
Chapter 1 The 12 Zodiacs

Emperio city west wing area

On a tall White towering building, a man sit and read a worn out book, the man no other than reinold millo, the blazing leo millo youngest zodiac member,he read and then daze for moment seem try to get enlighten,

"sigh, this spell is absurd, time spell spatial spell,, can we realy turn back time??? "

Dont we became God if we do?? Spatial we can go anywhere anytime we want, and time spell can stoping time or turnback time,, this absurd,and and the magic cost,, this more than absurd!!"

"i was supreme mage, my mana poll is not the bigest around the supreme mage, but i can try almost all spell,, but this,, when i try i can event fullfill the half mana cost

The sound knockind door wake him up from his tough,

"young master Rei,there miss alburn in front door, she said the emperor Summoned all zodiac member"

"owh,, granpa Bel okay,, tell alburn to wait a moment i will prepare and change clothes "

"yes young master"

The butle leave reinold

In front of the tower

"good afternoonLady alburn sorry keep you waiting"

"Is okay Mr, Rei its just a small matters"

The one speaking is Lady Alburn, the Holy Judge Libra, from outside she look around 20-25 look younger than Reinold, but dont be fooled,no one know how old she is, Reinold remember when he still in academy of magic, Lady Alburn once visit the academy,yes that was 20 years ago, and she look just the same 20 years ago and now.

"let go mister Rei"

The two then start operating their magic and fly

Just about a minute the already arrived in the palace and walk to meeting hall when they arive another zodiac was already sit

"sorry everyone's mr Rei and i was litle bit late"

"yea im sorry hehehehe"Reinold said innocently

"hais just stop standing and sitdown" the one spoke is white short fat man he look more like merchant than magus, but dont get fooled, he was Rando the light arow sagitarius,he was light supreme mage, with amazing control and one of three magus that can use instan spell.Reinold and Lady alburn sit and waiting the emperor

"emperor William 3rd arrive "

And old man walking slowly inside the hall, he was around 50-60 with all his hair beard and mustache already White.the 12 zodiacs then standing and salute to the emperor

"No to formal my friend"

The emperor spoke,his word is ordinary but there trace of dignity in his voice, calm and full of honor

"come sit down"

"you All maybe wondering why i summoned all of you here? "

"you All must be know the recent issues,there many alchemyst,blackmist,knigh and magus is missing, so i sent Seira to gather some imformation"

"she found out that the missing person is being kidnapped,by dark organization,Ouroboros they serve the dark world fraction, our mortal enemies"

"but according the information the organisation is not to big, so a supreme mage can handle them, but for security measure i need another supreme mage to go with Seira to hadle them"

"I will do your Majesty "

Reinold aswer without second think.the other zodiac see him with half laugh and sigh face, everyone know, Reinold was in love with seira The Holy maiden Virgo,they have 5 years gap but Reinold never give up, he was in love from when he still nobody, their first meet was when Rei just doing academic mission, hunting magical beast, he almost die and then a beautiful lady suddenly arrive from no where save him, he was almost pass out and when he saw the lady,only one word that came in his mind so beautiful, he think she was angel who pick his soul,so he keep calm and then he pass out. After he being rescued and wake up,he know the truth that the one who save him was Lady seira,at that time she not yet become become zodiac member and still teacher at academy , then he learn the back ground and who his benefactor,more he study about seira more he amazed,and more he fell he and her was like heaven and Earth,then he start to focus and studying to catch up Lady Seira, the their story go on until both of them became Zodiac member,and his felling dor her never change.

"how bout it Seira?? "the king asked

"anyone will do your majesty "

"oke then settle,Seira and Rei i Command you two raid and exterminate the issues of oruboros"

"Yes your majesty,as your Command "

Seira and Reinold said in unison,

"The operation start tomoro Seira Reinold prepare your self meeting setle, and end here i wait for good news"

The King then leave the Hall, and the other Zodiac also leave,

And Reinold follow Seira walking outside the palace.

"hmmm my...my lady,, when we start operation??? rei ask her with nervous tone ,no matter how strong he is.in front the girl he love he act like newbi student all his power lik gone witout trace

"we will go tomorow at noon,i will pick u up,,this undercover mission we need to located their base and place they kidnaped the victim, so before we go tomorrow,we will buy some civilians cloth,,ans we disguise our self as new maried couple that looking for place to starr new life"after said that she just fly and leave rei stoned on place his stand

"new maried couple,,new maried couple,why disguise,if u ask real i will do"he think and lost in his dream,and after he wake up from his day dream,seira nowhere to see anymore.