
14. Food is done

When Mann and Tina talking to each other, then after some time I have done to cooking and I take it on dining table. first I take Maggi and Paneer pulao I about to go for taking cold drink but Tina and Mann asked me

"Mayu what are you doing? at least tell us now"

"your health is good na, I mean you don't got that job so because of this you are shocked. please you need to take rest" they said to me.

"hahahaha! you too think I have gone crazy because of job"

"please seat their for only 2 minutes" I said to them, and go for bringing Maza. I bring that and called Tina and Mann on dining table. and serve that food for we three. when I serve them, they started to staring me silently. all room was full of silence. Tina and Mann staring me like what am I doing.

"I want to tell you something about my job" I said them.

"Fiiinally you speak something. please tell us what happened? why are you behaving like this? is everything okay with you?" Tina asked me.

"please tell us why you make all this food?" Mann also asking me.

"I have a good news for you too, so that's why I made this all food for enjoying and celebrating this moment with you" I said them.

"okay, but at least now tell us which is that news. why are you making so long suspence. please tell na" Tina asked me excitedly and little forcefully.

"Yes, please tell us fast" Mann said to me.

"I got a Coooffee maker Jjjoob" I told them.

"Repeat again what are you say just" Tina said me.

"Yes, I don't listen what you say just" Mann also said me that.


"Yes, I got that coffee maker job" I said them in very happy tone.

"Aaaaaaa! Finally you got that job" Tina said while so exciting and she gives me a hug and said Congratulations my dear friend.

Mann said "Congregation my friend. now I want a party. tell us when you give us party"

"Now! I will give you party now here" I said them.

"Now? Here? what do you mean now?" they ask me.

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