asked in a hushed tone.

"Only a few species can 'smell age', and you definitely look more like a dragon type than any of the other choices."

The spiky haired man paused as if processing something.

"I guess this is a good thing, I'd rather not be confused for something I'm not. Even still your appearance really throws me off."

I chuckled as I scratched my chin. "I know, maybe I should grow out a beard." As I spoke a handful of hair covered my hand that I was scratching my chin with.

"Definitely close…" he was cut off as the bus lurched forward.

The scenery outside of the windows rapidly changed.

I watched out the window as the sun moved closer and closer towards the ground. The sky darkening as we kept on moving.

"Did we just cross the entire continent?"

"We did, hey where did your beard go?"

"I didn't like it, too scratchy." I told him while feeling my smooth hairless face.

"They do get in the way a lot. Ugh, that's the second time this has happened."

"Maybe you shouldn't be standing up when the bus does that then."

"Whatever, I'm gonna sit down before I throw up all over you." He said while groaning and sitting down in his seat.

The voice of the bus driver was heard as the bus finally slowed to a stop.

"Last few stops before go for a bit of flight."

I turned to look out at the next people who would get on the bus and my heart nearly stopped.

Pale skin, dark clothes, and… green eyes?

I suppose grandpa's research, did speak of the possibility of rare mutations which could result in different varieties of eye color for vampires. The bad thing is there weren't one or two but six of them. The two with green eyes seemed to know each other while the other four stood a bit away from one another.

I held my breath as I watched the bus driver stash away their stuff and lead them all to different seats, the tension only releasing as they all found there seats, again thankfully not next to me.

After nearly an hour of stops the bus was almost packed full, and the driver said some magic words that made the environment a lot more cheerful.

"Last stop."

Hmm, eleven kids this time.

I looked over for a moment, scanning the isles.

And only ten empty seats remaining.

I felt a rush of mana from outside for a moment and I looked out at the group. To my surprise one of the eleven completely disappeared. After a brief moment of confusion, both of my irises changed from blue, their natural colors, to a brown or hazel color.

Right, there were two sisters, and now I only see one. She made a clone of herself to help carry her stuff. I thought as my eyes picked up a dissipating cloud of mana next to the girl in question.

I could've sworn she looked up to where I was and smiled, but that shouldn't be possible. Even I couldn't see a thing through the windows when looking at the bus from outside.

What was even more surprising was when the bus driver sat her down next to me.

"You must be Abram right?"

"And how exactly do you know my name already?"

"I have seating chart for the bus ride. For the right price, I can get you your schedule earlier than usual."

"Why would I want that?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

"You've got a point."

"So magic hacker person, how long have you been doing this stuff?"

"Long enough."

She said not saying anything else for a while.

The busses engine started again as everyone else got seated.

"Ooh, can I have the window seat? I promised my sister to get some good pictures."

"Just do it fast, it's about to start up again." I told her as she stood up.

I scooted over and she climbed over me and pulled out her phone to take pictures.

We did it just in time too because the bus tilted upwards suddenly, and a stream of blue energy encapsulated the bus.

I closed my eyes as the amount of mana the bus was wasting as fuel, seemed to blur my vision and burn my eyes slightly. After a few moments my irises returned to their normal colors.



"That's my name, I figured since I know yours, you should know mine too."

"Well Alyssa, make sure to wake me up when we land." I responded before leaning back and trying to get comfortable.

She smiled and nodded before turning back to the window.

I would be getting a good rest in during history right now if I was back at the school, so I might as well keep my schedule somewhat normal.

This seat is going to give me neck problems by the time we finally get there though.