
Mage King Solomon

That man was born a king from the moment he drew breath; however, he was not a seeker of omnipotence but of knowledge. Been given miracles of God, he only uses it once. His ten rings hold dominion over all of magecraft; his eyes can view both the past and the future. His summoning spell has 72 Demon Gods at his service; the name of that summoning spell is “Goetia.“. The king of mages, said to be capable of the impossible, is the origin of all summoning spells. However, I cannot overlook this, and I cannot continue to overlook it. Despite his gaze resting on such tragedy, he did nothing but have a thin smile on his face. Despite having the power of the universe within his grasp, the king did absolutely nothing. He was a king who only smiled; we all thought we must not allow this man to be.  

Kellyaminu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs

Redemption 1

Just as the intense duel between the valiant Sir Lancelot and the formidable Mash finally reached its conclusion, Fujimaru, determined and resolute, strode purposefully towards the Sun King, his mind swirling with the possibilities of their impending conversation. 


Seated regally upon his ornate throne, the Sun King, with an air of subtle disappointment, remarked, "Ah, what an underwhelming resolution to the clash. I had anticipated the shimmer of a sacred sword amidst the depths of despair." 


His piercing gaze locked onto Fujimaru, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern, as he posed a thought-provoking question: "Even should you emerge victorious against the Lion King, what assurance do you possess for the uncertain future that looms ahead?" With a solemn nod, the Sun King then elaborated, "The impending cataclysm threatening the very essence of humanity looms ominously on the horizon. 


Should the flames of destruction engulf our world, the mere act of vanquishing the Lion King would hold no significance. It falls upon me, with the authority vested in my hands, to safeguard my people from the impending peril that encroaches relentlessly upon us." 


With unwavering determination in his heart, Fujimaru strode confidently forward to directly confront the Sun King, his tone resolute as he declared, "When I had the honour of visiting this magnificent land before, each and every inhabitant showered you with praises. 


You were revered as the one who tirelessly protected and guided his people till the very end. Yet now, it seems you are on the verge of forsaking that sacred duty." The courageous hero's voice carried a weight of conviction as he continued, "You must believe that engaging in battle against the formidable Lion King will result in both of your demise. However, you likely have foreseen the aftermath that follows. 


It is this realisation that has led you to halt your actions." In response to Fujimaru's poignant words, the Sun King retorted dismissively, "And what of it?" Fujimaru's piercing gaze bore into the Sun King with an intensity that reflected his unwavering resolve, compelling the ruler to pause and contemplate the gravity of his actions. The atmosphere crackled with tension as he stood unwavering.


With a determined glint in his eyes, Fujimaru raised his voice, unwaveringly declaring, "Chaldea shall not waver in its resolve. We shall stand resolute against the Lion King, thwarting the very incineration of humanity itself. Our mission may be fraught with uncertainty, but our collective purpose unites us all in this noble cause!" Pausing briefly, he posed a thought-provoking question, 

Pharaoh Ozymandias is the strongest in Egypt, is he not?"


Addressing the tense silence that enveloped the opulent palace, Fujimaru pressed on with conviction. "Instead of merely seeking salvation for our own kingdom, why not aspire to save the entirety of our world?"


The stillness of the moment was shattered by the Sun King's scornful laughter, interjecting with a derisive remark, "Save the world? Your eloquent words belie your arrogance, young one." Fujimaru's impassioned plea for unity and global salvation echoed through the majestic chambers.


The Sun King, radiating with regal authority, rose gracefully from his ornate throne. In a mesmerising display of power, he reached out towards Fujimaru, his gaze unwavering as he pronounced with unwavering conviction, "If you dare to assert such claims, then I shall reveal the truth to you! What secrets lie within the Holy City? What mysteries does the sacred lance hold? Prepare to witness the extent of your ignorance!" His words echoed ominously through the grand hall, sending shivers down the spines of all present. With a commanding gesture, the sun King called upon Tri-Hermes, a mystical structure that materialised before them.


As Fujimaru and his companions stood in awe and confusion, the professor's voice cracked through the communication device, providing a flicker of clarity amidst the mystique surrounding them. He elucidated that Tri-Hermes was no ordinary creation but a pseudo-spiritron calculation engine, a celestial satellite harnessing the Sun King's unparalleled magical energy. With its unparalleled capabilities, Tri-Hermes served as a sentinel, diligently monitoring all that unfolded across the vast expanse of the planet, its watchful eye ever vigilant. 


While Fujimaru and his puzzled companions stood, trying to grasp the situation unfolding before them, Nitocris stepped forward, her voice firm as she declared, "This is the end of the world we know. The lands that once graced the Mediterranean Sea and the distant shores of Arabia have vanished without a trace." Witnessing the disappearance of entire foreign countries left Bedivere in a state of utter shock, prompting him to turn to Nitocris with a plea for understanding.


