
Mafia Vs Billionaire (BL)

Noah Reece is an Asian-American living in a rundown apartment in Chinatown. He is an office worker who has a side business which his colleagues often refer to as Scraps collector. One night he accidently meets with Lucas Trevillion in a slum area where he lives in, which Noah didn't know at that time Lucas was having a mental breakdown. He brought Lucas back to his house, served him cheap food and lent him his tattered clothes which he later regretted after finding out that Lucas was actually the youngest son of the owner of the company where he worked. When Lucas finds out that Noah actually works at the branch company he manages, he starts sticking around Noah. Whether it's visiting his apartment on the weekends or doing everything he could just to get Noah's attention. One day, Lucas has a panic attack during a meeting which Noah also attends. Noah tries his best to calm him down by letting him grab onto his body, hugging him tightly. Afterward, Lucas confesses his love to Noah, in which Noah only reply with, “Would you still want me if I'm telling you I'm an ex-mafia?"

Yeo_ja · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Company’s Accommodation


"Noah, lunch?" Natalie asked.

Noah pushed back his office chair from the desk to look at Natalie as he answered. "Sure. Let's go together."

"Steve, you come too?" Natalie asked her co-worker who was sitting across from them.

Steve stood up from his chair. "Yes. I will join. Which restaurant today?"

"It's the end of the month, better eat something affordable." Noah chuckled.

Natalie raised her hand and laughed. "Me too."

"Are you guys together? Why do you guys always have the same excuse at the end of every month?" Steve let out a sigh.

Noah laughed. "I have a family to feed."

Natalie continued flatly, "I have a cat to feed."

"How about your scraps collecting business going, Noah?" Steve Asks.

"Still running smoothly as usual. Not bad for the extra cash." Noah giggles.

"Then why are you still broke?" he asked viciously.

Noah just laughed.

"Tch. Then let's just eat cup noodles."

The three of them laughed at the same time.

Everything seems normal that day.


"Everyone pay attention!" The sect manager ordered all the workers to gather.

They all gathered with big question marks, wondering what he was up to.

"What do you think he will announce?" Mary asks Noah.

"Don't know." Noah shrugged.

"I received news from our superiors. Because he has just moved to this branch and has not had time to celebrate it, today he will treat all employees to a free lunch."

"Wow. That's great isn't it? We're really lucky." said Mary.

Noah laughed. "Indeed."

"But will your director come along too?" Mary teased him.

"What mine? You are talking nonsense. We are just a superior-subordinate relationship."

"Eh? Really.." said Mary suspiciously.

Everyone was overjoyed at the news and couldn't wait to have their lunch. When lunch time arrived, they were all brought to a fancy restaurant in the area near the office. They all really enjoyed their lunch with great joy.

It's just the superior who treated them didn't even show up that day.

Still a kinda normal day.


"Pizza delivery!!"

"Who ordered pizza?" Steve walked over to the table where the pizza was placed. "Wow! Twenty boxes?? So many?"

Noah and Natalie also approached the table.

"You ordered this?" Noah asked Natalie.

Natalie tapped Noah on the shoulder. "You forgot something important. I have a cat to feed. I can't afford all this."

"That's right. You are poor. So who?" Steve said.

Natalie immediately punches Steve in the stomach.

Noah seems to be starting to get a little aware of his surroundings. He noticed that there were two men in suits standing near their office door. Sometimes they also walked into their office while Noah was at work.

Things started to get abnormal.


"Hey guys! Come. Let me show you something." Mary said to all of them.

"What happened?" Steve asked.

"Just come. You guys will be surprised too." Mary waved at them.

Noah, Natalie and Steve quickly got up from their office chairs and followed Mary.

"Tadaa!" Mary exclaimed. Mary took them to the office snack pantry.

"What the??" Steve was shocked.

Their office snack pantry is filled with various snacks, famous Korean cup noodles, expensive coffee grounds and rare branded teas. The amount of inventory there may be consumed for weeks.

"Guys, I think these kinda things start to feel unreal. We're living too special this week. I'm afraid something bad will happen to us." Natalie looked doubtful.

