
Mafia Boss's Little Trouble Maker

After a disheartening break up and betrayal from the two people she considered as family, she makes the greatest mistake of her life by getting involved with a notorious and influential mafia mastermind who has the whole of Tael at his fingertips. Is that the end of her or the beginning of something new? ALSO, PLEASE CHECK OUT MY NOVEL BILLIONAIRE'S BLOOD BAG (BB)

Luv_Freek · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs


Kaima flings her eyelids open as she feels something covering her mouth. She was panicking as she was already suffering from depression from her recent problems.

She wasn't able to capture the face of the attacker so well but she knew it was a man. She later finds out it was a cloth that was over her mouth. The fabric smells really weird and before she knew it her eyes were heavy and she was losing her consciousness little by little.

The only thing she could hear was Kiara's excessive barking and in a moment she heard a quick loud scream from her. The area was suddenly silent and she drifted into a long sleep.


"Did the boss say to kill her?" She heard a voice say.

"No, he's waiting for her to regain consciousness," another voice said.

Kaima wasn't connected to her other senses except her hearing. She didn't even know where she was or what was happening, she couldn't see, smell, feel, or anything. All she could do was hear.

Her senses came to her slowly and she soon find out she was sitting on a chair with her arms and legs tied. She opened her eyes but she still saw nothing but black. She was confused and scared to the core.

Ever since her sex tape surfaced online, she had been living in misery. She was recently diagnosed with depression and all she did was sit at home 24/7 thinking of how to end the misery she was going through. She never answered or called anyone she just woke up, eat, fed Kiara, think, sleep, think, fed Kiara, sleep, think, sleep, woke up, eat and the circle continued.

She had not seen or talked to Zain for up to a month and even when she got her old job back, she still didn't go back to work. She also became suicidal at a point but she was able to receive therapy.

The only thing that gave her company was Kiara but now she wasn't even sure of its health. It sounded like it was seriously hurt.

She snapped out of her thought when she heard a door open.

"Is she awake?" a deep manly voice said.

"No boss" another voice replied.

"Wake her up," the first voice said.

She soon heard footsteps coming toward which made her heart beat unusually.

"Take the cloth off her head." The same voice said again.

Soon she felt a hand around her head and it felt like something was being taken off her head.

Once it went off her she was able to see well. Before she only saw pitch darkness and nothing else but now she could see the figure of a man just before her. The room she stayed in was dark but not darker than it was before the cloth was taken off her head,

"Boss," the man before her said. "She's awake"

"Who are you?" she asked in fear. "Why have you brought me here?"

"You were brought here for something important" a silhouette of a man standing at the door.

"Who are you?" 

"You'll find out pretty soon"

He starts coming close. He looked and sounded dangerous and this scared helpless Kaima. He figure brings his face close to her, so close that she could feel his breathe.

A beam of light pours down on her and the stranger and she sees his face looking directly at her.

His dark brown eyes were stared into hers.

"You're not too ugly," he said still staring. "No wonder Zain fell for you"

Just hearing the word Zain, she felt a lump in her throat, she missed him and the moments she spent with him.

She turned away from the gaze.

"Aww, I guess you miss him, don't you?"

Her loose hair had been unkempt for a very long time.

"Do you want your freedom?" he asked.

She turned her gaze back to him, unsure of his motive. She nodded helplessly.

"Then you have to do something for me" 

"W-what" she managed to say.

"You have to spy on the Blue bloods," he said.

"Blue blood?" she asked in confusion.

She had heard the name countless times but she had no idea what it was.

"No need to pretend," he said with a murderous smirk.

"I have no idea what it means," she said with a more certain gaze.

He looked her in the eyes and his gaze shifted to her nape.

He restes cold blade on her throat. Kaima froze in fear,one wrong movement and he would slit her throat.

One quick move and he slit her shirt, exposing her back. Cold air brushed her pale skin just below her left shoulder. She felt violated. 

He inspected her back.

"I expected you to have the mark of the blue bloods," he said. "But from what I see, you don't"

What was he even saying?

"I have a job for you," he said, a sinister look. "That's if you want to be free"

What did he want her to do?

"I want you to spy on someone very special to you," he said.

"V-very s-special?" she asked.

She had no one special to her, all her close friends betrayed her. She had always been a one-girl squad.

"Who?" she asked.

"Zain Niven," 

"Zain?" she said. "Why?"

"Do you or do you not want your freedom?" he snapped.

She wanted her freedom but... 

"Then do exactly as I say" he replied.

Hi decided to let go of another chapter. The truth is, I don't even now where this is going.

I hope i write my way till I get back on track. It feels like I made an unneccessary twist.

Please motivate me

Luv_Freekcreators' thoughts