Nitocris, with a sense of urgency in her tone, revealed the ominous truth behind the cataclysmic events, explaining, "The sacred lance Rhongomyniad, also known as The Tower At The End Of The World, embodies the very essence of destruction. 


It is a relic that usually resides within the boundaries of the end itself, manifesting as a beacon of reckoning." Fujimaru, now connecting the dots, expressed his realisation, "So, all this time..." His words were abruptly cut short by the chilling confirmation from the figure seated on the throne, who announced, "Indeed, the unleashed power of the Sacred Lance will herald the arrival of the Tower at the end of the world, laying waste to all that stands before it, consuming this very land in its all-encompassing descent into oblivion."


Fujimaru, caught off guard by the astonishing revelation, found himself at a loss for words before responding hesitantly to Sir Bedivere's groundbreaking statement. "But if the Holy City were to engage in such acts, would it not tarnish the reputation of not only Camelot but also the revered Lion itself?" However, before Fujimaru could articulate his concerns further, Sir Bedivere interjected with a calm yet resolute tone, correcting Fujimaru's misconception about the nature of the Holy City. 


"No, Fujimaru," he began, "the Holy City stands separate from Camelot in essence. It is not Camelot to begin with." At this pivotal moment, Mash's curiosity was piqued, prompting her to seek clarification from the Sun King himself. "It isn't Camelot?" she inquired, with a hint of confusion in her voice. The Sun King, with a profound sense of wisdom in his expression, proceeded to unveil the true identity of the Holy City, revealing it to be none other than the sacred lance Rhongomyniad. 


"That Holy City," he explained solemnly, "serves as an ark, a vessel that safeguards and chronicles the chosen remnants of humanity. Within its hallowed walls, individuals are immortalised, their essence forever encapsulated as testaments to the inherent worth of mankind." This revelation left Fujimaru, Mash, and Sir Bedivere in a state of awe as they came to terms with the profound significance of the Holy City and its role in shaping the fate of humanity.

Bedivere, with a look of intense curiosity, shifted his gaze towards Lancelot, seeking confirmation as he inquired, "Sir Lancelot, is this true?" In a resolute tone, Lancelot affirmed, "Certainly, it is the undeniable truth. As soon as the Holy Selection reaches its conclusion and the city collects a sufficient number of human souls, the majestic doors guarding the tower standing at the end of the world will swing open wide. 


This is the royal edict bestowed upon us by the Lion King himself, for the salvation of the people." The venerable Sun King, with an air of profound conviction, uttered, "Through the power of the Holy Grail, our kingdom shall endure, resilient even in the face of catastrophic destruction. This is the path I have chosen for our realm." Fixing his gaze upon Fujimaru, the Sun King demanded, "In comparison, what do you propose? When confronted with the impending apocalypse, what actions will you take?" 


Fujimaru stood there, transfixed and bewildered by the weight of the revelation, prompting the Sun King to assert, "Begone, foreign master. Accept the truth that there lies no course of action within your reach that could alter this predestined fate." leaving Fujimaru and his companions to feel powerless in the grand scheme of events. 


After Fujimaru and his valiant companions departed the Sun King's kingdom, while they all walked, Sir Lancelot told Fujimaru he was going to lend a helping hand. At that point they all head for Lancelot camp.

After Fujimaru and his valiant companions courageously departed from the Sun King's kingdom, they embarked on a journey through the vast and rugged terrain. As they all trudged forward on the challenging path, Sir Lancelot approached Fujimaru with a solemn expression, offering his unwavering assistance. Resolved to help their cause, they decided to make their way to Lancelot's camp, which was nestled in a secluded area shrouded by the mist of uncertainty.


Upon finally arriving at the camp, a scene of unexpected chaos unfolded before them as they were greeted by a multitude of displaced refugees seeking shelter and solace. Sir Bedivere, with concern etched on his brow, turned to Sir Lancelot, questioning the origins of these displaced individuals. "Sir Lancelot, the people here are not just troops; your troops, right?" 


With a sense of duty and accountability, Sir Lancelot revealed the complex situation at hand, explaining "there was no choice but to send those chosen by the Holy Selection to the Holy City." But I wasn't given orders on what to do with those who weren't chosen. Call it my private army." Addressing Fujimaru directly, "There is someone I'd like you to see," guiding both Fujimaru and Mash towards a tent where a surprising revelation awaited. As they entered the tent, a wave of astonishment washed over them as they beheld DaVinci standing before them, a miraculous sight defying their previous assumptions of her untimely demise in the wake of the explosion.