
Mafia overlord

The harsh reality of life on the streets had a profound impact on young Kelvin when he was deserted by his parents at the fragile age of five. Left without any form of guidance or assistance, he found himself navigating a world fraught with peril and unpredictability. Unknown to him, fate held a different course that would ultimately mold him into the individual he has become today.

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15 Chs

Bad mood

Kelvin jolted awake from his slumber, drenched in sweat. The recurring nightmare plagued his mind once again. Who was that woman who selflessly sacrificed herself for him? And the man that aided her? They felt so familiar, yet he had no recollection of them. This terrifying dream had haunted him for as long as he could remember.

Throwing off the covers, Kelvin dragged himself out of bed and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water. He downed it in one go and glanced at the clock for the first time, realizing it was 3am. An uneasy feeling washed over him as he pondered what to do next.

As he sat on the couch, Kelvin absentmindedly scrolled through his phone and saw numerous missed messages. It seemed like the other factions were on high alert. They had the audacity to make their moves in broad daylight. They needed to be cautious and keep their guard up.

Suddenly, a voice from his bedroom caught his attention. "Where are you?" A female voice called out. "In the living room," Kelvin responded, his heart rate rising. Megan walked in and sat on his lap, gently caressing his chest and planting a tender, passionate kiss on his lips. He took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to calm his nerves.even with Megan by his side, Kelvin's mind was still a mess. he kept thinking about the woman in his dream. could she be my mother, he thought to himself. and the man could he also be my father? these were the questions that were troubling him.

Megan sensed something was amiss and asked Kelvin about his bad dreams. He confirmed her suspicion and she asked if there was anything she could do to help. Kelvin thought for a moment before replying, "You're already doing it." Megan let out a knowing sigh and playfully scolded him for being a "bad guy."

As he lifted her up, Kelvin whispered something in her ear that made her giggle. He gently placed her back on the bed, the room dark and set with a romantic ambiance. The only source of light was the full moon shining in, casting a fluorescent glow. Before long, they lost themselves in each other's embrace once again.

As Kelvin awoke, he found himself in his luxurious bed with a tempting breakfast spread before him. Surprised, he asked Megan when she had woken up to prepare this for him. Megan responded with a seductive smile and explained that she didn't want to disturb his rest as he had been tired. She then fed him a spoonful of delicious soup, eliciting happy moans from Kelvin. it seems you like my cooking, megan asked while blushing at him. Kelvin's response was yes and he quickly added I can't believe you could have found something to cook with from my kitchen.

Megan laughed and admitted to improvising with the limited ingredients in his kitchen. Kelvin, cheekily, asked if she planned on joining him for breakfast. Megan declined, stating that she needed to shower and prepare for her visit to her parents. Kelvin, jokingly, questioned why she had to rush over to see them on a Saturday. Megan reminded him that she had told him beforehand and that her parents wanted to see her badly because they had something important to discuss with her. Kelvin didn't want to press the issue with her so he immediately snorted before saying when will I see you again. smiling at Kelvin as if she was a baby, she knew what he was thinking and what his thoughts were? so she immediately replied I will give you a call as soon as I am done.then left for her parents' house.

However, as soon as Megan left, Kelvin's demeanor changed and he became cold and distant. He immediately reached for his phone and made a call. The person on the other end spoke with respect, addressing Kelvin as "sir". Kelvin instructed them to hold on to someone until he arrived and then hung up. Fifteen minutes later, he arrived at a place that resembled a dungeon and found a man hanging, tied with chains to the floor. He angrily questioned the man, accusing him of betrayal. The man, scared and pleading for forgiveness, tried to reason with Kelvin.

Listen to me, Kelvin yelled at the man. You may think I'm naive or that you can deceive me, but we have evidence of your malicious intentions. And yet, you have the audacity to lie to my face. I was considering sparing your family from the punishment but now as a form of punishment you have gotten your family involved.i have no choice but you have proven to be a formidable adversary. So now, I have no choice but to add your entire family to the list. Don't beg for mercy, Kelvin continued speaking You should have considered the consequences before betraying us. Have you forgotten the clan's motto? Betrayal is a crime worse than death. And for your betrayal, your family will suffer the consequences as well. The man  took a deep breath before saying thank you boss. It was Mark Foley, who approached me and threatened my family and myself as leverage if I didn't spy on you and report to him your every movement.

The remorse in the man's voice was evident as he pleaded, "Boss, please spare my family. They have nothing to do with this. Kelvin was taken back when he heard the name Mark Foley. he said to himself Mark Foley you despicable man. But Kelvin's response was cold and unwavering. "You should have thought about that before you decided to betray us. Now, it's too late. Your family will be banished, far from here, and if they ever cross my path again, I will not hesitate to end their lives." Addressing the executioner, a man with a menacing scar, Kelvin commanded, "Take his life, and cut off his head , and show his head to his family before banishing them. And as for Mark Foley, the treacherous snake who dared to use my own men against me, I am coming for you."