
C3 - Rescue

Richmont's POV

Our class ended without anything entering my brain. Eh, what's new?

I took a walk to the back of the Campus. When my eye caught sight of a familiar vehicle. A black car. And I know that plate number very well. How did he get here?

I was surprised to see Stella chained hand and foot. She was also held by two men. Meaning ---

--- Is she also one of Mr. Gonzales' toy?


Stella's POV

I was thrown by two Barracks bouncers. My body hit the hard rock. Very painful. Only now have I experienced such torture. It's only now that I've failed in my missions.

"My command to you is simple, Stella. Hide your true identity." Mr. calmly said. Gonzales. "But what? You're in a hurry. You thought you were that good, huh?" I tasted a kick in the stomach. "Do you know what I do to sloppy people?"

"Please Mr. Gonzales, don't kill my mom and dad. I'll do everything. Just don't kill them." I beg.

"A great fighter? Begging? Funny." I got another kick.

"Ok! I have options. I will kill your parents or ..." He brought his face close to mine and whispered. "Give your body to me." I want to spit on what he said.

"You choose." he shouted.

"I cho-- choose options number ...." Tears welled up in my eyes but I held them back. "Number 2." I saw the smirk on her lips. He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me out to take me to his room.


When he was done, he lay down next to me and kissed me again. I do nothing but cry because of what happened.

He raped me. I chose it to save my parents.

"Your body tastes good." he said and bit my ear. "You're mine now." he added.

He would have kissed me again when there was a knock on his bedroom door.

"Sir someone got in. And they kill our fighters!" Mr. Gonzales immediately stood up and put on his clothes. He gave me another kiss before leaving.

I was left there crying. I would rather have this than have them die mama and papa.

I was surprised when the door suddenly opened and the two masked women spat. Rook and Pawn wearing pink masks, t-shirt, jacket and skirt.

"I already know you're here." Pawn said. Using the katana Rook was carrying, they cut the chain tied to me and helped me stand up.

"Wear it." Pawn commanded and handed over a pair of dresses and shorts.

"We need to be fast. Bishop has a wound." Rook said.

"Can you walk?" Pawn asked and I immediately shook my head. My whole body hurts.

"Pawn, cover us. I'll take care of Stella." Rook's commanded.

"All right!"


"How did you track me down?" I asked them. We're in a place I don't know.

"We know you. We know your family. And we know Mr. Gonzales." Richmont replied.


"I will!" Lyka said with a raised hand while treating Rain. "This morning, Richmont saw Mr. Gonzales' car in the back of Campus. And he also saw you chained."

"Then, he called us. We researched about you but we found nothing. So we decided to hack the website of DC. We found the file about Barracks operated by Mr. Gonzales. We found your file. And we know that you are Alexa Ramirez. "

"How did you meet Mr. Gonzales?" I asked.

"Everyone of us here is former slaves of Mr. Gonzales in his Barracks." Regina replied.

"Sorry girls. But you know Alexa, what you experienced earlier, they experienced that too" Rain said. Lyka nodded while Regina just bowed. That's why they knew where they could find me.

"Wait! My family?" I asked again.

"Don't worry! Before we go to the barracks to save you, we rescue your parents too. They're already in the Secured Lobby. But they're furious because of what happened." I breathed a sigh of relief at what Steven said. But knowing them, they also leave there to hide from Mr. Gonzales.

"Because of the anger and hatred of that person, we create a group. The Chess Pieces." Richmont replied without emotion.

"We wanted to retaliate against him so we joined his enemy group. The Frosted. They trained us to be fighters. And that's where the Chess Pieces started." and Rain.

"We became famous and well known in the DC world. That's why Mr. Gonzales also formed his group. The Bloody Mary." I was surprised by what Lyka said.

"But he told me that he wants to rebuild you guys because DC wants to see you."

"Of course he lied. He's looking for us because he wants to kill us."

"And now, we have to ask you a favor." I looked at Richmont who was also looking at me seriously.

"What's that?" I will ask.

"Be our Queen Piece. And kill that person." I could not answer what he said.

They almost wanted to kill me but now, he says I will be the Queen Piece.

But also because of anger at Mr. Gonzales, there was only one answer that made them all smile.

"I will!"