
17. First day in Cafe

"clockkk clockkk ! clockkk clockkk ! "

ohh it's my alarm. he is shouting on me. but for what?

I open my eyes cause suddenly I remember, today's my first day of job, and I set the alarm yesterday night. so that's why this alarm making noise loudly. I off that alarm and go for ready as soon as possible. because I am little late to get ready for college. I am ready after some time and went for college. that day went as normally as other day.

Tina went her home Mann and me also. I go to home and take some rest, after taking rest I go to ready for going job. I went to cafe. Now time is 6:50 and I entered in cafe. I saw some people who is enjoying their coffee and snacks. when I entered in cafe, so I directly go to owner and ask for what I do?

"you take orders from customers and give them their order"

"Treat them well, you shouldn't have any complaints"

"Got it" owner said to me.

I said them "Yes sir I got it"

"Now go and do that what I say" they told me.

"Sir can I ask a question?" I ask them.

"What? they ask me back.

"I am sorry sir, but sir my job is coffee making so do I need to take a customer order?" I said.

"No No! don't say sorry. I forgot, that you are freshers so I need to explain you well about your job"

"Yes you need to take a customer order cause your job is coffee maker, and tell me if you don't take any order from customer so how can you make coffee for customer"

"so that's why you need to do that"

"do you understand" they said to me.

"Yes sir! I understand" I said them.

they said "OK, now go and do your work"

I heard the all instructions which is owner said to me. and when they said to go and do work then I go to customer and ask them their order. but before I go to customer I'm little nervous, cause I don't have any experience. but suddenly I remember that everything happens for the first time in our life.

When I get nervous or when I feel scared then I take a deep breath and move on. so this time also I take a deep breath and go straight to customer and ask....

"Sir order please"

"umm yes, one coffee and two cup cakes" thay give this order.

"Thank you sir" I said them and go to making coffee and bring cupcakes for customer.

After I done to making coffee I go to customer and give them their order.

"Thank you" customer said to me.

"Welcome" I said to customer.