
Chapter 7 new life new world new thing

"Peeter wake up son, breakfast is ready!!" his mom shouting from first flo, with lazy Rei wake up from his bed, and first time he do is check his self

"hmmm not bad, his face is similiar with younger me, maybe its was fate that brought me to relife use you body kid" rei touching his face and inspecting every curve and corner on his body, after done hi just walking down and sit on dining table, his breakfast is ready, it was simple rice with fried egg and glasse of orange juice

"go fast eat your breakfast and get ready to scholl"

"hmmm okay dad"

after breakfast he just get ready abd walk to nearby bus Station and waiting, soon the bus he waiting was come he just enter and sit on nearby seat

"hmmm its will be my first time go to this world school"

he walk slowly enter the school and go to his class, according to petter memories he was sit at third row beside the window

so he just sit an watching outside, the there group of four girl that walking from the gate, they have exceptional feature but he one who walkinh in front is the most beautiful,its girl with glass and have black long hair, she walking slowly in fron of her friend she was indeed beautifull, and rei focus his eyes on her but he focus not because her beauty but another thing before he can figure it out small slap on his soulder wake him up

"Hey petter,, dreaming in the morning huh, watching maria like you want eat her up dude"

its was one of his best friend abu, 185cm tall with black skin and sort hair,but dont be fooled by his bodyguard like face and body, he was humoris and warm guy, his parent is owner of meat stall right beside petter parent fruit stall so why they know each other from long time ago

"aish abu, not is not like that i just,,.. you know!!"

"know what?? hee hee hee,, is okay bro we on age when we start to have crush and fallin love"

"aish whay ever abu"

the reason he was focus on maria is not because he think about jer beauty, bu he can see there black strand of blac magic, she like being curse, but that was impossible because there's no magic on this world so how come she being cursed with black magic,before he find the answer the class bell is ringing and first class is start, his first class is physics class teach by Mr. margo a. k. a the tower, this teacher is 2 meter high with crocked nose and golden frame glass

he just sit and listen on the lesson until he fell like being struk by lighning, because Mr margo is explaining about energy conversion, energy is always have same value but maybe change form, like electricity change to heat,electricity change to sound

then he fill like he know the answer why he only can absorb small amount of mana from nature enegy and why he saw maria like being curse, he have hypothesis magic does exsist but may have diverent name or diverent kind here.

"so she's indeed being curse but maybe not by dark magic not use mana but another form of magic and mana"

that curse is like soul binding curse from my world, basic dispell can erase that curse, this good opportunity,i can try use magic and try if its have same efect like in my world"

he smile and habe goal, he need to meet maria for sure and try his spell on her, because basic dispell is need contact to the victim to use dispell the curse

"eh dude why you smiling like creepy old man heh? "

abu asking him from his back, because abu sit his back on last row table

"sssssth,, shut up dumbu!"

"f*ck you, dont call me that u as*h*le!!*"

"hahahahahaaha, by the way abu, i wna ask you something"

"what?? asking how come i so hansome right??it can be help i was natural born hansome"

"f*ck u dumbu!! i wana ask,you know way for me to meet and know maria??

"owh.,so u admit it?? you like her heh? "

rei wana said not but to shut up and make its simple he just following what abu said

"yea i think so,, so bu,, do you have a ways? "

"well you asking the right man, young man maybe this master know the asnwer"

"bu stoping talking like some npc, tell me! "

"well maria is always with her friend from morning till the class end, but maybe you have time to meet her after school,"

"how? "

"she was member of archery club so she was practice three time a week and lucky this Wednesday so she will practice,and you can slip to arcery club or meet her before she practice"

"eh but the other club member?

"nah dont think about it, first its was women archery club and she was the president of the club so she always 30 minute early than other member, and that was your chance bro!! "

"owh man, on time like this your brain is usefull indeed"