"You are worrying too much. This is a good ornament, you know. There is nothing too much, just too little. Or maybe because you are poor, you can't handle this kind of thing?" said Steve.

Natalie punched Steve in the stomach.

Mary poked at Noah. She raised her eyebrows and shoulders at the same time while smiling.

"Forgive me, God." Natalie starts to pray.

Noah just stared at the office snack pantry silently.

Absolutely abnormal.


After the meeting.

"Geez. The sect manager is really annoying. After all, he can't refuse my proposal on Friday. I'm going to have to work overtime on a new proposal." Steve complained.

"Not you alone. We will all be working overtime too, considering you the one who messed up." Natalie said.

"We are different, ok? I have an appointment with my friend for clubbing tonight. As for you? Stay home, wearing a cat sweater and knitting clothes for your cat like an old grandma." Steve scoffed.

Natalie punched at Steve's stomach. "You are saying too much day by day, you know. You should be silent !"

Noah, "You guys, please get along. We're on the same team."

"Noah's right. You two are like dogs and cats. Once you see each other, you fight nonstop. Let's go back to the office and go have lunch. It's like we haven't had lunch out there in a long time."

Once they arrived at the office. Natalie screamed hysterically, making all three of them startled.

"My eye is broken, isn't it, Mary? Tell me." Steve asked while covering his eyes.

"No. You are not. We are having a buffet in our office." Mary threw an intense look at Noah.

Noah couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

"Oh, God. Please forgive your daughter." Natalie started praying again.

Steve let out a sigh. "Welp! Since it's already here. Let's just appreciate it and enjoy our lunch. Thank God. Amen."

"Already?" Mary looked surprised but also didn't feel odd since it was Steve. Nothing can beat his profiteering nature.

"You guys eat. I have something to take care of." Noah told them.

"Sure. See you later." Mary answered. "And Natalie, don't kneel in the office." Mary continued.

Noah walks straight to the lift after leaving his co-workers. He pushed the highest level number button roughly.

When the elevator doors opened, he immediately walked over to the director's secretary's desk. "I need to see the director."

"Excuse me. Do you have an appointment with the director?" The woman asked while remaining seated.

"No." Noah said straightly.

"I'm sorry but the director is currently on a lunch break. You can come back later or not." She said arrogantly.

"Really? But I just saw him walking into his office." Noah challenged her.

"Nonsense. He hasn't been out of his office since this morning." said the woman with satisfaction.

"Thank you for your information." Noah tapped his desk with his finger then walked towards Lucas' office door.

"Wait. I believe you are one of the employees from the lower floor. How dare you force your way into the director's office without permission? Aren't you afraid of being fired?" The woman now stood up and spoke in annoyance.

Noah stopped. "OH? I thought so too. But didn't you hear the rumors about your director's relationship with me while working here? If not, then you're still new here."

Noah smirked.

The secretary after hearing Noah's words immediately fall down to her seat with a worried expression.

Noah turned to face the door then opened it roughly. "THE FUCK, LUCAS!" He screams at Lucas then slams the door closed.

The female secretary was once again frightened when she overheard Noah's screams at Lucas before he closed the door.

Lucas, who was concentrating on checking his laptop, suddenly startled hearing Noah's screams in his office.

"What? Why are you screaming at me?" Lucas asked.

"Why? You ask? I'm the one who should ask you why going that far by preparing all of those weird lunch things at my department? Especially during this week."

Hearing that, Lucas suddenly pretended not to know anything. "Isn't that a compliment from the company?" He walk over to Noah.

"Even a child would know that wouldn't it. What were you really thinking when you set that all up? Did you think you were chasing a girl? Just stop with that." Noah demands.

"What makes you think I'm not?" Lucas answered straightly.

Noah was suddenly taken aback to hear that from Lucas.

"You tell me you don't want other people to think that you lick your upper up's ass for a living by staying too close with me. That's why the only option for me is by doing those so-called 'weird lunches' for you. " continued Lucas.

Noah's head only got more messed up after meeting Lucas. He turned his back toward Lucas. "Just. Just don't do that anymore. I gotta go. Bye!" Noah immediately ran out of Lucas' office.