
C1 - Mission

Chess Pieces

Chapter 1 - Mission

Someone's POV

I slit my opponent's neck and blood spat out in all directions. I am not new to this incident. This is my life because it is the only payment for my parent's debt.

I even stabbed the knife I was holding into my opponent's left chest. He was out of breath because his heart monitor was already flat line.

This one is weak. I heard the screams and shouts of the people watching. They are also Barracks Fighter like me.

Barracks, this is an Underground Battlefield of those like me who have no choice but to fight. We are both in debt to rich people so our only choice is to follow the people who are superior to us when it comes to money.

Two bouncers pulled my lifeless opponent. Our standing boss smiled at me and pointed the direction of the back of the arena.

"You showed a good fight. You killed him in less than thirty minutes."

"That's what you want, isn't it? The fight won't last long."

"Great! So I want to give you a prize." I'm not happy with what he said. Because the meaning of the prize is different for him.

"You will go in Graveyard High." I was nervous about what he said. Graveyard High? I know that school. I also know the trend at that school.

"Why? Why do you want me to go in there?"

"Are you familiar in the group named Chess Pieces?" I raised an eyebrow at what he said. Yes! I am familiar with that name because of my parents. They belong to an organization called the Deathly Club. Where they waste money incessantly. They are betting on a battle between well -known and ferocious Gangs. And Chess Pieces is one of the dreaded Gang. But as Chess Pieces disappeared into the DC world. At the same time, mom and dad went into debt with the person I was talking to.

"Why are you silent?" he asked me while there was a grin on his lips.

"How can I forget them if they're the reason I'm here."

"Ok!" he just smiled at me.

"Why did you ask?"

"Before I say the reason. I want to tell you a story about them."

"I'm not interested so -"

"You need to know them." I just fell silent.

"Chess Pieces is compose of 6 members. Pawn, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Queen and King. They are the Rank 1 Gang in Deathly Club. But in their last battle between their mortal opponents, Queen was died."

"After that, they seperated to each other. And live a normal life."


"Because the Barracks want to see them. I want them to be reunited." I seem to know what this idiot wants to say.

"Please be direct to the point." I said without emotion.

"Reunite them and be their Queen Piece." I was silent at what he said. Seriously? Me as Queen Piece? How do I do that?

"This is a mission. If you failed, you alreadyknow what can happen to your family." I want to stab him suddenly. Why does he always scare my family?

"You have no choice but to follow me. Stella." I was even more upset when he called me Stella. It's not my name.

"Stella Zobirano. That's the name you should use at Graveyard High. All the requirements you need are ready. So tomorrow you go in GH." He gave me an envelope. I opened it and saw five pictures. Two girls and three boys. They are my age.

"They are the Chess Pieces. Lyka Gamboa. The Pawn. Maybe she's looks like weak but when you hit her temper, you will die without knowing it." I looked at the picture of a woman who you thought was like a coloring book because of the thickness of the make up placed on her face.

"Regina Levisque. The Rook. A nerd girl with a brave attitude. Behind her high graded glass there's a devil that hide and comes out when she wants to kill anyone."

"Steven Levisque. The Bishop. If you ask me, what his connection with Regina. The answer is they are twins. Steven have a super strength. When he hits you by his upper cut, it can cause a comatouse."

"Rain Salazar. The Knight. A protecter and a second leader next to Queen and King. He is good in martial arts and ninja moves. He can control your mind under his illusionation."

"Richmont Robles. A leader. The King. He has no mercy. He will kill all his opponents."

As much as he said and went on so I didn't understand anything. Only their names entered my brain.


I took a deep breath before entering my new playground. The Graveyard High. Yes! The places I go are just playgrounds for me. It also doesn't last long in one place. My longest stay was only two months. Also because of the missions that that idiot asked me to do.

I adjusted my black uniform thinking that was why everyone was staring at me. Have they just seen someone?

I was just walking straight when I collided with someone who caused me to fall to the ground. I looked at him, he has cold eyes and a poker face. Different from what I saw in the picture. He's not the Richmont I expected to see.

"Next time, look where you're going." he shouted and left. I forced myself to stand up from falling to the ground.


"Kyaaaaaahhhh!" screams I heard from women outside my classroom. So the students automatically left their respective classrooms.

"Oh my gosh! Bloody Mary was killed again." said a woman tearfully. What did he think of this school? He looks weak but why is he here?

We will kill all students in this school if CHESS PIECES do not show up.

That is what is engraved on the body of a male student. It was obviously used by a sharp object

'I need to act.' that's what I told myself. But how? How do I start?